Rotary Club of Westbury Photo Galleries

Kids Out 2024

Kids Out 2024

Rotary D1200 organise an annual day out for deserving local kids

Corsley Gondoliers evening

Corsley Gondoliers evening

Rotary assist in the logistics of this fine local event

Westbury Christmas Lights Illumination

Westbury Christmas Lights Illumination

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies stall

Rotary Christmas Carol Concert

Rotary Christmas Carol Concert

Rotary Christmas Carol Concert at All Saints Church

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon. We have Rtn David Perkins who will give a talk on on his escapades as a Commissioned Officer the the Royal Navy.

Rotary Walk a Mile for Polio

Rotary Walk a Mile for Polio

Rotary Club of Westbury are going to "Walk a Mile for Polio" around Westbury

Rotary Club of Westbury 65th Anniversary

Rotary Club of Westbury 65th Anniversary

Rotary Club of Westbury is holding a 65th Anniversary celebration at Heywood House near Westbury

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon with a speaker TBA

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon with speaker to be announced. Steward Jon Street

Business Meeting at the Full Moon

Business Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon. Steward Jon Street

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon. This will be our AGM and Club Assembly

Westbury Mayoral Civic Awards Evening

Westbury Mayoral Civic Awards Evening

Westbury Mayoral Civic Awards Evening

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Special General Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon.

Water Survival Box packing

Water Survival Box packing

Club members packed Water Survival boxes

Remembrance Sunday 2023

Remembrance Sunday 2023

Westbury Rotary Remembers

Imber Ultra Marathon

Imber Ultra Marathon

Imber Ultra Marathon

Imber Ultra Marathon

Imber Ultra Marathon

The Imber Ultra Marathon is 33-mile race for hardened runners organised jointly between Avon Valley Runners and the Rotary Club of Westbury.

President's Radio interview

President's Radio interview

President Jon was featured on Warminster Community Radio to publicise the up and coming Imber Ultra Marathon and to talk about Rotary in general. The interview went well and I managed to plug Rotary as much as possible.

Vivash Park Orchard tree planting

Vivash Park Orchard tree planting

Tree planting in Vivash Park, Westbury

Presidents' Snowdon Challenge

Presidents' Snowdon Challenge

The current President is aiming to trek to the summit of Snowdon

Westbury Rotary visit Chippenham RC

Westbury Rotary visit Chippenham RC

Members of Westbury Rotary visit Chippenham RC in their meeting hall in Chippenham

Eradication of Polio

Eradication of Polio

Along with Rotary clubs across the world, we are determined to eradicate Polio in the world

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Business meeting

Business meeting

Business meeting at the Full Moon in Rudge

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Meeting at the Full Moon

Weekly meeting at the Full Moon.

St George's Day dinner

St George's Day dinner

St George's Day dinner

Turkish Earthquake Appeal

Turkish Earthquake Appeal

Westbury Rotary collecting outside Morrisons for the Turkish disaster appeal

Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday The President, Jon Street, and Julie Street representing Westbury Inner Wheel laid wreaths at the Westbury War Memorial in the Town Centre.

Soap Box Derby 2023

Soap Box Derby 2023

Westbury Rotary will be assisting the Town Council in marshalling transport in the early stages

Club Assembly

Club Assembly

Club Assembly to be held at the Full Moon in Rudge

Crocuses in Westbury

Crocuses in Westbury

Rotary have planted thousands more crocuses in and around Westbury

Westbury Rotary Online BINGO!

Westbury Rotary Online BINGO!

Westbury Rotary are holding an "Online Bingo Evening"

Litter Pick at Bratton Camp / Westbury White Horse

Litter Pick at Bratton Camp / Westbury White Horse

Members of the Westbury Rotary Club will assemble at the car park for Bratton Camp / Westbury White Horse to clean the immediate area.

Car Boot Sale

Car Boot Sale

Westbury Rotary will be at this well known local event. Members will be running their own discrete stands with proceeds, at stall holder discretion, going to the Rotary Charity fund.

Rotary End Polio Campaign

Rotary End Polio Campaign

On Thursday 3rd Dec and Saturday 5th December members o Westbury Rotary Club planted Crocus corms along Bitham Park and in the grounds of All Saint's Church on Westbury.

Wine Tasting and buffet

Wine Tasting and buffet

Wine tasting and buffet afternoon

Rotary collecting for Haiti disaster relief

Rotary collecting for Haiti disaster relief

Westbury Rotarians held a collection in aid of the Haiti Disaster relief fund. The collection, by kind permission of Morrisons, was at the Westbury Morrisons shop.

Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday

Members of Westbury Rotary and Inner Wheel laid wreathes at the Westbury Memorial

Christmas Tree Festival

Christmas Tree Festival

Christmas Tree Festival at All Saints Church Westbury

Charity Collection

Charity Collection

Members of Westbury Rotary metaphorically, rattled their tins outside Morrison's on 3rd December

Curry for Crisis

Curry for Crisis

Curry for Crisis - raising funds for IMPACT

Rotary District Skittles Semi Final

Rotary District Skittles Semi Final

Rotary District Skittles Semi Final to be played in Shepton Mallet. We've been Champions before and we're eager to regain our Trophy

District 1200 skittles Final

District 1200 skittles Final

Westbury Rotary Club played Taunton Vale in the District 1200 skittles Final

Civic Grants and Awards DInner

Civic Grants and Awards DInner

Civic Grants and Awards DInner at the Laverton HAll in Westbury

Christmas Tree Festival and Carol Concert

Christmas Tree Festival and Carol Concert

Christmas Tree Festival and Carol Concert will be held in All Saint's Church Westbury. the festival is from 2nd December until 5th December, the Carol Concert rounds off the festival.

Rotary  and Inner Wheel Christmas party

Rotary and Inner Wheel Christmas party

Rotary and Inner Wheel Christmas party at the Full Moon in Rudge

Westbury Christmas lights Cerempony

Westbury Christmas lights Cerempony

Rotary will be handing out mulled wine and mince pies to the assembled throng.

Peter Pan in Manor Farm

Peter Pan in Manor Farm

Rotary were assisting the Illyria theatrical company

Kids Out 2023

Kids Out 2023

Kids Out 2023 at Longleat

Charity Collection at Morrissons

Charity Collection at Morrissons

Members of the Rotary Club of Westbury were out there in the public eye collecting cash for the Ukrainian crisis and local charities supported by Westbury Rotary. It was cold and blustery but everyone wrapped up warm. Over £260 raised.

Rotary End Polio Campaign

Rotary End Polio Campaign

Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a paralyzing and potentially deadly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. The virus spreads from person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can then attack the nervous system

Rotary End Polio Campaign

Rotary End Polio Campaign

Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a paralyzing and potentially deadly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. The virus spreads from person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can then attack the nervous system

Weekly meeting

Weekly meeting

Weekly meeting with a guest Speaker Angela Hughes from Erlestoke Prison

Changing of the guard in The Rotary Club of Westbury

Changing of the guard in The Rotary Club of Westbury

The Rotary Club of Westbury held it's Club Council Meeting and Handover of Presidency at the Chalford House Hotel

The Rotary Club of Westbury and Westbury Inner wheel Family Fun Day

The Rotary Club of Westbury and Westbury Inner wheel Family Fun Day

The Rotary Club of Westbury and Westbury Inner wheel Family Fun Day An exciting and fun Family Day Out at one of the premier venues in Westbury, The Horse and Groom in Alfred Street, Westbury. 12 til 5pm on Saturday 20th July.

Kids Out

Kids Out

Annual outing to Longleat with children from Westbury Infant and Juniors schools.

Club Handover, followed by Club Council and Planning

Club Handover, followed by Club Council and Planning

Rtn Mervyn Harris took over the presidency of the club from Rtn David Perkins. Rtn Sue Ezra was inaugurated as the President Elect

Shree Saraswoti School Project

Shree Saraswoti School Project

One of the D1200 projects is to help rebuild the Shree Saraswoti Basic school, which was one of 475 schools destroyed by the 2015 Nepalese earthquake. The UK coordinator, Dr Michael Fernando, brought a team for the RC Yeovil to tell us about the project.

White Horse Cleaning

White Horse Cleaning

The Rotary Club of Westbury instigated the project to clean the Iconic White Horse

at Chalford House -Speaker -Everest Base Camp Trek

at Chalford House -Speaker -Everest Base Camp Trek

Jon and Julie Street gave a fascinating, illustrated talk on their recent trek to the Everest Base Camp to raise funds for Dorothy House.

Vist by the Link Club, The Rotary Club of Landerneau, nr Brest

Vist by the Link Club, The Rotary Club of Landerneau, nr Brest

Members of our linked club in Landerneau in Brittany enjoyed a hectic, most enjoyable, fun packed weekend.

Life Education Centre (Wiltshire) Mobile Classroom

Life Education Centre (Wiltshire) Mobile Classroom

Wiltshire’s Rotary Clubs are delighted to announce they have provided a new mobile classroom to Life Education Centre (Wiltshire). Eleven clubs from across the county raised £12,000 and applied for a grant of £30,000 from worldwide Rotary Foundation



The 6th Annual Ultra Marathon, which is a trail run of around 33 miles around the Salisbury Plain range path, will take place on Sunday 3rd March 2019. Please see for details.

Rotary Carol Concert

Rotary Carol Concert

The annual carol concert held at at All Saints Church, Westbury, featuring choirs from the local junior schools.

International visit

International visit

IPP David and Dee visited two Rotary Clubs during their holiday in Sint Maarten

International Cuisine Evening

International Cuisine Evening

This year's International Cuisine Evening was held in the Laverton, Delicious food from the four corners of the world



2017/8 Pres David handed over the presidency to Rtn Mervyn Harris for the Rotary year 2018/9

White Horse Litter Pick

White Horse Litter Pick

Members of the Westbury Rotary Club collected and removed 12 bags of rubbish from the Westbury White Horse Car Park.



The annual Rotary event at Longleat for disadvantaged children.

Visit to Bristol Harbour M Shed andf Pyronaut

Visit to Bristol Harbour M Shed andf Pyronaut

Memebers of the Westbury Rotary Club paid a visit to the M Shed in Bristol Harbour and enjoyed a trip on the vintage fire boat Pyronaut

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Rtn Martin Holborow held a wine tasting session in aid of the 'End Polio' campaign.

Fellowship Break

Fellowship Break

A fun few days away in the White Buck hotel in Burley on the edge of the New Forest

Imber Ultra  Extreme Marathon

Imber Ultra Extreme Marathon

33 mile run around Salisbury Plain. visit for details

International Cuisine Evening at The Laverton in Westbury

International Cuisine Evening at The Laverton in Westbury

Four corners serving a starter, main and sweet based on the cuisine of various mountain ranges - Andes, Himalaya, Pyrenees and the Bavarian Alps.

Young Chef

Young Chef

The first round of the Rotary Young Chef completion was held at Matravers school, with 5 contestants.

District 1200 Conference

District 1200 Conference

The President and President Elect attended the one day District Conference at Wells.

Park Run at Southwick Country Park

Park Run at Southwick Country Park

In recognition of a donation towards a new computer to record and analyse results, President David was invited to start the weekly run at Southwick Country Park.

speaker - Film re-enactment group

speaker - Film re-enactment group

Michael Thorne Came as Dart Vader and told the club about his passion for dressing up as film Super Heroes

Garden Party

Garden Party

Garden Party at the home of President David. A good time was had by all..

Visit to Julia's House Wiltshire Children's Hospice

Visit to Julia's House Wiltshire Children's Hospice

Julia's House, the new children's hospice in Devizes, was, and is, the main charity supported by the Rotary Club of Westbury. The Club visited the hospice to view the premises and facilities. then enjoyed a group dinner in The Raven at Poulshot.

Westbury Junior School visit to Hooke Court

Westbury Junior School visit to Hooke Court

Pres David drove the Three Villages Minibus to take 11 pupils on a familiarisation visit to Hooke Court.

Presentation of cheques

Presentation of cheques

President Sue Ezra presented a cheque for £2000 to the Wiltshire children's hospice, Julia's House, and £1,200 to the local hospice, Dorothy House.

Visit to our link club in Landerneau in Brittany

Visit to our link club in Landerneau in Brittany

A team of 13 from Westbury Rotary club went to Landerneau our annual exchange.
