Focus Evening - 6.00pm @ The Wynnstay

Mon, Feb 13th 2017 at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Tonight's willing 'victim' was Club President Ian Haigh

Our annual Focus Evening is on Monday 13th February 6.00 for 6.30 pm.

The evening will take the usual format of we eat and have coffee before we are entertained by me trying to interview a member or member's spouse about their life. It is always quite revealing because we think we know about our fellow members but do we?

I have a volunteer, the person might dispute the volunteering part but has agreed.

We have a choice of a pork or salmon dinner, followed by coffee, at a cost of £14.00.

A board will be going around for the next few weeks or you can email me directly below.

I need to know if you're coming, with or without guest(s), and your choice of food please.


John Ward

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