We would like to welcome you to the Rotary Club of Whitehaven Castle. We meet every Thursday at 7:00 for 7:15pm at the Chase Hotel in Whitehaven, CA28 8AA. Contact - ellyday43@gmail.com

Featured pages

Stroke Prevention Project at Egremont Farmers Market in December

Polio Day at Beacon with Mayor - Mike Starkie

Polio Day at Beacon with Mayor - Mike Starkie

Polio Day at Beacon with Mayor - Mike Starkie

Rememberance Sunday

Rememberance Sunday

Rememberance service in Castle Park on Sunday 11th November where we laid our wreath.
It was freezing cold but there was a very good turn out from the public as well as Service organisations

Tesco Collecting

Tesco Collecting

Peta collecting money for Calvert Trust in Tesco

Donation of coats, bed linen and toiletries to the Foyer

Donation of coats, bed linen and toiletries to the Foyer

Our club provides ongoing support for The Foyer in Whitehaven which provides accommodation for homeless youngsters

Xmas Party Zoom Meeting

Xmas Party Zoom Meeting

Xmas Party Zoom Meeting


About us

Rotary in Whitehaven - People of Action

We are a group of like-minded Rotarians from the lovely Georgian town of Whitehaven on the west coast of Cumbria who have come together once again from its two clubs to pursue another joint project.  Our common aim is to enhance, improve & help develop the environmental & visual impact of the town and area for both residents & visitors.In particular, to help to raise not only the profile but also the sense of civic pride in the Harbour area and Marina and its surrounding environs.  We are in partnership with the Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners & others to achieve this worthwhile commission. We have already placed planters on the harbour filled with flowers to brighten the views & have other projects in the pipeline such as tree and bulb planting, painting bollards & refreshing the signage.

We would like, and greatly appreciate people of vision to come and join us on this journey of local improvements to our local environment.  Any help is welcome.  If you feel you would like to volunteer to help us, you can contact us at: info.whitehavenarearotary@gmail.com

There is no requirement to be a Rotarian but if you are interested in finding out ore about Rotary, you can go on each of the clubs' websites or Facebook pages.  Both clubs meet weekly at The Chase Hotel on either Tuesday (Whitehaven) or Thursday (Whitehaven Castle) for fellowship and fun.


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 18.45 for 19.00 pm

(1st Thursday of each month is via Zoom only at 8pm) Inkerman Terr.

CA28 8AA  01946 693656

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values