Completed meetings and events 2019-2020
Tue 30th June 2020 Zoom meeting
Handover and Paul Cotton will talk about the Rotary Foundation.Tue 23rd June 2020 Zoom meeting
Keith Chesters gives a verbal tour of Nantwich as it was in VE year.Tue 16th June 2020 Zoom meeting
Club Assembly. AG Simon Yates will be with us.Tue 9th June 2020 Zoom meeting
A quiz organised by Tony Webb.Tue 2nd June 2020 Zoom meeting
Mike Parrott will talk about Sir Bernard Lovell.Tue 26th May 2020 Zoom meeting
Prof Keith Stokes Bath University - Returning to play following lockdown: how different are elite athletes and mere mortals?Tue 19th May 2020 Zoom meeting
Business meeting and a chance to socialise.Tue 12th May 2020 Zoom meeting
Ian McAlpine talks about The International Year of the Periodic Table 2019.Tue 5th May 2020 Zoom meeting
Tony Hoy will introduce Jon Leigh from Remap (a national charity that provides custom-made equipment for disabled people).Tue 28th April 2020 Zoom meeting
Tony Webb will introduce author Bill Rogers whose books include the DCI Tom Caton series of crime stories set in Manchester.Tue 21st April 2020 Zoom meeting
Tony Webb will introduce Pete Ramsay who will talk to us about 'Steptoe and Son'.Tue 21st April 2020 Zoom meeting
Tue 14th April 2020 Zoom meeting
Tony Hoy will run the meeting. Our speaker is star of stage and screen Tony Webb.Tue 7th April 2020 Zoom meeting
A trial to enable members to learn how to get onto Zoom.Tony C will run the meeting. Rod Stokes will tell you about a few of the people he has met. read more...
Tue 31st March 2020 Meetings suspended
Tue 24th March 2020 Meetings suspended
Tue 17th March 2020 Club Meeting Postponed due to Corona virus Covid 19
Tue 10th March 2020 Club Meeting Speaker- Michael Tiddy
Desk:- Tony Webb VOT Stuart Rhodes Raffle:-Charles Miller
Fri 6th March 2020 86th Charter Celebration
Richmond VillageSpeaker - Rebecca Wood BBC Presenter
Black Tie, Incl. wine. £30 per person
Tue 3rd March 2020 No Meeting Charter Week
Tue 18th February 2020 Club Meeting Speaker - Jeff Stubbs
Chairman of Nantwich Civic Society and other Local Environmental OrganisationsDesk:-David Fishburne
VOT:- Mike Houlston
Raffle:-Geoff Parsons
Tue 11th February 2020 Speaker - Rebecca Goodier from Cheshire Downs Syndrome support group
Talk for weekly meetingTue 4th February 2020 Business Meeting
Update on Club AffairsDesk:-Tony Coxhill
Raffle:- Michael Tiddy
Tue 28th January 2020 Club Meeting Speaker-Emma Vaughton From Visyon
Visyon is a charity helping young people with mental health issuesDesk:-Geoff Parsons
VOT:-Tony Hoy
Raffle:- Robin Latham
Tue 21st January 2020 Club Meeting Speaker-Stuart Rhodes
Desk:- Lorna HickeyVOT:- Tony Coxhill
Raffle:- John Crowe
Tue 14th January 2020 Speaker-Gordon Styles Neuro-Muscular Centre at Winsford
Desk:-Rod StokesVOT :- Keith Ward
Raffle:- Charles Miller

Tue 7th January 2020 Club Meeting Speaker-Geoff Parsons
Desk John FishburneVOT President
Raffle:- K Ward
Tue 24th December 2019 No Club Meeting
No MeetingTue 17th December 2019 Members Christmas Lunch
Christmas Lunch with wife's, Honourary Members and wife's and Members of the Inner Wheel.Desk:- John Crowe
Raffle;- Michael Tiddy
Tue 10th December 2019 Frugal Lunch with Rev Peter Mascarenhas
Our Honorary Member Rev Peter Mascarenhas will be giving his Christmas MessageDesk:- Tony Hoy Vote of Thanks :- Michael Parrott Raffle:- Herbert Rowsell
Wed 4th December 2019 - Thu 19th December 2019 2019 Christmas Float Evening Activities
Christmas Float Evening Activities read more...Tue 3rd December 2019 SGM
SGMDesk:- David Fishburne
Raffle:- Robin Latham
Tue 26th November 2019 Club Meeting Speaker:- John Fishburne :- People I have known
Desk :- Christine CroweVOT:- President
Raffle:-John Crowe
Tue 19th November 2019 Julia McGhie SENCO for the Nantwich Primary Academy
Desk:-Mike Houlston VOT:- Robin LathamRaffle:- Geoff Parsons
Tue 12th November 2019 Victor Crawford North West Ambulance
Desk:- Michael ParrottVOT:- John Meadows
Raffle:- Charles Miller
Tue 5th November 2019 Club Meeting
Desk:- Rod StokesVOT:- Denis Parton
Raffle:- Keith Ward
Tue 29th October 2019 Fellowship Meeting
Desk:- David FishburneVOT & Meeting Report:- Tony Coxhill
Raffle:- Michael Tiddy
Tue 22nd October 2019 Business Meeting
Desk:- Geoff ParsonsMeeting Report:- Ian McAlpine
Raffle:-Herbert Rowsell
Tue 15th October 2019 Club Meeting with Tony Webb
Desk:-Keith WardVOT & Meeting Report:-John Crowe
Raffle:- Geoff Parsons
Tue 8th October 2019 RYLA student Niamh Shaw
Desk:-Rod StokesVOT & Meeting Report:- Ian McAlpine
Raffle:-Robin Latham

Tue 1st October 2019 Evening Meeting with Hazel Griffiths Cruise Destination Speaker
6.30pm for 7.00 MealDesk:- Ashley Weaver
VOT & Meeting Report:- Michael Parrott
Raffle :- Michael Tiddy
Tue 24th September 2019 St Luke's Hospice Speakers:-Angela Slack, Community Partnership Manager Catherine Holligan, Befriending Coordinator

Tue 17th September 2019 Stuart Graham speaking on his Motor Racing Career
Desk:- Rod StokesVOT & Meeting Report:Keith Chesters
Raffle:- Keith Ward
Tue 10th September 2019 Bob Hope on The Flag Lane Baths Project
Desk:- Geoff Parsons
VOT & Meeting Report:- Mike Houlston
Raffle:- Michael Tiddy
Tue 27th August 2019 No Club Meeting after Bank Holiday
Club Meeting
Tue 6th August 2019 Julie Hellon Kenyan Children
read more...Tue 30th July 2019 No Club Meeting - Nantwich Show Week
Scatter WeekTue 23rd July 2019 Business Meeting
Desk:- John MeadowsMeeting Report:- Ian McAlpine
Raffle-; Keith Ward
Sat 20th July 2019 President's Tea Party
Saturday 20 July at Engelsea Brook Museum Tea rooms 14:30 to 16:30.It will be an Afternoon Tea, come and go as you please, with an optional visit to the museum.
Tue 16th July 2019 Derek Rooke describing the life of Former KDG Agent Oleg Gorgievsky, who became a British Spy
Tue 9th July 2019 Stuart Rhodes speaking on ' All the Sevens'
Desk:- Robin LathamSpeakers Report:-
Raffle:- Michael Tiddy
Mon 8th July 2019 International Dinner at Farmers Arms.
Tue 2nd July 2019 Presidential Handover
Michael Parrott presenting the Chain of Office to Tony Hoy