Rotary Club of Cardiff St. David's Photo Galleries

Tree planting in St Mellons
To celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, members of the club plant a tree in St Mellon's. We were joined at the planting by members of St Mellon's Community Council
St Mellons Youth Club Summer Programme Report 2022
With the support from Cardiff St David's Rotary and Cardiff Youth Services St Mellons Youth Club was able to offer lots of activities
St Mellons Community Jubilee Fete
Members of the club will be at the Jubilee Fete to celebrate with the locals, there will be stalls, rides, tree planting
Cardiff Male Choir - St Mellons Village Hall
Cardiff Male Choir are performing at St Mellons Village Hall for an evening of song
Speaker meeting - Helen Griffiths from Hope St Mellons
Helen Griffith is our speaker for the evening on Hope St Mellons and the work she is doing in the community
St David's Day Celebration
Members celebrated St David's Day in Style with speaker Dianne Rees - An insight to her time as Lord Mayor of Cardiff
Christmas Party 2021
Members meeting before the Christmas break, to celebrate the end of the year, picture quiz, quiz, pass the parcel, heads or tails and laughter
Fellowship Boules Night August 2019
members of the club with partners had a lovely evening at St Mellon Boules pitch