Rotary Club of Dunbar Photo Galleries

Intergenerational Group
A Christmas thank-you to the young staff, who all enjoyed the ice cream sundae bar provided specially for them. They can be proud of their work bringing generations together in a friendly group.
Tree Planting at Lochend Woods
Club members plant trees as part of RIBI's "Plant a Tree for Rotary" initiiative.
Rotary Young Musicians
Six young singers and instrumentalists competed to enter the next round of the Rotary competition. Lauren Kerr and Evan Pettet were selected to proceed.
Robin Hamilton - Champion of Change
Robin Hamilton has been presented with a Champion of Change award
Scottish Night - 4th February 2019
The Dunbar Club's traditional "Scottish Night" was held on 4th February 2019
Steve's Cycling Challenge
Coastal Rowing Club members and Rotarians gather at the harbour, socially distanced, to mark the end of Steve Elliott's cycling challenge to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK.
Purple Pinkie 2018
During February and March club members visited all the Primary Schools in the Dunbar area
The Mercat Cross, Dunbar
On Tuesday 28th November, a plaque was unveiled at Dunbar's Mercat Cross.
April Events
Presentations were made to the winners of the Young Writers competition and the Community Salver was awarded to Alasdair and Pippa Swan for their services to Dunbar
Rotary Young Writers Award
Eighteen pupils from the P5 class at Dunbar Primary School took part in this year’s Young Writer’s Competition.
Handover Dinner June 2017
The Handover Dinner was held on Monday 26th June in the Winterfield Golf Club
Youth Night at Dunbar Rotary Club
The Rotary Club of Dunbar held its "Youth Night" on Monday19th June
International Night
The Club's annual International Night was held in the Hillside Hotel on Monday 6th March 2017
President Bob with the End Polio Now team in India
In January 2017, President Bob McKinnon took part in Rotary's End Polio Now immunisation programme in India. Here is his account of his experiences.
Rotary Junior Community Award
Pupils from Dunbar Primary School are presented with the Rotary Junior Community Award
Rotary Duck Race
The Rotary Club's Duck Race was held on the Biel Burn on Saturday 18th June
Dunbar Grammar School Peace Casuals
Dunbar Grammar School Peace Casuals decided to raise money in support of the Harbour Lights project
District 6600 GSE team visit
A GSE team from District 6600 in Ohio was hosted by Dunbar Rotary Club from 22nd-29th March.
Purple Pinkie in Dunbar Primary Schools
Dunbar Rotarians have been visiting local primary schools to inform them about the progress that has been made by Rotary International's "End Polio Now" campaign.
Dunbar Rotary Scottish Night
On Monday 25th January, 29 members and friends of the Rotary Club of Dunbar celebrated the Club"™s traditional Scottish Night with an evening of good food and entertainment at the Rocks.
Rotary Primary Schools Quiz
On Wednesday 27th January 2016, eight teams from local Dunbar primary schools took part in the annual Rotary Primary Schools Quiz.
Rotary Club of Dunbar President's Night
The annual President's Night was held in the Dunbar Golf Club on Satrurday 28th November
Christmas Party 2015
Members and guests celebrated Christmas at Dunbar Bowling Club on Monday 14th December 2015
District Charity Walk
As part of the District Charity Walk, club members walked from Dunbar to Cockburnspath where they met up with members of the Eyemouth, Duns and Haddington Clubs for refreshments and fellowship. Over 50 members and friends took part in glorious weather.
Purple Pinkie Days at Dunbar Primary schools
Between 21st February and 1st March members of the Rotary Club of Dunbar visited six primary schools in the Dunbar area to tell them about Rotary International's END POLIO NOW campaign.
Charity Shop
The Charity Shop raised a record-breaking amount on its opening day, Saturday 3rd November - unfortunately, Covid and now the difficulty of 'borrowing' a suitable shop mean that there are no plans for a charity shop this year.