Health and Safety


Whilst H&S Law is generally based on "Work", The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974  and on the relationship between employers, employees and others affected by their activities, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in conjunction with the Charities Safety Group have published a guidance document  - Charity and Voluntary Workers: HSG 192 in which they say:

In general, the same health and safety standards should be applied to voluntary workers as they would to employees exposed to the same risks.

HSE considers it good practice for a volunteer user to provide the same level of health and safety protection as they would in an employer/employee relationship, irrespective of whether there are strict legal duties.

It is essential, therefore, that District 1180 and its member clubs comply with the Rotary GB&I Guidance, and with the guidance contained in HSG192. Rotary GB&I's insurers would look at the level of compliance with these when considering any claims made against District or an individual Club.

Duties and Responsibilities

District 1180 is accountable to the General Council of Rotary GB&I for the implementation of Rotary GB&I H&S Policy in their area. District 1180 is responsible for the H&S of their appointed officers, members (whilst employed in Rotary activities) and members of the public affected by their activities.

District 1180 is responsible for:

  • Completing and maintaining a District H&S Policy
  • Appointing a District Contact (the District H&S Officer)
  • Where appropriate, ensuring that District Risk Assessments (DRAs) are developed and implemented with Control Measures identified
  • Ensuring that such DRAs are reviewed annually and that the results of reviews are sent to the Rotary GB&I H&S Officer
  • Providing effective arrangements for communication and consultation with member Clubs and their members on H&S matters
  • Providing appropriate H&S Training for Clubs and their members in conjunction with the Rotary GB&I H&S Officer (Rotary GB&IHSO) and the District Contact.

District Contact (H&S Officer)

District H&S Advisor (DHSA) is accountable to District 1180 for the implementation of District 1180 H&S Policy, and is responsible for:

  • Encouraging the appointment of Club H&S Officers (CHSOs) to consult with the
  • DHSA and the Rotary GB&IHSO in matters relating to H&S
  • Encourage the completion and maintenance of Club H&S Policies
  • Encourage the development of Club Risk Assessments (CRAs), their
  • implementation and the identification of control measures
  • Encourage such Club H&S Policies and CRAs to be reviewed annually and the
  • results of the review sent, via the DHSA to the Rotary GB&IHSO
  • Providing guidance and assistance, where required, to Clubs within District 1180
  • Ensuring that District 1180 fulfils its responsibilities to Rotary GB&I

District 1180 Member Clubs

Each Club within District 1180 is accountable to District 1180 and is responsible, through
the Club President and Council, for:

  • The H&S of their appointed officers, members (whilst employed in Club activities and members of the public affected by their activities.
  • Appointing a member to be responsible for H&S within the Club (the Club H&S Officer - CHSO)
  • Preparing and approving a Club H&S Policy and ensuring that it is reviewed annually
  • Preparing and approving Risk Assessments for all activities organised by the Club that affect members and others affected by the activities
  • Reviewing annually any RA that is prepared for an event that is repetitive
  • Ensuring that all H&S Policies and Risk Assessments are forwarded to the DHSA for onward transmission to the Rotary GB&IHSO.
  • It is recommended that Club H&S Policies are prepared or reviewed and approved at the first meeting of a Club's Council and, in any case, forwarded to the DHSA no later than the end of August each year.

Guidance and Assistance

The following documents are available for download to assist Clubs and Club H&S
Officers, and to provide information about District 1180 H&S matters.

A new version of the Risk Assessment template is now available here with 2 new sections as a pointer of things to consider in preperation of the risk assessment.

 Mike Lade   07803 038858

Health and Safety pages:

District H&S Policy

more Health and Safety in District 1180

Are you organising an event?

more If you are organising an event for your club then please look through this page......

Related pages...


more Guide lines on Safeguarding


more This area is for the RGBI Dignity Policy

Equality & Diversity

more What is Equality & Diversity and how does it affect your club!

District 1180 Health and Safety Policy Statement

more RIBI is committed to ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to safeguard all participants

Rotary GBI Insurance details

more Insurance information for reference .

back to page above this...


back This section contains information on Health & Safety, General Data Protection Regulations, Equality & Diversity, Safeguarding, Dignity and the need for compliance.