Rotary Club of Calverley Photo Galleries

Calverley Rotary Club Christmas Craft Fair 2024

Calverley Rotary Club Christmas Craft Fair 2024

Another successful year hosting our annual charity Christmas Craft fair, which helps us raise much needed funds so that we can distribute 200 Christmas lunches on Christmas day to the elderly and vulnerable in the surrounding areas.

Calverley Rotarians visit Leeds University

Calverley Rotarians visit Leeds University

Members of the Rotary Club of Calverley are given a guided tour of the University of Leeds as part of their social events programme.

Rotary Christmas Shoe Box appeal

Rotary Christmas Shoe Box appeal

The community joins together to fill almost 200 Rotary Christmas Shoe boxes.

Calverley Rotary Supports Aqua Box appeal

Calverley Rotary Supports Aqua Box appeal

The Rotary Club of Calverley continues to support the Aqua Box appeal by donating more Aqua boxes to their warehouse. Update of work completed by the Aqua Box team.

Calverley Rotary Club Lay Remembrance Wreaths

Calverley Rotary Club Lay Remembrance Wreaths

Members of Calverley Rotary club lay remembrance wreaths at local war memorials.

New President Appointed

New President Appointed

Rotarian Carole Owczarek takes over as club president from Rotarian Richard Young.

Calverley Rotary Support the funding of a new Defibrillator box

Calverley Rotary Support the funding of a new Defibrillator box

Calverley Rotary Club was proud to fund a new Defibrillator case in Farsley.

Prostate Cancer 'March the Month'

Prostate Cancer 'March the Month'

President Elect Carole Owczarek and her husband John take on the March the Month Challenge to raise funds and awareness for Prostate Cancer research and treatment

Calverley Rotarians visit Rehoboth Cemetery in Farsley.

Calverley Rotarians visit Rehoboth Cemetery in Farsley.

Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Calverley visit Rehoboth cemetery to see the work carried out by volunteers and inspect the grave markers they donated.

Calverley Rotary Club donate to Local Foodbank

Calverley Rotary Club donate to Local Foodbank

A monthly food donation is made to Trussell Trust foodbank by Calverley Rotary Club

Bowling in the Park

Bowling in the Park

Members and Friends of the Rotary Club of Calverley enjoy a social evening of Crown Green Bowling at Calverley Bowling Club

Carnival in the Park

Carnival in the Park

Calverley Rotary club were delighted to be in the Calverley Carnival Parade and later play games in the park to raise money for local causes.

Young Cricketer is bowled over by sponsorship

Young Cricketer is bowled over by sponsorship

Talented young cricketer William Ellis was bowled over to receive sponsorship from Calverley Rotary Club.

Facebook site

Facebook site

details of our facebook site which gives weekly updates on our work, local causes and events

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Interviews have taken place for the 2024 RYLA course.

Calverley Millennium Way

Calverley Millennium Way

How The Calverley Millennium Way was created
