Christmas party

Drinks and Nibbles round at president Roger's house

Drinks and Nibbles

December, and time for our traditional “Drinks and Nibbles” party, hosted by our incumbent President.  2023 was no exception, and Roger and Sarah invited everybody along to their home on December 3 to enjoy each others’ company and reminisce about the year gone by.  A clash with the Christmas Market on the same day, but our duties there were in the morning, so no hindrance to attending!

Added bonus, our oldest member, Bert French, was there despite his recent cracked pelvis, to say hello to all members.  “Just great to see you looking so well, Bert”, was the universal opinion.

There was plenty of food, more than a nibble, and plenty of drinks.  Food consumed, libations downed, everybody had really enjoyed themselves.

Thank you Roger and Sarah for a great time!

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Roger, Mary and Ben

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