Rotary Club of Aireborough Photo Galleries

Supporting the Environment - Seventh Area of Focus

Supporting the Environment - Seventh Area of Focus

This is a new category of service activity supported by global grants beginning on 1 July 2021. The Club has been involved for some years tree planting in Nunroyd Park and Litter Picking around our area.



This Committee supports activities financially and through hands-on help, with Aquaboxes for disaster areas, micro-loans for budding entrepreneurs, partnering the Bambisanani project and providing menstrual care kits for pupils.

Education and Youth

Education and Youth

This committee covers activities relating to schools, Rotary competitions and individuals in this age group seeking support

Membership Committee

Membership Committee

The Rotary Club of Aireborough owes a great debt to the fine efforts of this committee. Traditionally recruitment begins via personal contact with a member and with meetings now held on both Tuesday lunchtime and Thursday evening there are more options.

Tuesday meetings

Tuesday meetings

Tuesday lunchtimes was the only weekly meeting when the Club began in 1953 originally meeting at the then Yeadon Airport. Since then as times have changed so have the venues but we are now firmly ensconced at Horsforth Golf Club

Photographic Competition 'Life under Lockdown'

Photographic Competition 'Life under Lockdown'

A picture showing some aspect of your life under lockdown from Social Distancing to Exercise, from Hobbies to DIY projects, from Working to Volunteering

Inaugural Aireborough Beer festival

Inaugural Aireborough Beer festival

In partnership with Guiseley Theatre and Rawdon Parish Church featuring 40+ beers, cider and wine, with live music and food served all day. Entry £5

Great British Fish and Chips Supper

Great British Fish and Chips Supper

This event hosted by the Wetherby Whaler LS20 8LZ proved a great success raising over £250 for the Spinal Injuries Association.

Quiz night with a difference has this new date.

Quiz night with a difference has this new date.

With more than 90 taking part in 16 teams and a closely fought contest to cap the night it was another successful event raising valuable funds for charity. Well done all!

Kids Out

Kids Out

Lightwater Valley was visited once again with a group of 50 from Benton Park's Green Meadows classes looking after 6 Rotarians

Sheepstakes picture gallery

Sheepstakes picture gallery

This event, staged for a second time raised £720 for the president's charities as well as causing great hilarity and providing much fun as the pictures show.

Interactive Quiz 2015

Interactive Quiz 2015

The second Quiz was held at Rawdon Conservative Club with 8 teams competing over 7 rounds and a devilish team challenge. In a tight finish 'Them Squares' came out on top.

Childline and aquaboxes benefit from barbecue

Childline and aquaboxes benefit from barbecue

Hosted once again by Bill and Janet Kerr this year's barbecue was in aid of Childline: items were also collected for Aquabox with a list of options circulated in advance. Guests brought their own drinks and raised an admirable £180.

Lightwater Valley hosts Kids Out

Lightwater Valley hosts Kids Out

For once the weather was on our side and our biggest group ever made the most of it

Going out on a high

Going out on a high

Bradford Golf Club hosted President Bill's last event of the year, including cheque presentation and another worthy Paul Harris Fellowship recipient.

Cracking result for Egg Hunt

Cracking result for Egg Hunt

The egg hunt featured a lot of preparation as the pictures will show

Fewston and Swinsty Charity Walk  18 May

Fewston and Swinsty Charity Walk 18 May

Around 30 intrepid walkers, 4 marshals and Barney the dog braved untypical weather for a variety of charities. Rotarians, wives, Inner Wheel members and just friends took part finishing with well earned sustenance at the Washburn Heritage Centre

Washburn Heritage Centre - Outgoing President's Evening

Washburn Heritage Centre - Outgoing President's Evening

Members enjoyed an evening re-visiting the now completed Washburn Heritage Centre, the final meeting of Barry Bootland's Presidential year.

Frank Renton conducts the Hepworth Band

Frank Renton conducts the Hepworth Band

Preparations, the day itself and aftermath

58th Charter Dinner - September 2011

58th Charter Dinner - September 2011

August Bowls evening at Rufford Park

August Bowls evening at Rufford Park

Dictionary presentations July 2011

Dictionary presentations July 2011

Frank Renton PHF, host of BBC Radio 2's 'Listen to the Band', conducts the Hepworth Band

Frank Renton PHF, host of BBC Radio 2's 'Listen to the Band', conducts the Hepworth Band

An entertaining evening is guaranteed for the price of a £10 ticket including a free programme. Venue Yeadon Town Hall, start time 7.30 p.m.

Kids Out  8 June 2011

Kids Out 8 June 2011

Four intrepid Rotarians, Barry Bootland, David Cook, John Knaggs and Robert Mirfield braved the challenge of Lightwater Valley looked after by 7 Meadows Park pupils and several staff

Tree windfall for Primary Schools

Tree windfall for Primary Schools

Thanks for Life 2011 multi-tasking at  Morrisons and the Vegetable Patch

Thanks for Life 2011 multi-tasking at Morrisons and the Vegetable Patch

November, December and January

November, December and January

Focus on the crocus

Focus on the crocus

Club members with sterling help from primary school pupils in 7 local schools + councillors, an M.P. and 'proper' gardeners planted 5,000 crocus bulbs under the Thanks for Life banner

Harrogate Conference October 2010

Harrogate Conference October 2010

Recent events in the summer

Recent events in the summer

Graham Davies joins the Club. Bowls evening at Rufford Park.

Kids Out 2010

Kids Out 2010

R.I.P. Roy Barker P.H.F.

R.I.P. Roy Barker P.H.F.

These pictures illustrate Roy's versatility within the Club

Presidential handover - 6 July 2010

Presidential handover - 6 July 2010

Before the best attendance of the year, leaving the Attendance Officer lost for numbers, Philip Livesey handed over the chain of office to Roy Barker, a member for only 4 years but with Rotary achievements far beyond that!



'We even sold the shop carpet'



Choir not quite singing for their dinner.

RYLA 2009

RYLA 2009

Connor Brown and Lucy Stevenson our two RYLA students for 2009 with President Philip and Patrick Glenn.

Spring Fling with entertainment from Hillbilly Group the Rough 'n Ready Boyz

Spring Fling with entertainment from Hillbilly Group the Rough 'n Ready Boyz

The poster said: ‘Dress code – hillbillyish, stomping encouraged’, the menu promised food to suit the occasion and the Rough ‘n Ready Boyz promised to hit us with ‘an explosion of bluegrass, celtic mania’- well let the pictures tell the story.
