Giving our support to the work of Sanctuary 21 to help those who are homeless and sleeping rough in Durham City.
DetailsThe consignment of 300 shoeboxes from Rotary in the north east reach Ukraine
DetailsHelping out with a clean-up arranged by the City of Durham Parish Council
DetailsClub president Tom Sharples visited Sunderland Bridge this evening to deliver a CPR/AED familiarisation session for local residents.
DetailsGuest speaker was Charlotte Stow from TeleEEG - providing remote interpretation of EEG files for patients across the globe
DetailsAn exhibition of photographs taken by Kostiantyn Revutskyi in Ukraine in Spring 2022
Durham Elvet Rotary is one of 45 Rotary Clubs that are in Rotary District 1030 which covers the North East of England. We are a small, friendly group that is focused on projects to help improve the lives of others in communities - locally, nationally, and internationally, whilst at the same time enjoying the social and fun aspect of what membership of Rotary can offer.
It was within this 'swan neck' meander, in 995 AD, that St Aldhun settled with his monks and the relics of the Christian Saint Cuthbert. The construction of the famous cathedral that dominates and characterises the city was begun in 1092 AD.
The original Elvet Bridge on this site was built by Bishop Hugh Pudsey in about 1160 AD. It was added to in 1228 and later by Bishop Fox in 1495. There were originally 14 arches, of which only 10 now remain, two of which are overbuilt. In 1771 the bridge was severely damaged by floods. In 1804-5 the width of the bridge was doubled. The bridge is now closed to vehicular traffic.
In 1986 the Cathedral and Castle, high on this famous river site, was designated a World Heritage Site.
Thu, Feb 27th 2025 7:00 pm
Venue: 'Sixty-One' Durham.
Speakers will be Rotarians Jacqui Molyneux and Mike Overy of Rotary Middlesbrough Erimus who will be telling us about their 'Knife Crime Prevention' initiative.
Thu, Mar 6th 2025 7:00 pm
Monthly business meeting on Zoom
We meet on Thursdays at 19:00
(Our Business meeting is held on ZOOM on the 1st Thursday of the month. On the 3rd Thursday we meet at ) 'Sixty-One Durham'Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.
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