Rotary York Ainsty Photo Galleries

Rotary in York Technology Tournament
York area school pupils aimed for top marks in ingenuity as they swapped their classroom for a design and construction challenge - the RiY Technology Tournament, which was held at the international headquarters of Portakabin, in Huntington, York.
RYA Pre-loved shoe event at Foxwood Community Center
From 12 noon, see details for more information
RYA Access to Web Pages – October 2022
Draft detail of how to access various Rotary Websites
York Ainsty Santa's Sleigh
The Rotary York Ainsty Santa's Sleigh is their main fund-raiser during December in the run-up to Christmas.
Rotary York Ainsty visit to Münster
A photo-gallery featuring some images taken on the 2018 visit to RYA's 'twin' club in Münster, Germany - Münster St Mauritz.
Münster twinning link photographic archive
A photographic record of some visits (both ways) in recent years
Rotary York Ainsty Charter Night 2018
WOZA RYA - A Charter Night with a Difference - Rotary York Ainsty Charter Night 2018