Rotary Club of Bradford Bronte Photo Galleries

Results of #34 Soup are in

Results of #34 Soup are in

After some delicious soup, cakes and networking the results were announced. There was quite a lead for 1st place which was awarded to the Lions for their PSA testing event. 2nd Titus Salt and 3rd Homeless Beanies were quite close. Well done everyone fo

Mama Na Mtoto UK

Mama Na Mtoto UK

Anita a past Rotarian of Bronte gave an update on her charity, a small UK-based charity of four health professionals, committed to and passionate about supporting the most vulnerable families Kilifi districts in Kenya.

Yorkshire Rotary Accessible Games

Yorkshire Rotary Accessible Games

Thanks to past President Anne Griffin we ran our first Accessible Games on Sunday 27th October.  Based at Woodhouse Grove School in Bradford we had wonderful facilities for the participants and their supporters. 

Bradford City of Culture 2025

Bradford City of Culture 2025

Beth Murrell, Community Participation Organiser, joined us this morning. She is part of the Engagement Team for BD25. The programme of events looks so exciting

Good Food Strategy & the Sustainable Food Partnership

Good Food Strategy & the Sustainable Food Partnership

Tim Howells, Senior Public Health Specialist, Bradford, talked about health inequalities. and the Good Food Strategy

New Rotarian

New Rotarian

This morning we were delighted to welcome Vicky Clifton, Head of Learning & Outreach Bradford Museums and Galleries to the Rotary Family. We hope that Vicky enjoys being a Rotarian. We are really looking forward to her time with us and will

RYLA 2024

RYLA 2024

Mason spent a week at Hebden Hey on the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) course.

Rotary District 1040 Conference

Rotary District 1040 Conference

We are delighted that Past President Juli Thompson presented at the District Conference Juli is talking about “The Missing Ingredient” She is the inspiration behind FoodSavers Network in Bradford.

Welcome to our new member

Welcome to our new member

Today we were delighted to welcome Sonny Ali as a new member to the world of Rotary. Vice President Saleem Kader introduced him to the club a month or so ago. We mustn't have put him off as today he became a Rotarian.

Bradford Hospitals Trust

Bradford Hospitals Trust

Supporting Bradford Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust the Charity delivers projects which make a real difference to the patient experience.

Results are in for #31Soup

Results are in for #31Soup

The pitches were Eldwick Wood Turners, Happy Healthy You and The Memory Tree

Start of a new Rotary Year 24/25

Start of a new Rotary Year 24/25

We are delighted to have Alison Whalley as our new President along with Saleem Kader as President Elect. We look forward to a busy and rewarding year.

80's Themed Quiz Night

80's Themed Quiz Night

Our fund raising 80's Quiz night at the Storehouse was a great success. Thanks so much to Vicky and Mike Clifton, quiz masters, who once again put together an amazing quiz. Thanks also go to President Juli for the delicious food and the Storehouse for h

RYLA 2023

RYLA 2023

Do you know anyone who could gain something from this? Do get in touch.

Improving Bradford Beck for a better Bradford

Improving Bradford Beck for a better Bradford

Barney Lerner, Chair, Friends of Bradford's Becks talked about awareness, pollution and improvement of our becks.

Bronte's Bradford Treasure Hunt

Bronte's Bradford Treasure Hunt

President Tess had put together an amazing Treasure Hunt around Bradford City Centre which led us to places we had never seem before!! When we had finished Rotarian Juli and a band of helpers made a delicious meal for us all.

Bronte 28th Charter

Bronte 28th Charter

President Ian is a real James Bond buff so we had a Bond evening with themed table decorations, face masks, clips from Bond films, games and a Scalextric track to test our racing skills .

Gambian Schools Trust

Gambian Schools Trust

Past President Tess made a donation which will go towards the cost of building another classroom at Loumen Lower Basic School which is urgently needed due to increased demand.



Katie Mahon of Bloomin' Buds Theatre Company talked about her innovative work with the people of Bradford

Planter update

Planter update

A belated happy New Year to you all. After a long break we got back to making our planters. Hopefully our production line will speed up a notch ready for some spring planting.

#23 Bradford Community Soup

#23 Bradford Community Soup

The three pitches on Thursday just happened to concern working with young people but each one had a different focus.

Putting Ourselves in the Picture

Putting Ourselves in the Picture

Director Anne McNeil gave an update of this initiative and how our grant of the Bronte Youth Award helped the project.

Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea

First fundraiser of the year and we had a great get together at Shaw House Bradford where Juli and team served us all a delicious afternoon tea with fizz if we so wished. The event was to raise money for Nightstop and the Gambian School Trust.

Induction of New Member

Induction of New Member

On Thursday we were delighted to welcome Noreen Khan to the family of Rotary. Many of us have known Noreen for a number of years and she has been to talk to the club on a couple of occasions.

Happy to Help

Happy to Help

President Anne is supporting Mama na Mtoto as one of her chosen charities and she was delighted to present Anita with a cheque from our fundraising this year

Helping out at the Storehouse

Helping out at the Storehouse

Bronte members Sue, Rahila and Tess helped to pack and deliver Self Care Parcels of chicken curry ingredients and recipe to Bradford Residents.

27th Charter - Hats off to Bronte

27th Charter - Hats off to Bronte

The theme, Hats off to Bronte, encouraged us to wear our creative headgear which set the tone of the evening

Trees for Cities, Bradford

Trees for Cities, Bradford

Mel Frances brightened up our morning by talking us through the her work in Bradford for Trees for Cities

Soup #20

Soup #20

Another great Soup event with the RIPPLE EFFECT. Look at the Facebook link below for all the details

Mama Na Mtoto UK

Mama Na Mtoto UK

Update on Mama Na Mtoto UK (1163465) which is a charity working in Kenya with pregnant mothers, their babies, children and immediate family to lead healthier lives.

Inn Churches

Inn Churches

Rotarian Juli of Inn Churches gave an overview of the plight of people sleeping rough this winter and children who are not getting nourishing food.

Bradford Community E Club

Bradford Community E Club

Katie and Mo, told us about the work they are doing in Bradford and Leeds to attract young people to an on line Club which supports Rotary ideals.

Hand in Hand with Rotary

Hand in Hand with Rotary

Nabila, a Peace Scholar from the Gaza Strip is making a difference. The link Hand in Hand with Rotary gives an overview of what Nabila is trying to achieve with the help of the Rotary Global Hub.

Walk for Hope

Walk for Hope

Past President Anne organised a walk to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research. The walk was just over 7 miles from Rodley along the canal to Saltaire. This was followed by a delicious afternoon tea provided by Rotarian Juli at Shaw House. Well done Anne.

World of Rotary

World of Rotary

Cathy Burns, a Rotarian, member of Leeds White Rose told us about her involvement with the ICC, (Inter Country Committees)

Handover July 2020

Handover July 2020

We offered our appreciation and heartfelt thanks to President Jan for all she had done for the club during 2019/2020 which had been a very tough year.

Putting thought into fund raising

Putting thought into fund raising

Rotarian Darren led 2 weekly meetings about Fund Raising . He got our minds into gear when he talked about the hows whys and whats of the think-plan-do approach.

Friends Feeding Families

Friends Feeding Families

Raj Parmar Director of Sunrise Radio, Bradford and his colleague Naz Sheikh Co-founder of Hope Yorkshire spoke about their new project. They have collaborated and developed a project called Friends Feeding Families, Bradford,

Putting Ourselves in the Picture

Putting Ourselves in the Picture

The Impressions Gallery is part of an initiative to increase awareness of refugee women’s unheard life stories using photography and story-telling practices.

Virtual Rotary 1040 Conference

Virtual Rotary 1040 Conference

Some of our club could stand it no longer, a third year without the pilgrimage to Scarborough for the Rotary Conference was not going to happen.

Update on Bradford Nightstop

Update on Bradford Nightstop

President Ian hosted a hybrid breakfast meeting this morning. The speaker was Rotarian Darren who gave us an update and great presentation on Bradford Nightstop.

Equality Together

Equality Together

Mark Nicholson Chief Executive of Equality Together gave us a very interesting and informative talk about what his organisation does. It is a local user-led organisation for disabled people, their carers and families.

Bradford for Everyone

Bradford for Everyone

Bradford Council is pioneering new ways to end segregation by bringing together people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds in schools, workplaces and shared public spaces.

Brain Tumour Research

Brain Tumour Research

Matthew Price talked about this terrible condition which effects children and adults alike. There has been a lack of research and funding into the 130 types of brain tumours which kill 3,600 people every year, a number which is increasing

Forget Me Not Children's Hospice

Forget Me Not Children's Hospice

Alison Parker from the Hospice and Ann came to tell us about the work of the Hospice which is in Huddersfield but serves the whole of West Yorkshire.

Speaker Ben McKenna

Speaker Ben McKenna

Recycle your laptops, tablets and phones, If you are like me you never know what to do with your laptops, tablets and phones when they are no longer needed.  Solidaritech based in Bradford will make really good use of the them by helping Refugees.

Bradford Live

Bradford Live

We were delighted to have Rotarian Lee Craven talk to us about Bradford Live and the new life been given to the old Odeon cinema.

Bradford Live

Bradford Live

Lee Craven of Bradford Live and an update on the restoration of the Odeon.

Fresh Thinking for Water

Fresh Thinking for Water

Rotarian Crina, Professor at the University of Bradford got us all thinking when she talked about the Circular Economy, Fresh Thinking for Water

Bradford District Telephone Befriending Service

Bradford District Telephone Befriending Service

The Council, NHS and Voluntary sector have collaborated to form a Telephone Befriending Service

New start for the Rotary Year 2019/20 - Handover

New start for the Rotary Year 2019/20 - Handover

The Rotary year ends in June and starts in July for the newly appointed President Jan Lee and President Elect, Anne Griffin.

Pop up Pantries

Pop up Pantries

The pop up pantry operates on a membership scheme, individuals pay £6 a week, which includes £5 for food and £1 into Credit union.



Dawn spoke to us at our meeting about Bradford Disability Sport & Leisure which is a registered charity that provides disabled people throughout the Bradford area with sporting opportunities of both a recreational and competitive nature.

Better Start Bradford

Better Start Bradford

Gill Thornton, Head of Programme for Better Start Bradford gave us an update.

Bradford Bid Update

Bradford Bid Update

Jonny Noble, Bradford Bid Manager joined us on Zoom to update us the second year of the Bradford Bid Partnership and all the activities they have been involved in.

Give a Duck Foundation

Give a Duck Foundation

Brian Curran told us about the Give a Duck Foundation which supports children with cancer.

RYLA 2019

RYLA 2019

Our RYLA participant Charlie Platts came to tell us all about his adventures at Hebden Hey as part of the training programme for the Rotary Youth Leadership Award.

Think Blue Green for Sustainable Urban Infrastructure

Think Blue Green for Sustainable Urban Infrastructure

We enjoyed a thought provoking talk by Rotarian Professor Crina Oltean-Dumbrava who is the Chair of Sustainable Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering & Informatics, University of Bradford

This place we call home

This place we call home

Darren has been exploring the different ways the City of Bradford and Rotary are rising to the task of tackling our environmental challenges

Bloomin Buds Theatre Company

Bloomin Buds Theatre Company

Company Bloomin’ Buds Theatre Company is a social enterprise which aims to improve access to opportunity and to the arts for people from lower and working class backgrounds.

National Science and Media Museum

National Science and Media Museum

Bradford Bid

Bradford Bid

Action for Children

Action for Children

Action for Children

Rotary Conference

Rotary Conference

Our biggest ever turnout this year at the Rotary Conference in Scarborough.  There was an interesting and very poignant programme which really brought home the vast need there is in the world and the necessity for Rotary to continue to do their bit. 

Bronte's 25th Charter

Bronte's 25th Charter

We had successful night for our 25th Charter celebrations . Keynote speaker was David Wilson, Director of Bradford UNESCO City of Film where he represents the city on an international level as part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

Chocolate Heaven

Chocolate Heaven

Bingley Show

Bingley Show

Busy fun day at Bingley Show. Rotary Clubs from Bradford, Shipley, Keighley and Haworth came together to raise awareness of what we do both locally and internationally.

Bradford Soup, The Storehouse, 110 Caledonia Street, BD4 7BQ

Bradford Soup, The Storehouse, 110 Caledonia Street, BD4 7BQ

The aim of Bradford SOUP is to change local communities for the better by bringing together members of your community to pitch their ideas for improving our city - from art to social entrepreneurship, from urban agriculture to justice.

Walking the Camino

Walking the Camino

Can you spot the Rotary rondel in one of the pictures??



Shannon told us about her week of RYLA earlier in the summer. Lucy Hodgson organiser of RYLA presented at our breakfast meeting alongside Shannon.

Dave's Long Walk

Dave's Long Walk

Rotarian Dave walked quite a distance, in atrocious conditions in Scotland to raise money for Prostate Cancer, this is his story.

Paul Breeze Award

Paul Breeze Award

Estella applied for some funding from our Paul Breeze Award.

Malcolm the Weaver

Malcolm the Weaver

For those people who could not make it to Rotary this morning – you missed a real treat. Malcolm Campbell enthralled us all with his mission to bring fun and colour to the lives of 4 to 8 year olds whilst they begin to understand the world around them.



Ok, we are off on a new Rotary year!

Bingley Show Rotary Showcase

Bingley Show Rotary Showcase

G10 joined forces and showcased many aspects of Rotary at the Bingley Show.

Swan Songs

Swan Songs

Ben 'Buddy' Slack is doing an independent project called Swan Songs' at the Marie Curie hospice which is really interesting.  He is meeting with patients and sometimes carers and they work together to write and produce a song which he then records.

Interactors from Belle Vue Girls' School

Interactors from Belle Vue Girls' School

Three representatives from the Interact Club based at BVG School gave an excellent presentation and explained their fundraising ideas and how the money raised helped the young people in Gambia attend a school nearer to them.

A new year, a new President

A new year, a new President

Caroline hands over the reins to Roland. We wish him a fantastic year and hope he achieves all he wants to do.

Bradford Community Soup

Bradford Community Soup

Come along to the Storehouse, Caledonia Street for the next Community Soup, 7pm start.

Paul Breeze Award

Paul Breeze Award

Rebekah Hinton spoke to us about her planned travels to do charity work in Bolivia through Latin Link. She will be working with vunerable women and children. We are supporting her with a grant from the Paul Breeze award

Saltaire Arts Trail

Saltaire Arts Trail

Our very own Rotarian June Russell explained how the Arts Trail is organised and talked about the people who opened their houses in the UNESCO village to showcase art to hundreds of visitors over the Bank Holiday weekend.

The Cellar Trust

The Cellar Trust

Andrew McCarthy Head of Fundraising and Development told us about the work of the Trust with people with mental health problems. They try to eventually get people into work and run 4 work areas in retail, catering, joinery and gardening.

Craig Burton, Rotarian through and through

Craig Burton, Rotarian through and through

At this extra special meeting we honoured one of our founder members, Craig Burton, and presented him with a Paul Harris Fellow for his dedication and promotion of Rotary throughout the world. Well done Craig!

One in a Million update

One in a Million update

Craig and Kirsty came to give an up date on the charity. Kirsty explained how she went from volunteer to actually working for One in a Million and her passion for the charity and the work they do.

The hand over, meet our new President

The hand over, meet our new President

Gary Peacock summed up his successful year as President and handed over to the new President Caroline Murie. Caroline outlined her exciting plans for the new year. Assistant Governor, Manoj Joshi from the Rotary Club of Bradford gave his support.

Charter Night at the Midland Hotel

Charter Night at the Midland Hotel

President Gary Peacock presided over the Rotary Club of Bradford Bronte's 22nd Charter Night. Our speaker was the Rt Revd Dr Toby Matthew Howarth, Bishop of Bradford and his wife Henrietta.

Rotary Cochin International

Rotary Cochin International

Rotarian Navin Bose came to our club to tell us a little about the work of his club Cochin International in southern India. He also reinforced the wonders of Rotary and the way Rotarians pull together and get things done wherever they are in the world.

Twitter for beginners.

Twitter for beginners.

Rotarian Juli enlightened us on the intricacies, the enormous potential and the possible pitfalls of using Twitter to promote Rotary.

Charter Evening

Charter Evening

70 Rotarians and guests joined us to celebrate our 23rd year as a club. Special guest speaker was John Thirwell, film maker, journalist and broadcaster.



Time for Dave to review his year and welcome our new president Gary Peacock

Suprise Visitor

Suprise Visitor

This week we had a suprise visitor. It was Marilyn Monroe (aka Juli) who sang happy birthday to our President, President Gary and gave him a cake. It was a lovely suprise for all of us!!

Induction of new member

Induction of new member

We are delighted to welcome Monica Crina Adriana Oltean-Dumbrava (Crina). She is Professor of Sustainable Built Environment Engineering University of Bradford and is passionate about learning and passing on her knowlegde.

Action for Children

Action for Children

Catherine came to the club to raise awareness of Action for Children and the scope of work that they do. They have also started to run a number of Children Centres in the area.

Dr Raj

Dr Raj

Dr Rajeswaran who is a Consultant physician (obesity, diabetes and endocrinology) spoke to us about the holistic approach that is needed for a healthy body. He is a director of Simplyweight. We will be inviting hime back - very interesting.

Saltaire, World Heritage Site

Saltaire, World Heritage Site

Helen Thornton, World Heritage Site Officer talked to us about the intricacies of looking after such a site and the production of a business/action plan which was very much a working document.



To bee or not to bee was definitely the question when Keith Hebden caused a buzz at our regular breakfast meeting. Keith gave us a masterclass in all aspects of bee-keeping as he showed us his colony of bees. The samples of local honey were also delicious

Mike Cowlam, Strategic Director of Regeneration for Bradford Council

Mike Cowlam, Strategic Director of Regeneration for Bradford Council

Mike Cowlam, Strategic Director of Regeneration for Bradford Council, gave us a fascinating insight into future plans for Bradford. There are a lot of exciting developments in the pipeline.

The Storehouse

The Storehouse

This evening we were welcomed by Juli, a member of our club, who explained how her Storehouse works and how many charities and people it helps.

Challenge Alison!

Challenge Alison!

Rotarian Alison Whalley presented her personal challenges for 2016 now that she has reached a significant birthday. We were treated to breakfast fizz for the special occasion! Cheers Ali.

Bus Lanes and Parking

Bus Lanes and Parking

Susan Brown from the Council's Highway department explained to us the finer details of bus lane and parking rules. Something it appears was very close to many members hearts!!

The Penny Appeal

The Penny Appeal

Ridwana Wallace-Laher, introduced her colleague who told us about The Penny Appeal and the many initiatives they are invovled in. They work in over 30 countries throughout the world.

The Storehouse

The Storehouse

Bronte member Juli Thompson described her exciting project called the Storehouse. Juli recycles fresh food in a number of innovative ways and works with Community Centres to help feed a large number of people in need in Bradford District.

The Nepal Trust

The Nepal Trust

Jeroen van den Bergh is the Operations Director of the Nepal Trust and is based in Kathmandu. He spoke about the earthquake and Rotary's response as well as the ongoing work of the Trust. Our Rotary District 1040 has close links with Nepal.

Constable of Lancaster Castle

Constable of Lancaster Castle

Pam Barker, a Bradford girl and former Head Teacher of Lancaster Girls' Grammar School told us about her amazing journey to become the first female Constable at Lancaster Castle.

New member June

New member June

We are delighted to induct a new member to Bradford Bronte. Welcome June Russell and hope she enjoys Rotary as much as we do.

New Member Anita

New Member Anita

We are delighted to induct Anita Jones into the family of Rotary.

Social and fund raising BBQ at Jans

Social and fund raising BBQ at Jans

A great time was had by all at Jan's and Michael's house and the sun actually came out!

Christmas Collection at ACW Garden Centre

Christmas Collection at ACW Garden Centre

Eager angels and shepherds gathered at the Garden Centre to collect donations for local charities. Thank you everyone for your donations

The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion

Jeffrey Long M.B.E amazed us with the story of his walk to Switzerland for the Royal British Legion.

Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre

Dave Forrest talked about the tremendous amount of volunteering activity that takes place in Bradford

ICE Centres of Excellence

ICE Centres of Excellence

Heather Savage, Head of Centre talked to us about the collaboration between the Council, schools, colleges and businesses to bring about new opportunities for the future of local young people.

Christmas Collection at Woodbank Nurseries

Christmas Collection at Woodbank Nurseries

Woodbank have been kind enough to let us collect for Manorlands and local charities. We certainly welcomed being inside out of the wind and rain,



Shine is one of President Gary's chosen charities. Joan Pheasant came along to tell us all about it. Shine supports people effected by Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus.

Saltaire Inspired

Saltaire Inspired

June Russell talked at our breakfast meeting about her work with Saltaire Inspired. Lots of really interesting events to go and see, have a look at the website.

Rotary Conference 2015

Rotary Conference 2015

A merry band of 3 Rotarians plus Alan faced the bracing weather in Scarborough for the Conference weekend.

Fringe Event as part of British Science Festival Week

Fringe Event as part of British Science Festival Week

5 members of Bronte, braved the very inclement weather on Saturday to man a stall at the Fringe Event as part of British Science Festival Week.

The Giggle Doctor

The Giggle Doctor

Ellie gave us a real insight into the Theodora Children's Charity and how she worked through the complexities of 2 years of intense training to become an amazing Giggle Doctor.

Bradford Refugee Week

Bradford Refugee Week

Courtlin Stoker told us about her links with Rotary and her work with refugees.

Leeds Festival Clean Up

Leeds Festival Clean Up

Rotary Club of Bradford Bronte face another clean up session at Leeds Festival....and it rained again!!!!

Martin House

Martin House

Sarah raised awareness of the wonderful work of staff at Martin House, Children's Hospice do with sick children and their relatives.

Lieutenant Colonel Paul Davies

Lieutenant Colonel Paul Davies

Lieutenant Colonel Paul Davies, Regional Employment Engagement Officer described the unique skills servicemen and women can bring to the civilian work force.



Melissa and Gary Peacock shared their very moving story about raising their daughter Ashleigh who has spina bifida,

Club Assembly and Handover

Club Assembly and Handover

Rotarian Richard Henton-Jones becomes our new President for 2013/4. Rotarian Dave West takes up the reins as President Elect. We hope you have a really great year Richard.

Steve Grasham

Steve Grasham

Children's Young People's Adviser, Diocese of Bradford

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome

Dr Wendy Uttley talked to us about her Down Syndrome Training and Support Service.

A visit from the DG

A visit from the DG

District Governor Mark Stewart Clarke came to offer his support and outlined his thoughts about his year ahead.

Hedron Collider

Hedron Collider

Out first ever evening Rotary meeting was crowned by Alan Wintersgill and his visit to see the Hedron Collider in Cern

Westy's Walk

Westy's Walk

Our very own President Dave West talks us through his amazing tales of Westy's Walk! Many curious things happened to Dave on his 200+ mile walk along Offa's Dyke but he lived to tell the tale and raised £2000 for Cancer Research - well done Dave.

Claudia Maffetone – Rotary Peace Scholar

Claudia Maffetone – Rotary Peace Scholar

Claudia talked about her work before she became a Peace Scholar and her interest in conflict resolution.

Paul Smithson from Alzheimers.

Paul Smithson from Alzheimers.

Paul Smithson from Alzheimers talked about the help and support that is available for the 6000 sufferers in Bradford District and the help that is available for their carers.

Nigel Harrison

Nigel Harrison

Nigel told us about the work of the organisation and about the extent of the legacy of the Olympic Games.



Rotarian Moira Mohit's gave a fascinating talk about her trip to the Emirates and her visit to the Rotary Club in Rak.

Charter Night

Charter Night

President Dave West hosted Bronte's 21st Charter dinner. The guest speaker was Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe who gave a very interesting insight into how Bradford is developing.

Rotary Conference

Rotary Conference

Alison, Richard, Jan, Pauline, Tess and Alan has a great time at this year's Rotary Conference in Scarborough staying at our favourite B&B Lonsdale Villas. This year we also had Assistant Governor Marla, all the way from Texas.

Alan Hall

Alan Hall

Alan Hall ex head teacher of Belle Vue Girls' School, has a passion for writing about Bradford. He told us some interesting tales about the history of Bradford which he uncovered when researching his latest book.



We met up with Robin at one of his stops in Leeds. The Rotary Club of White Rose put on a great night. Robin is raising money for Aquabox

‘The Grey Nomads’

‘The Grey Nomads’

Called 5000+ Rob and Jane gave a fascinating talk about the work they do with communities in Nepal, Kenya and Sri Lanka, to change mind sets. The question posed is what can you do with what you have? They empower people to address poverty.



RYLA Candidate Naeemah Patel from Belle Vue Girls' School gave us a brilliant insight into her week at Hebden Hey.

Rosie McDonnell

Rosie McDonnell

Rosie McDonnell is a budding 17 year old footballer playing for Bradford City Ladies. She came with her Mum, Allyson, to tell us about her career to date, her plans and hopes for the future and to ask if Bronte will sponsor her for the new season.

Mad Hatters Tea Party

Mad Hatters Tea Party

Rotarian Juli organised and event in City Park to raise money for Inn Churches. The Mad Hatters Tea Party took place at Forster's Bistro. Great atmosphere, just shame about the weather!!!

Brain Box

Brain Box

A very informative presentation about an organisation called Brain Box and the work they do with sufferers of brain tumours which are cancerous. It was incredible to hear that brain tumours effect so many people's lives.



Rotarian Tess Wilkins told us the fascinating story of Harry McLinden. Her father, John Howlett,an historian has written a book about his mother's fiance who fought and died in WW1



Handover time for President Richard, welcome the new President David West (Westy)and President Elect Rotarian Gary Peacock.

Community Aid

Community Aid

Salma Khatun and Matt Doyle from Bradford University talking about Community Aid - part of the University Student Union International Health Initiative.

Stan Douglas

Stan Douglas

Stan a 16 year old student from Beckfoot School told us how he is raising money to fund a trip to China and Nepal, a trip of a lifetime where they get to help build a school.

The Wanderers Return

The Wanderers Return

Rotarian Mickey Bee and his wife Izzy gave the club some really interesting and useful advice about planning a year long trip round Australia.

Asylum Seekers

Asylum Seekers

The Rotary Club of Bradford Brontë used its District Grant to help fund its third residential retreat for asylum seekers to Scargill House in the Yorkshire Dales.

New Society of the Year

New Society of the Year

Congratulations to President Andra and all members of the University Satellite Club as they were awarded 'New Society of the Year' at the University Colours Ball at The Hilton on Friday night. Thank you to everyone in Brontë who has supported this initia

The Smile Train

The Smile Train

Smile Train is an international children's charity that repairs cleft lips and palates.

Busy meeting!

Busy meeting!

For those who were at the club this morning I’m sure that you’ll agree that we enjoyed 3 great highlights!

Induction of the new University Society

Induction of the new University Society

The University Club met in the Boardroom at Student Central at 5:30pm where a formal induction ceremony was held to recognise that their club is officially associated with the Rotary Club of Bradford Bronte.

New member job talk

New member job talk

One of our new members Moira Mohit talked us through her life story and how she came to be a midwife. Thanks Moira for a great talk.

Globetrotter Dennis

Globetrotter Dennis

Rotarian Dennis Child talked to us about his trip across the globe to Australia

Another new member

Another new member

This week we welcome Moira Mohit who was inducted to our club. Welcome Moira and I hope you enjoy being part of the Rotary family

New returning member Caroline Murie

New returning member Caroline Murie

Welcome back Caroline.

Peter Lee

Peter Lee

Peter Lee talked about his motivation in life and how important it is to motivate young people.

Rotary Society University of Bradford

Rotary Society University of Bradford

Members of the newly formed Rotary Society at the University of Bradford came to introduce themselves and tell us how they were getting on.

Bronte's 20th Charter

Bronte's 20th Charter

It was wonderful to see past Presidents and friends at our 20th Charter and very fitting that Professor Ann Sumner Executive Director of the Bronte Society was our guest speaker.



Sylvia Lancaster talked to her about the horrific death of her daughter Sophie. It was a very moving and humbling experience. The Sophie Lancaster Foundation, will focus on creating respect for and understanding of subcultures in our communities.

Bradford Police Museum

Bradford Police Museum

Dr Martin Baines talked to us about the plans for the Bradford Police Museum which will be returned to its original place within Bradford City Hall. Soon the old cells and court room will be open for visitors to see along with plenty of fascinating artef

Gambian Update

Gambian Update

Hilary and Steve came to give us an update of the work they are doing in the Gambia along with Ousman Bah, Gambian MP and Kebba who is the Gambian Schools Trust's project manager for the building projects.

Martin Dewhirst from 'New Dawn'

Martin Dewhirst from 'New Dawn'

New Dawn is a charity that sets out to deliver the ability for refugees in the desert to break out of aid dependency by empowering young people in the UK to stand with them to create a sustainable food production environment. By making use of permacul

Whizz Kids

Whizz Kids

We had an excellent presentation on Whizz Kids, a charity which provides disabled young people with custom built wheelchairs which really change their lives making them able to leave confident more independant lives.

Belle Vue Girls' Interact Club

Belle Vue Girls' Interact Club

The Interactors have a great time raising money for the Gambian Trust.

A very special occasion

A very special occasion

Rotary GB&I President John Minhinick & his wife Sheila joined us for breakfast on Thursday morning. We will also had some other guests, including District Governor Keith, AG Edgar, members from Halifax, Skipton, Bradford West & Bradford Clubs.

Odeon Project

Odeon Project

Lee Craven, a local business man joined us for our breakfast meeting and told us about his ambitious and exciting plan for the Odeon building. He talked us through the history of the site and his vision of returning it to its former glory as a venue for

Richard at Forsters Bistro

Richard at Forsters Bistro

A change of venue for our breakfast meeting, Forster's Bistro next to the City Park.

Collections for the homeless in Bradford

Collections for the homeless in Bradford

Members of the club dressed as angels and shepherds to collect money for the homeless of Bradford

One in a Million

One in a Million

One in a Million is a Bradford based charity that helps children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Craig McHugh brought us up to date on the wonderful work that is going on.

Rotary Carol Service

Rotary Carol Service

Rotary Christmas Carol Service at Bradford Cathedral

Andy McMenemy

Andy McMenemy

Our speaker is ANDY McMENEMY who earlier this year completed a mind boggling 66 Ultra (that's longer than the usual 26 Miles !) Marathons in 66 Days ..... wow !

Rotarian Jan

Rotarian Jan

Another truly fascinating insight into the Brontes brilliantly narrated by our Jan.

Natalia Muto

Natalia Muto

Currently doing her MA in Conflict, Security and Development in the University of Bradford, UK, as a Rotary Peace Fellow 2011-2012, Natalia has also been a Global Poverty Ambassador as part of the Global Poverty Project in UK since February.

19th Annual Charter Dinner

19th Annual Charter Dinner

100 guests joined President Chris at Bronte's Charter celebrations

Ken Robertshaw

Ken Robertshaw

Our Speaker is PDG Ken Robertshaw of Halifax RC. Always entertaining, Ken spoke about an Arctic Expedition he undertook recently, for a Children's Charity

RYLA 2012

RYLA 2012

Shereen Bano a student from Belle Vue Girls' School thanked us for nominating her for RYLA.

Westy's World

Westy's World

Westy's Wanderings!!

Susan and Derrick

Susan and Derrick

Bradford Schools Drug Prevention Initiative – Charter Award It provides opportunities for schools to be formally recognised by way of a charter mark for having robust policies and procedures to deliver the educational curriculum in relation to drugs etc

The Haven

The Haven

Debra Horsman from the Haven spoke to us about the holistic work they do with men and women who suffer from breast cancer.

New member's talk left us breathless

New member's talk left us breathless

Sarah gave us a brief run down of her career and we were all amazed at what she had achieved and marvelled at her determination. What a great lady.

Hand over

Hand over

Hand over time again!! Meet our new President Chris Aldred and President Elect Richard Henton-Jones, have a great year.

Forster's Bistro

Forster's Bistro

Our goal at Forster's Bistro To take the best local ingredients. Cook them in a fresh and imaginative way. Train the next generation of work ready chefs and provide Bradford and It's businesses with an exciting lunch alternative. Some of the pr

CLIC Sargent

CLIC Sargent

CLIC Sargent do wonderful work with children and young people who have cancer. For more information visit



Hilary and Steve's update on the Gambian Schools Trust. The club has strong links with this charity and it was really interesting to see how it was progressing.

New Member

New Member

New member Juli Thompson is inducted by President Elect Chris Aldred



Tumaini - Homes of Hope Safe and healthy motherhood and childhood initiative 2011 to 2013

Asylum Seekers visit to Scargill

Asylum Seekers visit to Scargill

Bradford Brontë’s Asylum Seeker Project came to fruition this Easter when Club President Tess Wilkins and Foundation Chair Richard Henton-Jones accompanied a party of asylum seekers for a two day retreat at Scargill House in the Yorkshire Dales.

Sheep Stakes Night

Sheep Stakes Night

What a fabulous night, £1001 raised. View our slide show

Little Germany Action Ltd

Little Germany Action Ltd

Rotarian Dave West told us about his passion for Little Germany

Mr Burton

Mr Burton

Now I know what a "NED" is!

Inn Churches

Inn Churches

Inn Churches provide shelter for the homeless in churches in the winter

Job Talk

Job Talk

Anne talks about her varied career!!!

Bucket Collections

Bucket Collections

Brontarians were out in style at ACW and Woodbank Garden Centres collecting for Marie Curie and Manorlands.

Unusual Business Meeting!!!!

Unusual Business Meeting!!!!

Our business meeting appears to have been dominated by other events!!

Paul Hogg

Paul Hogg

Paul Hogg from Bradford District NHS is the Trust's secretary. He came to speak to us about mental health issues across Bradford

A New Member!

A New Member!

Anne Griffin

Gambian Schools Trust Truck Loading!

Gambian Schools Trust Truck Loading!

No time for slackers!!

Tatiana Minbaeva

Tatiana Minbaeva

“My life is my message” (Mahatma Gandhi)

1040 Conference - Scarborough

1040 Conference - Scarborough

Well fellow Brontarians if you weren't there you certainly missed a fantastic weekend and a "Paul Harris"!

King Lear

King Lear

Rotarian Jan Lee organised a trip to the West Yorkshire Playhouse to see King Lear

Positive Bradford

Positive Bradford

Rotarian Saleem Kader and Jane Vincent instigated a terrific event to celebrate the good things about Bradford

Sandy's walk

Sandy's walk

Taking a walk round Swinsty reservoir with friends, family and dogs.

Space Connections

Space Connections

Paul opened the world of space to the club this morning



Lesley Hastings talked to us about Childline

Vision Africa

Vision Africa

Deborah Kimathi spoke about the amazingly diverse work Vision Africa was doing with children and young adults in Africa

Rummaging at Leeds Festival

Rummaging at Leeds Festival

A few of us got to Leeds Festival when the revellers had left only to find a real tip!

Council Meeting

Council Meeting

St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral

Ulrike Knox talked about her work at St Paul's Cathedral

Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust

Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust

This week sees the launch of our work with the Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust.

More pictures from the Bollywood Party

More pictures from the Bollywood Party

Final figure - well done everyone,£1,580.00 raised

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands!

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands!

We supported Positive Bradford at a major event in Lister Park

That's Cricket

That's Cricket

For a start to Tess's year a number of intrepid Rotarians partners and friends made it to a game of cricket!

Club Assembly

Club Assembly

We say good bye to Andrew and welcome Tess as our new President for 2011 - 2012

Impressions Gallery

Impressions Gallery

Anne McNeill, Director of the Impressions Gallery spoke to us about the work of the gallery

Inaugural Charter Ceremony

Inaugural Charter Ceremony

District Governor of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces in Pakistan & Afghanistan, Shezad Ahmed attends the Interact Charter Ceremony

President's Challenge -  £1,128.38  raised!

President's Challenge - £1,128.38 raised!

A fantastic day was had by all the Bradford Grammar School on Saturday 4th June when enthusiastic teams went head to head for the President's Challenge!

Joseph, past President from How, in Ghana

Joseph, past President from How, in Ghana

Joseph was introduced by Rotarian John Walker from the Rotary Club of Scarborough Cavaliers

Bollywood Party

Bollywood Party

An exciting night of music, glamour and fun. In aid of charities The ISIS Project Shipley and The Gambian Schools Trust.

Positive Bradford

Positive Bradford

Rotarian Saleem Kader updates us on Positive Bradford

City of Sanctuary

City of Sanctuary

An insight into Bradford's City of Sanctuary

Westy on his way!

Westy on his way!

We all join Dave West in his retirement celebrations. What are you going to get up to now Dave?



Our most recent new member Rotarian Paul Colley gives an extraordinary job talk.

The Hajj

The Hajj

Rotarians Raj and Saleem tell us about their incredible experiences at the Hajj

Update on Focus on the crocus

Update on Focus on the crocus

Frizinghall Primary School – presented the Club with a cheque for £208.41 at the BUG ceremony last Wednesday.

Focus on the Crocus

Focus on the Crocus

In Bradford Urban Garden students from Shipley College, Belle Vue Girls' School and Frizinghall Primary including parents help to plant purple and yellow crocus in the shape of the Rotary Wheel.

Gambian School Trust

Gambian School Trust

Krishan Mistry came to talk about his time in Gambia with the Gambian School Trust

Martin House Hospice

Martin House Hospice

Alison Wort from Martin House Hospice gave us an insight into what they do and the special relationships they form.

The Presidential Challenge Quiz

The Presidential Challenge Quiz

Fri 4th Feb 2011 at 7pm Full Bar/Free Light Buffet BRADFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL School BOOK NOW : Team of 10 only £100 Call Darren 07779 230065 or email In aid of: Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Martin House, One in a Million

Micro Loans

Micro Loans

Rotarian Peter Warburton delivering a very informative talk.

Another new member

Another new member

Paul joins us as a new member at Bronte and Raj gave us an inspirational talk on the power of positive thinking

Mercy Ships

Mercy Ships

John and Iris Rhodes came to talk about Mercy Ships and the wonderful work they do. Past President Phil had raised money for them and invited them to come and tell us about the work that has been happening in the last year.

Rotary Peace Scholar Bianca Neff

Rotary Peace Scholar Bianca Neff

Rotary Peace Scholar Bianca Neff was given a warm welcome at the breakfast meeting this morning.



Shamaila Iram from Belle Vue Girls' School tells us about her Ryla experience of the summer at Hebden Hey
