President Joyce Waddell and members of the Rotary Eclub of the West of Scotland welcome you to our website. We are always pleased to welcome Rotarians and guests to our meetings.

Featured pages

Information about Joining

Information about Joining

for potential and existing Rotarians

Chris Windley talking about LuJam Cyber

Chris Windley talking about LuJam Cyber

Chris told us all about LuJam Cyber



We recently had Dave Barwick talking to us about Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance (SCAA).

Dr Murdo Macdonald - The Leprosy Mission, Scotland

Dr Murdo Macdonald - The Leprosy Mission, Scotland

Murdo talked about The Leprosy Mission

Our Charter Presentation Night

Our Charter Presentation Night

We were honoured to have Tom Griffin, President of Rotary G.B. & I. as our keynote speaker on the occasion of receiving our Charter as a recognised Club in Rotary International.

With Jess Roper, twice English Kick Boxing Champion and Public Speaker

With Jess Roper, twice English Kick Boxing Champion and Public Speaker

Jess spoke to us about empowering Children and High Performing professionals to achieve their potential by increasing ambition, resilience and Confidence


About us

 Please scroll/swipe down through this page to find out more about us, in addition to the pages linked in the menu top-left.

As of 15th November 2020 we are a fully chartered club of Rotary International, one of around 35,000 scattered throughout the world.

Rotary Eclubs are just like traditional Rotary Clubs, however rather than having a set meeting time and place the members can get involved when convenient to them.
Our brand new Eclub is providing an alternative for Rotarians who, for whatever reason are no longer able to attend their own Club's activities.

It is also a chance for those who have not yet been introduced to Rotary to dip their toe in the water, feel the warmth of the welcome and the vast range of opportunities it can bring to your doorstep.

Nowadays, work commitments and the pressure on family time means that your free time is precious. It doesn't mean that you haven't got the time or inclination to get involved, it means that you have got your priorities right.

For us, family and work always come first. Any time that you can spare to devote to Rotary must be used wisely and be fulfilling. We want your help where it is most needed - our Rotary projects.

Our Eclub meets online, using social media and Zoom - state of the art video conferencing. We are active 24/7/365. Members login and contribute when time permits. We do hold short video conferences twice a month (1st Tuesday and 3rd Sunday) that we encourage you to join, and we try to get together every couple of months for a social activity (yes, the whole family are invited too!). If you can make it you will be very welcome. If work or family life gets in the way, we understand. We want Rotary to work for you as well as you working for Rotary.

If you are a current or former Rotarian who is struggling with work or time pressures or simply want to try a different type of Rotary, or, if you have never been a Rotarian and are interested in joining a vibrant, committed but relaxed group please follow this link.

The short domain of this website is



Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Sundays at 8pm 1st Tuesday and 3rd Sunday

(of the month on Zoom)

Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values