Rotary Frome Selwood Photo Galleries

Youth Speaks Northern Area Semi-Final
Frome Selwood Rotary hosted the District 1200 Youth Speaks Area Semi-Final at Standerwick Market on 8th February
Sprucing up the YMCA
Five members of our club helped to paint the foyer and other sections of the YMCA centre at Vallis Way. It is true to say many hands make light work as we were finished by 11.30am having achieved more than was expected.
Photos of ShelterBox Collection - November 16th 2013
Photos taken at collection for victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. £1800 was collected on the day.
Club visit to Pons (RC) in 2017, France
October 2017 visit by some club members to RC of Pons
Rotary Foundation's 100th Celebration at Cooper Hall
Morag and Yvonne wowed the audience at this sell out event
Youth Speaks Northern Area Semi Final_2017
Frome Selwood hosted the North Area Semi Final of Youth Speaks on 9th February 2017. Six school teams had battled through to this round and this year 2 teams went through to the Finals; Beaminster School and Selwood Academy
October 24th is World Polio Day - Guy & Gill join Rotary's Polio Immunisation team in India
Guy & Gill Parkinson joined many other Rotarians in travelling to India to assist in the polio National Immunisation Day (NID) in early March 2016.
Youth Speaks Northern Area Semi Final
Frome Selwood hosted the North Area Semi Final of Youth Speaks on 11th Feb 2016. Five school teams had battled through to this round and Stonar School won through to the Area Final.
Rotarians help at Frome Agricultural and Cheese Show
Rotary Club's particulation in the 2015 Frome Show
Youth Speaks - out takes
Photos of some others (ie Rotarians and judges at the 2016 Youth Speaks
Water Survial Box filling 2015
Frome Selwood Rotary Club members spent a couple of hours at the depot filling 60 boxes under the guidance of the RC of Chelwood Bridge members.
Rotary Kids Out 2015 Pictures
Some pictures of the animals and participants in this year's Rotary Kids Out at Longleat
Rotary supports Frome Day Centre/ Frome Academy visits
This Rotary Club is supporting the visits by local students to have lunch with the Frome Day Centre visitors.
Frome Extravaganza - Soup Kitchen
Frome Selwood RC were selling cups of soup at the Frome Extravaganza on Friday night and Saturday. All proceeds as usual to the charity account for the benefit of others.
Wine Tasting 2014 - Beckington
Wine Tasting - Monies raised went to ShelterBox, Water Survival Box and Hope and Homes for Children
Fashion Show at M&Co Frome in aid of Frome Day Centre
The Show is now over and over £400 was raised / donated for The Frome Day Centre.
Frome Half Marathon 2014
Rotarians and others assisted in marshalling this event. Some snaps taken from one of the marshalling positions.
Rotary Kidsout Day - June 2014 at Longleat
Photos taken at Longleat on 11th June 2014 - Rotary Kidsout Day
Race Night - Beckington. See the photos of what you missed!
Club organised Race Night - with a difference see the photos
Youth Speaks 2014 (All) Photos
Photos of the Semi Final held on February 27th at Frome Market
Rotary Flash Mob in Bath - October 24th 2013
Rotary Club of Frome Selwood joined members of other clubs for a "flash mob" singing event in Bath to mark "World Polio Day 2013".
Visit to Westbury Dairies
The Club had a vocational visit to Westbury Dairies organised by club member John Southwell.
Club visit to Whatley Quarry
The club visited Whatley Quarry and the Somerset Environment Centre at Stoke St Michael where we learnt a loy about the geology and mining of the mendips.
Helen's Paul Harris Fellow Award July 2011
On the 5th July 2011 Helen Woodhead [the incoming President] was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition of the work she has done with the Girl Guides and Harry's Hydro.
2010 Twinning Visit to Pons
In September 2010 8 members and their partners visited our twin Club in Pons.
President's Weekend 2010
Instead of a President's Night we had a weekend in West Bay, Bridport. We were joined by the Brit Valley Club on the Friday night.
Membership Evening
We will be inviting members of the public to our meeting tonight to inform them about Rotary and see if any are interested in joining.
RFE visit from New Zealand
For 4 days in June the Club entertained 6 couples from New Zealand. They were taken to Stonehenge, Salisbury, Longleat, Nunney Castle and had a walking tour around Frome.
M & S Fashion Show 2008
Twinning visit to Pons - September 2008
DetailsSummer Barbeque
Visit to Somerset Lavender Farm
Club Handover
Millennium Green 2008
Ambassadorial Scholar 2008