Featured pages

Rotary Young Photographer Competition 2024&25

Rotary Young Photographer Competition 2024&25

Like taking pictures, then this is for you if you are aged 17yrs or under.

Rotary Young Chef Competition 2024/25

Rotary Young Chef Competition 2024/25

Would you like to enter this years Rotary Young Chef competition, open to youngsters aged 11to 17yrs.

Charity Golf Day 6th September 2024

Charity Golf Day 6th September 2024

Our Annual Charity Gold Day event at Chestfield Golf Club



Following our successful Christmas Collections of Clothing & Bedding for the Homeless, our Tool Collections for TWAM and Disability Equipment at various times throughout the year we are now offering a "Contact to Collect" service all year round.

Stodmarsh Country Walk

Stodmarsh Country Walk

Today for our June social event, several of our club members & guests with a couple of dogs visited the Stodmarsh National Nature reserve, just beside the Grove Ferry Inn East of Canterbury Kent. After an interesting 4 mile walk in good company & seeing

Do you Care for someone and need support - Carers UK are there for you.

Do you Care for someone and need support - Carers UK are there for you.

If you are looking after someone at home and need help or advice contact Carers UK at any time - they are there for you.


About us

Presidents Address 2024/5

Welcome to Rotary Club of Chestfield

My name is Sue Vargyas and I start my second Year as President on 1st July 2024.  Let's hope it doesn't end like my first in 2019/20 with Covid!

Friendship and fellowship is our Rotary motto and I hope to follow our 2023/24 Presidents very successful year by raising funds for my 3 Charities:  Pilgrims Hospice, East Kent Carers and Red Zebra. I know I will have the support of my Vice President, Chestfield resident, Ian Small, and all our other hard-working members. 

We start off with a very exciting venture joining all other Canterbury District Rotary Clubs, with a stand at The Canterbury City Show on the weekend of July 20th and 21st in Westgate Gardens Canterbury 10am till 5pm on both days, why not pop along and meet us.

We have already planned our Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Chestfield Golf Club on 6th September 2024, Quiz nights on 9th November 2024 and 12th April 2025, with many more fundraising ideas in the pipeline.

We continue as a club to support our great work Internationally with Walk4Water on 21st March 2025 with local Primary Schools, Shelterbox, TWAM (Tools with a Mission), our ongoing collection of disability aids and Rotary Internationals End Polio Now project.

Locally we continue to support Whitstable & Tankerton Hospital and any other local groups that need our support.

Please contact me anytime via our website;  e-mail ; or on

You can also find details of our events throughout the year on our Chestfield Notice Board.

I look forward to meeting you at one of our meetings or fundraising events.

Thank you


Please Join Us at One of Our Meetings

We meet every Thursday morning for breakfast (7.15 for 7.30am) at The Plough Inn (see details on the right hand column). Please be sure to check out our latest news below as well as our extensive photo galleries.

Did You Know?

Chestfield is a village close to the north Kent coast and is close to Whitstable.

We are linked with the Chestfield Parish Council, with whom we work on joint projects.

We have established, with the co-operation of Kent College, an Rotary Interactor Club at Kent College for their students to join and provide an avenue for service to the community at home and abroad by raising funds for various Charity projects. Formed in February 2012 they change members every year and have between 20-30 at any one time from a wide range of backgrounds putting their enthusiasm to good use. One event they are supporting is the eradication of Polio, a project Rotary has championed and funded relentlessly world wide, as well as many other ventures which they choose each year.

For more information on Interactors at Kent College go to or email

 Latest News- See Meeting & Event tab for more detail

26th June 2025 - Assembly & Handover Evening

29th May 2025 - AGM Meeting

12th April 2025 - Spring Charity Quiz Night

14th March 2025 - Club Bowling Night

8th February 2025 - Charity Car Parking

31st December 2024 - Charity Car Parking

14th December 2024 - Charity Car Parking

13th December 2024 - Club Christmas Dinner

8th December 2024 - Christmas Collections in Chestfield

28th November 2024 - Club SGM Meeting

9th November 2024 - Autumn Charity Quiz Night

18th - 20th October 2024 - District Conference

22nd September 2024 - Charity Car Parking

17th September 2024 - VP's Garden Party

6th September 2024 - Charity Golf Day

26th August 2024 - Plough Fest Event

11th August 2024 - Charity Car Parking

3rd August 2024 - Rotary Craft Sessions at Plough Inn

Our Social Media

Chestfield Rotary Club

Happening soon...

Tereo School Project - South Africa

Mon, Mar 4th 2024 9:20 am - 11:20 am Fri, Dec 27th 2024

Tereo School Project - South Africa

A joint venture with our contact Rotary Club in South Africa - Helderberg Sunrise Rotary – Somerset West, South Africa


Thu, Aug 1st 2024 7:45 am

General Meeting

Thu, Aug 8th 2024 7:45 am

General Meeting

Thu, Aug 15th 2024 7:45 am

General Meeting

Thu, Aug 22nd 2024 7:45 am

General Meeting

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 07:45 for 08.00am

(We meet in the evening at 6.30pm for 7-00pm once per quarter. Please check with Robert as some meetings are now being held at different venues. All Guests or visitors please contact Robert Sissons on ) The Plough Inn
100 St Johns Road
CT5 2RN  01227 794636
W3W:  ///poppy.cube.teeth

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values