Completed meetings and events 2019-2020

Tue 19th May 2020 - Sun 14th June 2020 Photographic Competition 'Life under Lockdown'
A picture showing some aspect of your life under lockdown from Social Distancing to Exercise, from Hobbies to DIY projects, from Working to Volunteering read more...Tue 28th April 2020 Tuesday evening meeting 6.30 for 7.00 p.m.
All Tuesday meetings cancelled until further notice.Tue 21st April 2020 Tuesday evening meeting 6.00 for 6.30 p.m.
All Tuesday meetings cancelled until further notice.Thu 16th April 2020 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
All Thursday meetings cancelled until further notice.Tue 14th April 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
All Tuesday meetings cancelled until further notice. read more...Wed 8th April 2020 Board meeting at Horsforth Golf Club
Board meetings cancelled until further notice.Tue 7th April 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
All Tuesday meetings cancelled until further notice.Thu 2nd April 2020 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
All Thursday meetings cancelled until further notice.Tue 31st March 2020 Tuesday evening meeting 6.30 for 7.00 p.m..
All Tuesday meetings cancelled until further notice. read more...Tue 24th March 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
All Tuesday meetings cancelled until further notice.Thu 19th March 2020 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
All Thursday meetings cancelled until further notice.Tue 17th March 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Brian Whitham is hosting Jenny Godfrey speaking on Voluntering at Brimham Rocks with Freda Irving on cash desk and Howard Marshall looking after reception of guests and delivering a grace of his choice.Wed 11th March 2020 Board meeting at Rawdon Conservative Club
Agenda and Treasurer's report will be circulated with your chance to add items if you pleaseTue 10th March 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
This is an Open Forum meeting so bring your thoughts to get debate going. With Brian Whitham and Graham Davies at the Technolgy Tournament we will need volunteers for cash desk and receiving visitors and sourcing a humorous graceThu 5th March 2020 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
Looking back at recent successes and gearing up for the programme coming over the horizonTue 3rd March 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
David Farnell is hosting speaker Mike Davies of Principle Charities Trust with Bill Kerr in Lanzarote we will need a sub from the bench for cash desk. Andrew Wilson is looking after reception and delivering graceTue 25th February 2020 Tuesday evening meeting - change of plan - 6.30 for 7.00 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
Currently inviting last year's RYLA attendee Jessica Peart and Anne Griffin who will tell members and guests all about the Disability Games planned for Bradford Grammar School in MayThu 20th February 2020 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
Mainly about planning for the future but taking the opportunity to discuss how past events wentTue 18th February 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
This is a Business Meeting so an opportunity to bring up ideas and points of debate with Sally Mohan on cash desk and Brian Waite receiving any visitors and delivering graceTue 11th February 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Speaker's host is Philip Livesey with Barrie King on cash desk and John Moorhouse overseeing reception and delivering graceTue 4th February 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Speaker's host is Brian Waite with St. Clair Logan on cash desk and Bruce Hammond looking after reception and graceTue 21st January 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
St. Clair Logan will host David Shackleton from Wetherby Rotary and Sandra Barlow from the Leeds Deaf Project with Alyson Wort on cash desk and Sally Mohan looking after any guests and delivering graceThu 16th January 2020 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
Planning for the Quiz Night, catching up on past events and looking forward to futureTue 14th January 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
This is a Committees' meeting with Graham Davies both on cash desk,looking after any guests and delivering graceTue 7th January 2020 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
For the New Year message our Speaker is Rev. Mark Smith of Rawdon St. Peter's Church with Graham Davies on cash desk and Brian Whitham looking after any guests and delivering graceTue 31st December 2019 NO TUESDAY GROUP MEETING 31 DECEMBERR
If you need to make a list how about a new fundraiser or a social event?Tue 17th December 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Business meeting with Robert Mirfield on cash desk and Brian Whitham handling reception and graceWed 11th December 2019 Board meeting at Rawdon Conservative Club
All papers will be circulated beforehand so no excuse for being in the dark!Tue 10th December 2019 NO TUESDAY GROUP MEETING 10 December, replaced by Christmas Meal on Friday 13 December
Change of venue for the Christmas Meal is Bradford Golf ClubThu 5th December 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
Last meeting before the New Year chance to revel in past achievements and dream of excitement to come in 2020!Tue 3rd December 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
With President Janet returning to work, PP Robert Mirfield will bridge the gap with our very own Phileas Fogg, Raj Mani's title 'What am I doing here - part 2', Philip Livesey on cash desk and David Farnell in time to deliver reception and graceTue 26th November 2019 Evening meeting 6.30 for 7.00 p.m.
Speaker's host will be Youth Service Chair John Kitching for this RYLA and Bambisanani event with Barrie Oldam on cash desk and reception and grace fortuitously with Bill Hudson read more...Thu 21st November 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
Looking back and considering events completed and forward to planning the futureTue 19th November 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Speaker is Rev. Helen Lambert, her subject a Uganda project. Helen will be hosted by Heather Read wiTH Andrew Wilson on cash desk (£7 or £1 for coffee only) and reception and grace in the hands of St. Clair Logan read more...Wed 13th November 2019 Board meeting at Rawdon Conservative Club
Minutes have been circulated, other papers will follow read more...Tue 12th November 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Committees' meeting so time for a catch up with Bruce Hammond on cash desk and reception and grace entrusted to Graham Davies.Thu 7th November 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. was cancelled and replaced by Friends of Rotary event
Summaries were given by Committee Leads: Foundation, International, Community and Youth before a summing up by President Janet Appleton of how Friends of Rotary could fit inTue 5th November 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Howard Marshall will be hosting Sue Oliver as speaker with Philip Livesey on cash desk and reception and grace in the careful hands of Robert Mirfield read more...Tue 29th October 2019 Tuesday evening meeting 6.30 for 7.00 p.m.
Guest speaker is Jo Galasso, Project Manager of Aireborough Supported Activities Scheme with Graham Davies on cash desk and Bill Kerr looking after reception and grace read more...Tue 22nd October 2019 MEETING CANCELLED Because of the proximity of the Band Concert there will be no Tuesday lunchtime meeting
Thu 17th October 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. in the Students' Union Bar of Leeds Trinity University
Enjoying a change of venue mulling over past events and looking forward to excitement still to comeWed 9th October 2019 Board meeting at Horsforth Golf Club
Agenda, minutes and Committee Chairs' reports will be circulated beforehand.Tue 8th October 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Joint meeting at Headingley Rotary Club gathering in the Golf Club car park at 11.45 a.m. to car share,forming a crocodile before departureThu 3rd October 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. in the Students' Union Bar of Leeds Trinity University
Enjoying a change of venue mulling over past events and looking forward to excitement still to comeTue 1st October 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Barrie King will host as his speaker Kate Hargeaves with David Farnell on cash desk and Brian Waite handling reception and grace read more...Thu 19th September 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
A full agenda as always, looking back at past successes and forward with expectationTue 17th September 2019 Tuesday group meeting
Stephen Ellis of Rotary Club of York Ainsty will speak on Micro Loans Scheme before a Committees' meeting with John Moorhouse on cash desk and reception and grace to be ably covered by Graham DaviesTue 10th September 2019 Tuesday group meeting
Robert Mirfield will be hosting Philip Gordon of Pontefract Rotary Club speaking on Global Sight Solutions with Brian Hall on cash desk and reception and grace will be ably covered by Philip LiveseyThu 5th September 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
A full agenda as always, looking back at past successes and forward with expectationTue 3rd September 2019 Tuesday group meeting
This is an Open Forum Meeting so come well prepared, Sally Mohan is on cash desk and reception and grace will be ably covered by Geoffrey BartonTue 27th August 2019 Club Evening meeting 6.30 for 7.00 p.m.
Robert Mirfield will be hosting Jamie Hudson of the Yeadon Town Hall CIC and his partner Catherine Moglia with John Kitching on cash desk and Carol Ward looking after reception and grace read more...Tue 20th August 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
This is a Business Meeting with Roger Ward on cash desk and Brian Whitham looking after reception and graceThu 15th August 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
The normal informal meeting concentrating upon projects and events completed as well as those in the planning including the Brass Band Concert and MembershipWed 14th August 2019 Board meeting at Horsforth Golf Club
Previous meeting minutes, agenda, Treasurer's report and Committee Chairs' reports will all have been circulatedTue 6th August 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Barrie Oldam will be hosting Sally Robinson from the Washburn Heritage Centre with Geoff Bartrum on cash desk and Barrie King handling reception and graceThu 1st August 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
The normal informal meeting concentrating upon projects and events completed as well as those in the planning including the Brass Band Concert and MembershipTue 30th July 2019 Tuesday evening meeting 6.30 for 7.00 p.m.
Ben Buddy Slack will speak at this evening meeting - his subject 'the Swansong Project'. John Kitching will deliver vote of thanks with Brian Whitham on cash desk and Robert Mirfield covering reception and grace read more...Sun 28th July 2019 Garden Party in aid of Martin House Hospice hosted by Freda Irving
Admission by voluntary donation and a request to come bearing food. A list will be appended as soon as it is available read more...Tue 23rd July 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Speaker finder is Philip Livesey with Graham Davies on cash desk and Alyson Wort covering reception and graceThu 18th July 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
This is an informal meeting concentrating on projects and upcoming events. Minutes of previous meeting will have been circulated. Visitors always welcome! Next big events the BBQ, Freda's Garden Party and the Band Concert.Tue 16th July 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Committees' meeting with Sally Mohan on cash desk and Andrew Wilson covering reception and graceWed 10th July 2019 Board meeting at Horsforth Golf Club
Minutes and agenda will have been circulated as well as Committee Chairs' reports and Treasurer's report.Tue 9th July 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
Alyson Wort is the speaker, her subject 'Moon Bears and the Great Wall of China' with Barrie Oldam on cash desk and Brian Whitham covering reception and graceThu 4th July 2019 Thursday meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club
This is an informal meeting concentrating on projects and upcoming events. Visitors always welcome! Looking ahead to Yeadon Carnival but with a host of other topics to cover. Minutes of previous meeting will have been circulated.Tue 2nd July 2019 Tuesday meeting 12 for 12.30 p.m.
John Kitching will be giving a job talk + JK on JK with Philip Livesey on cash desk and Bruce Hammond covering reception and grace read more...