Rotary Club of Lutterworth Wycliffe - welcome!

Please scroll/swipe down through this page to find out more about us, in addition to the pages linked in the menu above.

Featured pages

Waitrose Raffle

Waitrose Raffle

The annual Christmas raffle to raise money for Rainbows children's hospice is now finished for another year.



A one day workshop learning to sing Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat took place on February 8th at the Lutterworth Methodist Church


About us

Rotary - What is it?

Rotary is the world’s oldest and largest voluntary service organisation.  With a motto of ’Serviceabove Self’, members seek to serve others while enjoying themselves so doing.  There are some 35,000 Rotary clubs across 166 countries with over a million members worldwide; men and women 

in all walks of life.  Rotary is for people of all races, all religions and of none, and is non-political. 

Founded by Paul Harris, a Chicago lawyer, in 1905 along with 5 friends, they held meetings in each others’ homes on a rota system: hence the name Rotary.  Clubs undertake acts of service for their local community with a variety of projects to improve health and education, and raise money for both local charities and disaster relief among disadvantaged communities overseas.

This is just a brief outline of what Rotary is about.  The Rotary Club of Lutterworth Wycliffe is proud to follow in the footsteps of our founders, and, every year, we undertake fundraising activities to raise money for our chosen charities and projects.  Over recent years we have organised fund raising events as diverse as  Music Nights, Choral Workshops, BBQs, Quizzes, and Raffles

Just some of the charities we have contributed to include:

Headway Brain Injury



Lutterworth Share and Care

Lutterworth Foodbank


If you like the sound of, and share, Rotary’s philosophy, why not join us.  An enquiry can be sent via our "Join Us" page by Clicking Here




Happening soon...

Mon, Feb 24th 2025 7:30 pm

Club Meeting - Venue: Lutterworth Golf Club

Dinner and Speaker
Speaker: Linda May - Young Chef Competition

Mon, Mar 3rd 2025 6:45 pm

Council Meeting - Venue: ADRE (Our House)

Attendees will be made up of the 4 principal club officers and invited representatives of each committee.

Mon, Mar 10th 2025 7:30 pm

Club Meeting - Venue: Lutterworth Golf Club

Business & fellowship

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Mondays at 19:15 for 19.30

(Meetings are alternate Mondays, so please refer to "Happening Soon " on this page for a view of future meetings, or click on the "meetings and events" tab for a longer view. Meetings are currently being held at ) Lutterworth Golf Club
Rugby Road
LE17 4HN  01455 552532

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values