Rotary Club of Reading Abbey Photo Galleries

Children in Need Collection at Reading Station
The Reading Abbey Rotary Club raised £8060 for children in need.
Reading Abbey Rotary Club Charity golf day
Reading Abbey Rotary Club Charity golf day More than £3,500 was raised by Reading businesses and organisations taking part in a charity golf day in aid of children with disabilities.
Presentation of Dictionaries to pupils at Micklands School
Presentation of Dictionaries to pupils at Micklands School
Our inner tube members donating £460 to
Our inner tube members on 21st March donating £460 to "Look good, feel better" charity in the Royal Berkshire hospital Reading.
The Great Thames Row
Naomi Riches (London 2012 Paralympic Gold Medallist) Lechlade to Teddington Saturday 17 to Sunday 19 September 2016 The Great Thames Row
AM-AM Golf Competition
Thames Walk
With the last 1% of the battle left to fight, the Thames Walk raised £9k for End Polio Now
500 Easter Eggs donated & the Berkshire Egg Run
We helped distribute 500 Easter Eggs to good local causes
Sue Ryder Nettlebed Hospice fireworks
Rotary Club of Reading Abbey helping to makes sure that there was a plentiful supply of soup and hot dogs.
End Polio Collection in Woodley Town Centre
Rotary Club of Reading Abbey collection in Woodley Town Centre for End Polio