Rotary in Glasgow North & Bishopbriggs need YOU... to enable Rotary to continue to have a presence and a positive impact in the community, locally & internationally - we are looking for other volunteers to join with us.
DetailsA massive WELCOME to anyone who wishes to provide a 'service above self' to the community - locally; nationally and internationally
DetailsRotary has 7 'areas of focus', which identify opportunities for our Rotarians to make a difference.
DetailsUsing social media - an opportunity to network and 'MAKE A DIFFERENCE' - for when you are so busy, you are unable to join with the regular meetings
A satellite of Glasgow North & Bishopbriggs Rotary, aimed at those involved with Culinary Abilities & those with disabilities training to follow a career in Hospitality & catering.
DetailsThe GN&B ROTARY is located just beyond the north boundary of Glasgow, in the adjacent suburb of Bishopbriggs, we meet online, via ZOOM. (this is still in place at present) with one 'face to face' meeting, on the first Monday of each month. Please contact me if you wish to join-in.
'TOGETHER we see a world where PEOPLE unite & take action to CREATE lasting CHANGE across the globe, in our communities & in ourselves'.
We are quite a small & dynamic group, currently working on various 'development plans for the future'. 'ROTARY OPENS OPPORTUNITIES'. Rotary can be a help to you, as we move forward and strive to make a difference in the Glasgow North & Bishopbriggs communities. We also have a 'satellite group' the 'CULINARY ABILITY CHEFS'; we can arrange to create other specific groups to try and meet your needs.
Volunteers from those in the local communities of Glasgow North; Glasgow North/East; the greater Glasgow North / East Quadrant, including Bishopbriggs; etc.. Rotary provide a quiet 'Service Above Self' in the community, we would like to grow involvment during the next few years. As Rotary opens opportunities for others, in particular the 'Global Network' opportunity.
Thank you to our tremendous 'supporters' in all our ventures & activities, if you wish to be a part of the continuing 'ROTARY' activities & presence in the community, please do not hesitate to contact us. YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
'Rotary International' - suits those already active in the community & 'making a difference' - who do not have much free time while fully involved (providing a Rotary type - service) in another group or organisation, but wish to assist & support ROTARY in its various voluntary service activities - locally; nationally & internationally.
We are flexible enough to have 'Enterprise Members' 'Corporate Members' ; 'Family & School Cluster Members'; 'Community Groups Members' each can nominate representatives to rotate attendance, to ease time pressures on individuals. Can you give up to 2 hours of your very valuable time each month? If so, let us know.
There are a range of, competitive events; charitable giving projects; networking opportunities - both locally & internationally; fundraising activities with partner groups (NOTE:- we do not have funds to give away, we assist groups to raise funds with the time we have to give); the list is extensive, therefore worthy of exploration.
If you CLICK on the 'links to other sites' from the menu below - you will have a choice of a number of short video's that will give you a flavour of some of the ROTARY activities - please enjoy watching those.
As part of our development for the future, we would like to collaborate with you to build on the many activities within Rotary that cater for the 'Youth in the Community' - any youth organisations; business network groups; parents organisations; emergency service groups - i.e. Fire / Police / Ambulance / etc; we also hope to form in 'Kelvin College; Caledonia University; Strathclyde University' a 'Rotaract' group - (18-30'ish); in 'Springburn Academy; St Roch's Secondary; All Saints Secondary; Turnbull High; Bishopbriggs High' an 'Interact' - (12-17); in each of the associated Education Clusters Primary Schools, some 'Rotakids' - (8-11) - it may be worthwhile for schools; colleges; universities; businesses; youth organisations; families & young individuals to take time to explore the links to the District 1230 site; RotaryGB&I site and the RI site.
Mon, Jul 1st 2024 12:00 am - 2:00 am Mon, Jun 30th 2025
A massive WELCOME to anyone who wishes to provide a 'service above self' to the community - locally; nationally and internationally
detailsWe meet on Mondays at 6:30 pm
(PLEASE NOTE - no meetings over Christmas/New Year period or easter monday) 2 Hilton Rd. BishopbriggsBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.
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