Rotary Club of Penicuik Photo Galleries
Sensory Garden in Penicuik
The club has developed a garden with particular emphasis on plants with an evocative form, scent or touch for use by the whole community.
Penicuik in the Park on 25th May 2019
The final event of Hunter and Lass week. Fun for the whole family. Click here for full photo gallery.
Wine and Cheese Evening - Friday 10th May 2019
Wine, a finger buffet and many prizes to be won. This was much more than just a Wine and Cheese evening. All the fun of the fair!
Primary School Quiz.
Strathesk Primary School wins the Club round of the Primary School Quiz.
A Burns Supper with a difference
The club held its Burns Supper at Glencorse Golf Club on Tuesday 22nd January. This was a slightly different event from recent years as, with a lady President currently in place, it seemed appropriate to make it a Jean Armour night. Read full story here
Penicuik in the Park 26th May 2018
The final event of Hunter and Lass week is hosted by Rotary Club of Penicuik for the benefit of the community and visitors to the town.
District Governor visits Penicuik
Presentation to Special Olympics fund and District Governors visit
Doctors of the World are the bees knees
A cheque for £500 was presented to Doctors of the World prior to the club hearing a talk on bee keeping on 29th November 2016
Rotary crocus planting
"‹Members of Rotary Club of Penicuik planted crocus bulbs to mark World Polio Day as part of the End Polio Now campaign.
Young Technologist 2016
Photos from the event held on 9th March in Beeslack High School, Penicuik. There are more to be added when time permits.
Connor Kerr - Challenge Enterprise delegate 2015
Connor Kerr visited the club on 2 February to tell us about his experience at Challenge Enterprise in October 2015
Annual Dinner Dance 2015
On 28 November in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Loanhead and Roslin we held our Annual Dinner Dance at the Original Inn, Roslin. A good night was had by all. Here is just a small selection of the photos taken on the night.
Youth Speaks in Penicuik
Each year we hold a local Youth speaks competition for teams of three from local youth organisations.
Food Bank Collection in July 2015
Several club members were able to help out with the Food Bank collection at the local Tesco store. The collection took place over the three days Thursday 2 July to Saturday 4 July and members helped out on the Thursday and Saturday mornings.
Primary School Quiz 2015 Area round
Roslin Primary School successfully negotiate way to the District final of 2015 Primary School Quiz
Burns Night at the Rotary
Somehow, each Burns Supper seems to surpass the previous one. That is probably due to each being in some way unique. We are fortunate to have a wealth of talent within the club and willing participants not afraid to enter into the spirit of the evening.
New member
Catherine Pow joined the club on 17 February. Catherine visited the club several times before taking the final step. We welcome her to the fellowship of the club and trust that she enjoys her time within Rotary.
Christmas Dinner in Navaar House Hotel, Penicuik
Around 40 members and their guests enjoyed a Christmas Dinner. Guests included members of the local Probus Club and entertainment was provided by Jean Lennie and David Gillespie who encouraged everyone to get involved in singing Christmas carols.
Primary School Quiz - Club round
The Club round of this popular quiz was held in Penicuik High School on 12 February. Six teams from Cuiken, Roslin, Sacred Heart, Strathesk, Cornbank and Mauricewood Primary Schools took part. The event was again sponsored by Andrew Turner Blacksmiths.
Annual Dinner Dance
In the company of members of the Rotary Club of Loanhead and Roslin, members enjoyed the Annual Dinner Dance at the Original Roslin Hotel on 22 November.
Melissa's RYLA visit
Melissa Lievesley, from Beeslack High School visited the club on 7 October to tell us all about her week at RYLA in July. We were all very impressed with the manner of her presentation and the depth of information she gave about her RYLA experience.
French Rotary Club visit to Penicuik
Twelve visitors from the Rotary Club of Arbois, France were with us for 3 days. They visited Glenkinchie Distillery, Rosslyn Chapel, Holyrood Palace and Penicuik House. Two enjoyed a game of golf at West Linton. Evenings were spent in our company.
Rotary at Street Fair in Penicuik
On 23 August we again attended the annual Street Fair held in Penicuik. This gives us an opportunity to present the face of Rotary to the community and raise awareness of the club and the work that we do both for the local community and internationally.
Primary School Garden Challenge
A Garden Challenge, offered by the Rotary Club of Penicuik, was taken up by 5 Primary Schools. Carolyn Spray of Pentland Plants very generously supplied dozens of small plug plants and seeds for each of the participating schools. Full story on Facebook.
Young Chef competition
The club round of this competition was held at Beeslack High School on Friday 15th November. 15 entrants from Beeslack were joined by one girl from Penicuik High School for a keenly fought competition. The round was supported by Tesco and Giovanni's.
Charity Golf Day
The Charity Golf Day was very successful with 29 teams taking part on a glorious day. The sum of £1282 was raised from the golf and raffle enabling a cheque for £1500 from Penicuik Rotary to be presented to Children's Hospice Assocation Scotland (CHAS)
Holyrood Park Walk
A group of members and friends took part in a guided walk led by a Park Ranger. The walk took around two hours and involved some strenuous climbing over tricky ground. The walkers were rewarded with spectacular views to the South and West of Edinburgh.
Samba Night at Rotary
Music Teacher Liz Steven chose to introduce us to the technicalities of the samba drums. It was a very different night for us (and no doubt the hotel staff and guests). It was good to see so many Rotarians wholeheartedly participating.
Challenge Enterprise
Roisin Timoney and Ikrah Nadeem who are S5 students at Beeslack High School both wish to have careers in International Business. They attended the Challenge Enterprise weekend during October and thoroughly enjoyed the experience and challenges.
Burns Supper 2014
A well attended Burns Night hosted by the club was held at Glencorse Golf Club. It is remarkable that such a small group of people can put on such a diverse take on the Burns story and raise some much needed funds for our charity work in the process.
Concert for Aaron House Care Home, Penicuik
A concert for the residents of Aaron House was attended by around 35 residents. Penicuik Community Choir, their leader Liz McKeon & Rotary club members Colin Hunter and David Gillespie (as The Jolly Beggars) provided the entertainment.
Some recent guests
We are always delighted to receive guests at our meetings. Here are a selection of our more recent visitors and speakers.
Wine and Cheese evening
The evening was a tremendous success with around 120 guests attending. Funds were raised from tickets, Wheel of Fortune, Tombola stall and various sideshows. Proceeds are estimated to be in the region of £1,400 providing a welcome boost to our funds.
Primary School Quiz
The club organised the Primary School Quiz held on Thursday, 20th February in Penicuik High School. Seven schools took part in this first round of the three tier competition. The runaway winners were the team from Cornbank with a score of 43.
Chernobyl Kids visit to Blair Drummond Safari Park
A collection of photographs provided by Jean Lennie showing the annual visit of Chernobyl Kids to Blair Drummond hosted by Rotary Club of Penicuik
Our District Conference delegates
Jean Lennie, Alister McDonald, Club President Bill Munro and Bill Stewart
Charity Golf Day
A very successful Charity Golf Day was held on 12 June. The event was a joint venture with Glencorse Golf Club and funds of £1,222 were raised on the day. As a result a cheque for £1,500 has now been sent to Children’s Hospice Association Scotland(CHAS)
Sponsored Walk for WaterAid
Many members and some partners undertook the 12/13 mile walk from Penicuik to Musselburgh. Setting out in glorious weather they were glad of the lunch break in Dalkeith School Campus before completing the final 4 miles to refreshments in Musselburgh
Andy Ireland visits the club
Andy Ireland visited the club again only two weeks after attending our handover ceremony. This time he was there to tell us about his experiences as an International Rugby referee.
FareShare initiative with Tesco
Responding to an urgent request from the local Tesco store to help out once again with the FareShare initiative to collect items for a Foodbank. several members were able to play their part in collecting food items valued at over £1,100.
Primary School Quiz - Round 2
In a tightly fought competition between four schools and following a tie break round, Cornbank Primary School were pipped at the post by Prestonpans Primary in round 2 of the quiz. Prestonpans will now take part in the District final. We wish them luck.
Burns Supper
Our Burns Supper was held in Glencorse Golf Club where members and their guests were treated to a lively evening. The event was ably organised by Ian Sommerville (again).
Wine and cheese evening
The Wine and Cheese Evening was a very popular event with over 120 people attending. There were various side shows, a wheel of fortune, tombola, a quiz based on Scottish places and of course, the wine and cheese. £1167.89 profit was made.
Primary Schools Quiz
The Primary School Quiz was held in the High School for teams from local Primary schools. Congratulations to the winners Cornbank St James Primary
Rotary Ladies Easter Hats
Jean Lennie and Presidents wife Carol Sanders hosted a tea party for Rotary ladies who came in Easter bonnets made for the event. Over £150 was raised which will be donated to a Charity chosen at a future event. The event included a best hat competition.
New member for club
President Gordon Sanders and all the members are delighted to welcome new member Iain Steven to the fellowship and charitable activities of the club.
Christmas lunch delivery
For many years now volunteers from Penicuik Rotary deliver a Xmas dinner to approx thirty pensioners who are on their own on Christmas Day.
Young Chef 2 - East Area round
Lauren McLay was the winner and Vaila Robertson runner-up in the East Area round of the Young Chef competition which was held in Preston Lodge High School. The two Beeslack pupils go on to the District final to be held on 23 February. Good luck to both
Food Bank for Penicuik
Members of the club help out at the local Tesco store to encourage shoppers to donate non perishable food items to the Food bank.
Young Chef Competition
Young Chef Competition held in Beeslack School where Lauren Mclay won 1st place.
District Governor's visit
The District Governor John Barbour visited the Club and after an entertaining short talk presented Graham Young with the Paul Harris Fellowship.
Back packs for Mary's Meals
Dave Anderson, Gordon Sanders, David McDonald and Reg Dunbar went to Strathesk Primary to collect back packs for Mary's Meals and were met by enthusiastic pupils.