Rotary Club of Stirling Photo Galleries

Queen's Jubilee Tree Planting - Ladywell Park - Bannockburn
Final Rotary planting of trees for Queen's Jubilee
Rotary Handover
President Alan Bradshaw carries out his last task of his year in office by handing over the club's Chain of Office to new President, Robin Sutton
John's Trip to Myreton Motor Museum
An interesting article by Dr John on his visit to Myreton Motor Museum
Shoe Boxes and Startup Photos
Thanks to Riverside Primary School for filling Rotary Shoe Boxes as 2 pupils load the last boxes
DetailsRegional Final Primary School Quiz
This year's winners of Rotary Area 7 Primary School Quiz are Dunning Primary School
Stirling Station Plants March 2019
Selection of photos by Faye Macpherson taken at Stirling Station 19th March 2019
Lunch, Fellowship Meeting
Stirling Rotary Collected at the Thistle Centre all day on Friday organised by Faye McPherson
Cheque Presentation to Start-up Stirling
President Stewart Wilson presents a cheque for £250.00 to Start-up Stirling
Gardening Scotland 2017
The Queen Victoria School Pipe Band stopped outside our tent to play for us. Work stopped for five minutes as we listened to some very talented children, many thanks to one and all.
Presentation to the Stirling School of English
President Alan Rankin of the Rotary Club of Stirling presenting a cheque to Robbie Cullens, Chairman of the Stirling School of English with volunteer tutors and students.
Speaker Megan Firth, RYLA
Our speaker was Megan Firth, ex Wallace High, last years RYLA candidate
Dist. Gov.. Roddy Duncan
District Governor Roddy Davidson and Assistant District Governor Alistair Spowage
Primary School Quiz, Area 7 Final
Primary School Quiz at Albert Hall, Stirling 19th March 2016
RocTalk Presentation
President Peter Mehta and Sandy Farquharson meet members of RockTalk team including Ella Kennedy MBE
Speaker Elspeth King
President's Night 2014
President's Dinner,Park Lodge Hotel, Stirling with the top table guests.
Speaker Alasdair MacInnes
Speaker is Alasdair MacInnes talking about Alloa & District Radio Flying Club with Ian Sutherland
Speaker Ranald Ross-Watt
Photo President David Paterson, Ranald Ross-Watt, Senior Vice President Peter Mehta. Photo by Sandy Morrison
Allan's Primary School Christmas Trees at Station
President David with Sandy and Peter plus Allan's Primary School
Strathspey Railway Outing
Visit to Strathspey Railway Monday 14th July 2014, photos by Sandy Morrison
District Gov. Keith Hopkins.
The Club's reaction when DG Keith Hopkins offers to buy us all a drink!
Presidential Handover (27-06-2014)
Past President Martin Ross, President David Paterson, Sandy Whitehead, V.P. Peter Mehta
Allan's Primary School Christmas Trees
Allan's Primary School's Christmas Trees at Stirling Station
President's Night 2013
President's Night at The Management Centre, Stirling University President Martin Ross and the top table Organised by John Rankin Photos by Sandy Morrison