Rotary Seaford Photo Galleries

A Flying Visit!
Last February, we were entertained at a lunchtime meeting by Pete Fellows with his talk ‘A Life of Flying at Shoreham Airport’. Following this some members expressed an interest in a guided tour of the facility.
Bluebell Walk 2024
ON THURSDAY 2nd and Friday 3rd May, Seaford Rotary was privileged to have the opportunity again to manage the Arlington Bluebell Walk, Farm Trails & Bates Green Garden as well providing the refreshments at the Bluebell Café at Bates Green Farm, Arlington.
Donations for Christmas meals
Before Christmas, Seaford Rotary made some donations to community organisations to enable them to arrange meals for those in the community who were living alone and feeling isolated from society.
The Philip Moorey Young Citizen of the Year Award
ON 15th November at Mercread Youth Centre the Philip Moorey Young Citizen of the Year 2024 was awarded. There were seven nominations for the award and three were shortlisted by the judges.
Young Musician of the Year 2024
On Saturday 13th July 2024 we held our annual Young Musician of the Year competition at Seaford Baptist Church, but this year was a bit different!
Caravan Cleaning for Children with Cancer
During spring or early summer, Seaford Rotarians armed with buckets, sponges, brushes, cloths, cleaning materials, and step ladders and refreshments travel to Combe Haven Caravan Park, St Leonards to clean a Children with Cancer Fund (CWCF) caravan.
Last 2024 Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
The last Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of 2024 was held on Sunday 6th October despite the week-long forecasts of rain.
Inaugural Seaford Rotary Cycle Ride
A small but elite(!) group of cyclists (Paul and Daphne Vaesen, Mike Roper and David Pattenden) enjoyed the first Seaford Rotary Cycle Ride on Thursday 12th September.
A Busy Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
The weather on Sunday 1st September was generally sunny and warm, and a large number of curious customers were attracted to the West Martello Field to search for a bargain at one of the 90 stalls at the penultimate Fair of 2024.
Sizzling BBQ
On a very warm day at the end of July, President Clive Livingstone hosted a BBQ in his garden attended by 45 Rotarians, their wives, partners, family and friends, and three canine family members.
Better than the Other One!
After the cancellation of the July Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair due to inclement weather, the stallholders and curious crowds returned to the West Martello Field for the August Fair.
President’s Evening and Handover
THE LAST meeting of the 2023/24 Rotary year was held on Friday 28th June 2024. As annually at the end of June Seaford Rotary Club changes its Club President, the Presidential handover also took place.
STEM Stars
On the morning of 19th June, teams from Year 5 of Seaford , Cradle Hill, Chyngton and Annecy Primary schools gathered at Seaford Head Lower School, Steyne Road for the third STEM Stars competition.
Young Artist and Photographer Competition presentations
Seaford Rotary’s Young Artist and Young Photographer competitions this year culminated with the final prize presentations on Tuesday 25th June.
Mayday Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
The sky was a cloudless blue early on Sunday 5th May as a queue of prospective stall holders snaked up Cricketfield Road and westwards along the Esplanade before the gate to Martello Field was opened for the stallholders to enter to set up their pitches.
June Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
In the last 12 months, Geoff Lowles has been cultivating in his greenhouse a variety of plants which he has grown from either seed, cutting or seedlings as plug plants.
Christmas Card Donations
Each Christmas, members of Seaford Rotary send their seasonal wishes to other members in an electronic Christmas Greeting card. Members make a nominal donation which is given to a charity.
Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party 2023
As the guests arrived, they sat down to a drink of sherry or orange juice before being formally welcomed by President Mandy. Peter Fenwick acting as master of ceremonies set out the afternoons programme.
Skittles at the Crouch Bowling Club
A group of Seaford Rotarians and their partners met at the Crouch Bowling Club to try out the skittles alley in the club house.
Santa's visit to Seaford 2023
SEAFORD ROTARY members were delighted that Santa was able to visit the streets in Seaford in December.
Boot, Craft and Produce Fairs in 2023
Including Rotary stall sales and money in donation buckets, money totalling £6,143 was raised at the seven Seaford Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fairs in 2023, second only to the money raised in 2018.
Young Writer Competition 2024
THE YOUNG Writer presentation evening was held at Seaford Head Lower School on Monday 22nd April when the 14 finalists received their certificates for participation and the winners were announced.
Young Artist 2024 Competition
The theme for this year’s Rotary Young Artist competition was ‘Beauty’, and it attracted 19 entries over 4 age groups.
First Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of 2024
The morning of the first Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of 2024 dawned blue with a cloudless sky; any clouds having been blown away overnight by the strong warm winds of Storm Kathleen.
The Philip Moorey Award for the Young Citizen of the Year
On Friday 17th November we assembled at Mercread Youth Centre to see Huw O’Shea declared Philip Moorey Young Citizen of the Year. But the evening was more than that, it was a ‘Celebration of Seaford Youth’ as well as a presentation evening.
Seaford welcomes back Santa on his Christmas Sleigh
Following the cancellation of his visit last year, Santa and his elves visited Seaford before Christmas. During seventeen December evenings, he travelled around streets in Seaford and visited Broad Street on three Saturday mornings and Christmas Eve.
Keith Carlisle 50 Years Service Celebration
ON WEDNESDAY 19th July, members and guests attended a lunch held to celebrate 50 years membership of the Rotary Club of Seaford by Past President Keith Carlisle, PHF.
Young Chef Competition
On 21st November, seven Seaford Head students in years 7, 8 and 9 took part in the Rotary Young Chef Competition.
Yong Musician cometition 2023
ON SATURDAY 15th April 2023 the annual Seaford Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition was held at Seaford Baptist Church.
A Warm Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
The forecast was for a hot dry sunny day, and so large numbers of stallholders arrived at Martello Fields in the hope that there would also be large numbers of inquisitive bargain hunters.
August Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
The sky of the morning of Sunday 6th August was a cloudless blue when 66 stallholders arrived to open up their vehicles to prepare to display their wares for sale.
Bluebell Walk 2023
SEAFORD ROTARY was privileged to have the opportunity again to provide the refreshments on two days, Thursday and Friday 20th and 21st April at the Bluebell Walk at Bates Green Farm, Arlington.
Launch of Hansa 303 Dingy for disabled sailors
Newhaven and Seaford Sailing Club have been enabling people with a disability to sail since 2019. Seaford Rotary was recently approached by the sailing club to help them replace a boat that was beyond repair.
An Average July Fair
Compared with last year, a record event with 117 stalls, and the 2021 July Fair which was cancelled due to the forecast of inclement weather, this Fair with 64 stalls could be considered to be average.
Young Writers’ Presentation Evening
AFTER THE successful return of our Young Writers competition in 2022, Seaford Rotary was pleased to be able to run the competition again this year, the Presentation Evening for which took place at Seaford Head School Steyne Road site on 24th April 2023
June Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
AT THE start of the June Boot, Craft and Produce Fair, the Rotary stall was adorned with plants grown by Past President Geoff Lowles with all proceeds from their sale going to Seaford Rotary Charitable Trust Funds.
Curry Evening
On 31st May, a group of members with their wives, husbands, and partners made their way to the home of Janice Vince for a Curry Evening.
Coronation Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
A cool, but dry morning with a leaden sky greeted the early risers who took the opportunity to display their wares for sale at the second Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair on 7th May.
First Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of 2023
The morning dawned cloudy but dry although cold with a northerly chill wind. This however did not deter the early stallholders setting up on Martello Fields to sell their wares to attract those hoping to find a bargain.
Charter 75th Anniversary Dinner
THE ROTARY Club of Seaford received the approval of R.I.B.I., and its Charter dated 21st July 1947 was presented to the new Club at a dinner in the Queens Hall on 3rd October 1947.
Young Musician of the Year 2022
At last, after an absence of over two years, the tenth Seaford Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition was held on Saturday 9th July at Seaford Baptist Church.
Record Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
AS I DROVE along the Esplanade towards the Martello Tower to photographically record the July Boot, Craft and Produce Fair, I was greeted by the sight of a member of the public with his arms full of what appeared to be a coal scuttle and several boxes.
Rainbow Walk 2022
ON SUNDAY 26th June, a colourful array of walkers and two Cycling Without Age trishaws set off to walk or cycle from Splash Point to the Newhaven and Seaford Sailing Club.
Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party 2022
WE WERE pleased to welcome 38 guests to this year’s Senior Citizens’ Party at St Luke’s Church Hall. As the guests arrived, they sat down to a drink of sherry or orange juice before being formally welcomed by President Ann Reed.
Posh September Fair
It is not often that you see a 1970 Rolls Royce Merlin anywhere, let alone one behind the stall at the Car Boot Fair, but that was the case at the September Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair at Martello Fields.
Mandy’s Big Barbeque Night with Partners
On the last Wednesday of August, a fifth Wednesday of the month, Rotarians, partners and guests gathered at the home of Vice President Mandy Davis for a barbeque in her garden.
August Boot, Craft & Produce Fair
A warm sunny August morning attracted a large number of stallholders and the public to the Rotary, Craft and Produce Fair in West Martello Field on the first Sunday in August.
Bluebell Walk 2022
The Bluebell Walk at Bates Green Farm, Arlington opened for a 5-week period between 13th April and 19th May, and Seaford Rotary were privileged to have the opportunity to provide the refreshments for two days ,Thursday and Friday 21st and 22nd April.
Young Writers Presentation Evening 2022
After an absence last year due to Covid we were very happy that we were able to reinstate our Young Writers competition and on Wednesday 27th April the Presentation evening took place at Seaford Head school, Steyne Road site.
President’s Evening and Handover
WEDNESDAY 29th June was the fifth Wednesday in the month, and therefore in accordance with the recent change, this meeting was one in which wives, partners and guest were invited.
May Day Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
The second Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of the year saw 85 vendors setting up their stalls on the West Martello Fields.
First Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of 2022
The sky dawned blue, and in the crisp fresh Sunday morning only faint disappearing vapour trails could be seen in the sky over Seaford Head as the early the stall holders arrived to set up their wares for the first Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of 2022.
French Market
INCLEMENT WEATHER is not a friend of street markets, and so although the air was dry when the French market arrived early in the morning of Friday 20th May, it was not long before the heavens opened to wash a successful day of trading down Church Street.
Caravan Cleaning for Children with Cancer
ON A VERY wet Thursday morning we wondered whether it was worth going to St Leonards to clean the Children with Cancer Fund caravan. There had been thunder and lightning overnight and it was still raining heavily at 8 am.
PDG John Preddy PHF 50 Years Seaford Rotary Membership and Service
A CONVIVIAL evening was facilitated by John Preddy’s generosity in having an open bar to commence the celebration of his 50 years Membership and Service to Seaford Rotary.
'Allo, 'Allo! French Market Returns
On FRIDAY 17th September, the sound of the French language could be heard wafting through the air in the vicinity of Church Street – the French Market had returned after an absence of more than two years.
Evening meeting with Partners
Wednesday 30th March was the fifth Wednesday of the month. The meeting held on that date was advertised as a Rotary Special Meeting with Partners at Seaford Golf Club.
Over the Rainbow Walk
NEARLY £700 was raised for The Mayor of Seaford's Charity Appeal by last Sunday's colourful Over The Rainbow Walk on Seaford Seafront - organised by Seaford Rotary Club.
Volunteer’s Thank You Buffet Evening
ON FRIDAY 12th March, volunteers who helped Seaford Rotary collect a record sum by accompanying Santa’s sleigh through the streets of Seaford in December, were welcomed at the Crossways Church, Blatchington Hall to a thank you buffet meal.
Opening of the Seaford Gateway
Visitors flocking to the Seaford seaside are encouraged to follow the ‘Seagulls’ and help support Seaford’s town centre.
Tour of Bishopstone Church
THE AFTERNOON of Saturday 14th August saw a group of Rotarians, wives and partners and members of Inner Wheel assembling at the lynch gate entrance to St Andrew’s church, Bishopstone for a tour of the Saxon and Norman house of worship.
Experimental Silent Auction
Despite a cold, drizzly evening which understandably put off many turning out for what was an experimental FUNd-raising function, our Seaford Rotary Club Silent Auction on Wednesday 24th November paid off with a near-£400 boost for our charitable causes.
Senior Citizen's Party
THIRTY-TWO senior citizens were treated to the Rotary Christmas party on 23rd November held at St Luke’s Church Hall, Walmer Road.
Bluebell Walk, Arlington
The Bluebell Walk at Bates Green Farm, Arlington which was first opened in 1972 opened this year for a 5-week period between 12th April and 19th May.
Bowled over at Denton
On 14th October, a group of Rotarians, 1 honorary Rotarian, members of Inner Wheel and one member of Newhaven South Coast Rotary Club were at Denton Island Indoor Bowls Club (DIIBC) for an evening of bowls.
Day of Support for the Mayor of Seaford’s Charity Initiative
Seaford Rotary linked with NP&SL, Martello Rotary, National Coastwatch Institution and Seaford Bonfire Society to help local charities to expand their profile, raise funds and recruit volunteers at the Support our Seaford Charities Day.
Wet September Fair
The sky on the morning of 19th September was grey and laden with rain bearing clouds
Wreath Laying at the War Memorial
This year due to the social distance restrictions imposed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the annual remembrance laying of wreaths at the war memorial on Remembrance Sunday was not able to take place.
Seahaven Storehouse Foodbank Diary
Seaford Rotarians made an average of 65 deliveries to needy families totalling an average 1950 kg of food each week in July.
Senior citizens Xmas party 2019
Annual Senior citizens Christmas party at St James Trust November 2019
Seaford Horticultural Show
President Keith Ross judging the Seaford Horticultural Show 3 August 2019
Safety in Action 2 July 2019
East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Safety in action challenge for Year 6 pupils held at Newhaven Fort during June sponsored by Seaford Rotary to teach children how to deal with, or avoid, life-threatening situations.
Geoff Lowles celebrates 50 year Rotary membership
ON 11th September 2020, Geoff Lowles, Paul Harris Fellow, celebrated 50 years membership of Seaford Rotary Club.
August Bank Holiday Sunday Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
IT IS A well-known fact that the number of stallholders at a Boot Fair is inversely proportional to the number and darkness of clouds in the sky.
Early August Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
THE SKY was not laden with moisture-bearing clouds, and so on the first of the month it was possible to hold the first of two Boot, Craft and Produce Fairs in August unlike the July fair which was cancelled due to the forecast of inclement weather.
Boot, Craft and Produce Fair August 2020
The Sunday morning dawned with a warm blue sky accompanied by the occasional white cloud and a gentle breeze, ideal weather for the return of the Seaford Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair after a long absence.
Boot, Craft and Produce Fair 6th September 2020
An early morning rain shower did not deter the eager stallholders who arrived to set up at the second Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair on the Martello Fields on 6th September.
Boot, Craft and Produce Fair late September 2020
It was a cold strong northerly wind that greeted the stallholders as they arrived to set up for the second Rotary Boot Fair on the last Sunday in September.
Additional October Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
An additional fair was arranged for 11th October, and although there was a north wind which kept the temperature cool for the early starters, the sky was blue, the wind light and soon a continuous flow of people arrived to investigate possible bargains.
First Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of 2021
A chill spring morning with blue skies greeted the early risers who made their way to the first Seaford Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of 2021.
May Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
A BRIGHT yet chill morning greeted the hopeful vendors arriving at the West Martello Field for the second Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of 2021.
June Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
The morning of Sunday 6th June dawned cloudy but dry. Before long, the Martello Field was invaded by stallholders to set up and sell their wares.
2018-06-19 and 2018-07-09 Safety in Action Presentations: Chyngton school and Iford and Kingston school
June 2018
Graham Tubb presented with National Operatic and Dramatic Association Lifetime Achievement Diamond and Gold Bar
March 2016
Para Games 2019
Para Games 2019 was held on Sunday 11th August at Wave Leisure Centre, Seaford
June Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
The Saturday before the fair was warm and sunny and so when the morning of Sunday 2nd June also dawned sunny seventy-six stall holders were tempted to ply their wares at the June Boot, Craft and Produce Fair.
Bluebell Walk and Farm Trail
Another year of fantastic bluebells at the Bates Green Farm, Arlington; stunning blues and tranquillity. We were again privileged to have the opportunity to provide the refreshments for two days (2nd and 3rd May) at the Bluebell Walk.
May Boot, Craft and Produce Fair
A clear blue sky, and although the north wind was chilly, 58 stallholders were attracted to the May Boot, Craft and Produce Fair on West Martello Field.
First Boot, Craft and Produce Fair of the Year
There were 55 stalls, down on the 79 stalls last year. Last year was, however, exceptional, in no other year have there been 55 stalls in April.
Young Writer Presentation Evening
THE annual Rotary Young Writer Presentation Evening attended by hopeful young writers, their parents, teachers and invited guests took place on Monday 11th March at Seaford Head School Steyne Road site.
Inaugural Seaford Beach Parkrun
Parkruns have been set up across the UK over the past few years. They are community events for runners of all standards and ages to encourage physical and mental health. They are non-competitive and open to everyone.