Rotary Club of Mendip Photo Galleries

Space Nature Photography Competition.
President Elect Jim Skinner presented the prizes in the Space Nature Photography Competition for Mental Health Week. Tian Mazi Thomas won the prize in the 4 - 9 years and the runner up was Henry Munday.
The Club thanks those who stayed at home to protect NHS during the lockdown
The Club has amended the stay at home signs to thank all those who helped to reduce the spread of Covid 19 by staying at home. The Club appreciates the assistance given by Cheddar Signs and the local Companies who sponsored the original signage.
May 75 Club draw
The May draw was carried out by Mike who is the landlord of the White Horse Public House in Mark
April 75 Club Draw
The April draw was carried out by Lewis Bull and Percy Foord from OnPoint Barbers in Cheddar Gorge. The draw was initiated to raise funds for charities when traditional fund raising events were cancelled due to the pandemic.
March 75 Club Charity Draw
The March 75 Club charity draw was carried out my Val Maunder, assisted my Jim Warnell from W C Maunders. The draw was started during the pandemic to ensure the Club could continue to support local charities at this time.
A new fence has been erected around the Space Allotment
Club members and Space volunteers erected a new fence around the allotment to ensure rabbits are unable to damage the produce. They were assisted by Jason from JC Landscapes.
Mendip Rotary amend road signs to Stay at Home
Following the added restrictions that have came in to force the Club has amended the advisory road signs installed locally in spring 2020. They now reinforce the message Stay at Home protect key workers to remind visitors and local residents that the risk
February 75 Club Draw
The February draw for the 75 Club was carried out at the local business MAWAGRI. They have assisted the Club by giving discounts on the items purchased from them for the Space Allotment, our Charity for this Rotary year.The winning number was 37.
January 75 Club Draw
Local businesman Matt Mayo from Cheddar Tyre Supplies picked the January winning number 39.
Preparing raised beds at The Space Charity allottment
Members of the Club and volunteers from The Space Charity were preparing raised beds in preparation for planting later in the year. A trench was also dug to erect fencing around the project. This will be completed later.
Window Wanderland
Cheddar Arts and The Art Quarter are endevouring to create an uplifting activity for Christmas. They are asking businesses and people within the Cheddar Valley to put a festive display in their windows and "Make Cheddar Festive".
Vandalised Stay at Home sign recovered
One of the signs erected by the Club to remind people to protect the local community during the current pandemic was vandelised. However thanks to the assistance of staff at Cheddar Caves it was recovered and can be repaired and reused.
Rememberance Sunday
Club President Ceri Davies laying a wreath at the Cheddar cenotaph to remember all those who have fallen in conflict.
World Polio Day 24th October 2020
The Club has placed a display in Cheddar Library to highlight World Polio Day 24th October 2020.
Mendip Rotary supporting The Space Charity
The Presidents charity for 2020-20121 is the Space Charity. The project will be undertaken in partnership with the kings of Wessex Academy
75 Club Draw launched
As a method of raising funds for good causes in this time the Club has started a 75 Club Draw with 50% of proceeds going to good causes.
Rotary International President Holger Knaack joined the Club meeting on zoom.
Rotary International President Holger Knaack joined the Club meeting on zoom.
New Member
Mike Sartain was inducted into the Club and the Rotary family in a socially distancing event.
Curry for key workers
Rotarian Anwar Hussain cooked a fourth batch of curries for key workers. The event was sponsored by the Club as part of its response to Covid 19.
Laundry bags for Renal Unit St. George's Hospital Tooting
After supplying laundry bags to Stroud Hospital the Club was asked to supply some to the Renal Unit St. George's Hospital Tooting. Assisted by Inner Wheel, Pam Salmon ex Ladies Circle and Gill Latham Past President Inner Wheel 30 were delivered.
Updating the road signs to meet Government guidance
Following the changes to Government guideline on Sunday the Rotary Club of Mendip working with their local community and businesses have amended the road signs around the Cheddar Valley. They now identify the need to Stay Alert and keep 2 metres apart.
Anwar Hussain distributes third batch of free curries
Rotarian Anwar Hussain cooked a third batch of his free Curries for local NHS Staff & Carers in the Cheddar Valley, on this occasion, the Rotary Club of Mendip were very pleased to both sponsor & help distribute the curries.
Club members support Court House Retirement Home
Staff at the Court House Retirement Home have decided to stay locked down with the residents during the pandemic. to support their efforts Club members donated wine for them to enjoy during their down time.
The Club erect Stay at Home signs
As the Holiday weekend approaches several Club members and local businesses joined together to support key workers and Government guidelines with Stay at Home signs. Thanks Worle Glass & Joinery, The FSC Group, Deane & Sons, Cheddar Signs and JVS Holdings
Rotarian cooks curries for NHS staff
A Club member cooked 62 curries which were given free to NHS staff in the Cheddar Valley on their return from work. Sponsored by Cheddar Taxi and Chauffeur.
Second non surgical masks delivered to Axbridge Chemist
Face masks produced by Pam Salmon have been distributed to the chemist in Axbridge
Laundry Bag deliveries at a safe distance
The first of the Laundry bags and face masks produced by members of the Rotary and Inner Wheel clubs of Mendip were delivered for use by the Pharmacy staff in Cheddar. Safe distancing practice was adhered to during the handover.
Social Distancing
The Club has set up a buddy system, where it is arranged in small groups to ensure easy contact for the members well being.
Uganda Project
Thanks to a US$70,000 project being led by the Rotary Clubs of Mendip and Kampala Sunrise the latest initiative was Medical Camp at the Ndwaddemutwe School. This was a tremendous success with 957 people attending and being tested and treated for wide rang
74th Charter anniversary celebrations
Members of the Club celebrated the 74th anniversary of the Clubs Charter presentation.
Laying a wreath on Rememberence Sunday
Ian and Sue Presidents of the Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs of Mendip layed wreaths on behalf of their organisations to remember those who gave their lives in conflicts.
Fellowship and Fund Raising at the Rasoi Restaurant Cheddar
Members and friends enjoyed an evening at the Rasoi Bangladeshi & Indian Restaurant Cheddar
Members attend the Emergency Responders show in Wells.
Members of Mendip and Crewkerne Rotary Clubs working on the EVAG stand at the Emergency Responders show organised by the Rotary Club of Wells.
Members at the Cheddar Food and Drink Festival
Members attended the Cheddar Food and Drink Festival to raise awareness of Rotary activities.
Visit to St Andrews Church Cheddar
The Club visited St Andrews Church Cheddar to hear about its history.
International visit
Members of the Club went to Bordeaux for this years International visit, where the were entertained by two local Rotary Clubs. Rotary Club Bordeaux Bouscat and Rotary Club Bordeaux Ouest.
The Revealed Project
The Club is delighted to assist our Honorary Member Adele Sutton with the Reveal Project.Revealed Projects aims to inspire young people to be confident in who they are and develop skills to build healthy relationships in all aspects of their lives.
A day at the races
Members of the Club and their wives enjoyed a fellowship day at Taunton races
Fellowship evening at Wilcox Cider Barn
Rotarian Dennis Malpass talked to those present about the tremendous work carried out by the Club i its earlier years.
Global Sight Solutions
The Club were entertained by Rotarian John Miles who gave an insight into the charity Global Sight Solutions originally The Guildford Rotary Eye Project.
Rotary Clubs adopted a Ugandan Village
The Rotary Club of Mendip are the lead Club in assisting a Ugandan Village to be self sufficient.
Mendip honour local cave Rescue divers involved in the Thai Cave rescue
The Club honoured two cave rescue divers from the Cheddar Valley involved in the rescue of the boys in Thailand. Chris Jewell and Connor Roe were presented with the Paul Harris Fellowship Award for their outstanding "Service above Self"
Plat du Jour Evening
The Rotary Club of Mendip and the Inner Wheel Club of Mendip held a joint fund raising evening at Shipham Village Hall.