Rotary in Nailsworth - welcome!

Please scroll/swipe down through this page to find out more about us, in addition to the pages linked in the menu above.

Featured pages

Seat Success at Stroud Valleys Project

Seat Success at Stroud Valleys Project

Improving access for disabled people

Nailsworth News

Nailsworth News

We regularly have articles in our local monthly newspaper. Our article in the latest issue, plus all of our previous ones, are here now.

Rotary Race Night for Charity

Rotary Race Night for Charity

In aid of ShelterBox and local charities supported by Nailsworth Rotary

Woodchester School RotaKids

Woodchester School RotaKids

Supporting Purple for Polio

Fundraising for Charities

Fundraising for Charities

Nailsworth Rotary holds many fundraising events each year, and the funds raised have helped a wide range of organisations.

Supporting Five Valley Sounds

Supporting Five Valley Sounds

Helping those who are unable to read the news to listen to it instead


About us

What is Rotary?

Rotary is a global voluntary organisation with over 1.2 million members from all walks of life, and in almost every country around the world.  Rotary represents a powerful combination of Fundraising, Community Service, Fellowship, and Fun! 

Rotary's mantra is The 4-Way Test and, from the earliest days of the organisation, Rotarians have been concerned with promoting high ethical standards in their lives.

Rotary in Nailsworth

Rotary in Nailsworth started in May 2007 and has 25 members, split almost equally between men and women. We are an active group who give our time to helping others here in Nailsworth, across the UK, and Internationally. 

We have had 16 brilliant years raising funds for several charities, undertaking local projects and enjoying many happy social occasions. We meet on alternate Thursdays at The Bear of Rodborough where we usually have a single course meal followed by a talk.

Interested in joining Nailsworth Rotary?

We are a friendly and welcoming Club. If you'd like to learn more about Rotary in Nailsworth please either email us or leave a message for Ken on 07490 220773, you will receive a call back within 48 hours. We will be pleased to meet with you at a local cafe to answer your questions and give you more information about the Club. You will then have the opportunity to join us at up to 3 Club meetings as our guest. 

Rotary Club of Nailsworth Trust Fund is a Registered Charity No.1124062

For more details, follow us on Facebook .

Happening soon...

Thu, Feb 20th 2025 6:45 pm

Club Meeting

Speaker: Phil Hope - Challenges and change in Social Care


Thu, Mar 6th 2025 6:45 pm

Club Meeting

Speaker: Rina Saini (Nutritionist) - How to achieve a healthy lifestyle

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 6.45pm for 7pm

(Alternate Thursdays) The_Bear_of_Rodborough
Rodborough Common
 01453 878522
W3W:  ///dollar.motored.farmer

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values