Gosdenberry - Mon 26th Aug at 14.00

Join us in the Walled Garden for “GOSDENBERRY”
Musical entertainment provided by local Surrey bands music from the 60’s to current day + Open Mic
at GOSDEN HOUSE SCHOOL Horsham Rd, Bramley GU8 0AH


Guildford Wey Rotary - welcome!

Please scroll/swipe down through this page to find out more about us, in addition to the pages linked in the menu above.

Featured pages

Global Sight Solutions

Global Sight Solutions

In 1998 Guildford Rotarian Dr Sam Das, set up the ‘Guildford Eye Project’ which centred on curing blindness in India.

Youth Speaks

Youth Speaks

A Debate is organised and promoted by Rotary International.
It is a four-stage competition which is designed to support and encourage the development of effective communication
skills. See 'Events' for next competition



Join us in the Walled Garden for “GOSDENBERRY”
Musical entertainment provided by local Surrey bands music from the 60’s to current day + Open Mic
at GOSDEN HOUSE SCHOOL Horsham Rd, Bramley GU8 0AH

Guildford Mayor's Charity Concert

Guildford Mayor's Charity Concert

Each year Rotary in Guildford together with the Vivace Chorus hold a Charity Concert at Holy Trinity Church Guildford to raise funds for the 'Mayor's Local Support Fund'

Schools Got Talent

Schools Got Talent

2024 was the Eleventh year that Rotary has organised this exciting event at G Live. Schools taking part once again were the Duke of Kent; Christ’s College; Priors Field and St Teresa's.

Gosden House School

Gosden House School

Gosden House School. It is an outstanding school for young people with learning and additional needs. For the last 5 years a group of Rotarians from Guildford have been helping to clear the gardens.


About us



                                                 Rotary in Guildford was founded in 1921.
                                                        We are a member of District 1145.




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On the 22nd of June Peter & Pat O'keefe hosted an amazing BBQ

at which our 2023-24 President ,Andrew Day handed over the Presidency

for 2024-25 to our new President Michael Ramcharan

New President Michael on left, retiring President Andrew on the right


Our 2024 BIG CHARITY WALK event held on the 19th May had
19 Charitable bodies taking part
raising in total over £10,000 for their chosen  Charities

CLICK HERE to see how you can raise funds
for your chosen charity in 2025


Following the very successful Schools' Got Talent event our President, Andrew Day, was able to present cheques for their ticket sales to the schools represented.

Duke of Kent School

Christ's College


Schools Got Talent

2024 was the Eleventh year that Rotary has organised this exciting event at G Live. Schools taking part once again were the Duke of Kent; Christ’s College; Priors Field and St Teresa's.

For More Details and picture Gallery
Click Here







Each year Rotary in Guildford together with the Vivace Chorus hold a Charity Concert at Holy Trinity Church Guildford to raise funds for the 'Mayor's Local Support Fund' 

Tangent in Guildford supplied the mince pies and wine at the intermission    

The latest event held on the 10 December 2023 raised overall £4,500 for local charities. £1,350 was raised from the retiring collection for the Mayor's nominated cancer charity, the 'Fountain Centre' in Guildford, and a further sum of over £3,200 was raised from the event itself and donated to the 'Mayor's Local Support Fund'



Look out for our New Gazebo at forthcoming events

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July 3rd 2023 saw the retiring President Philip Rambech (L) hand over the
Presidency for 2023-24 to Rotarian Andrew Day (R)

Ukraine – minefield clearance

The Rotary GB&I Ukraine Crisis Taskforce meets regularly with our colleagues from District 2232 in Ukraine, and one of their major projects is to stop people from entering minefields sown as the Russians retreated. The total area affected is the size of the British Isles, but of course this is scattered over the regions, especially in agricultural areas and around Kharkiv. The immediate plan is to provide warning signs which the Civil Defence teams can post around suspected areas. The BBC highlighted them in an article posted at https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65204053. Please note the Rotary symbol at the bottom edge (see attached photograph)


At The District Conference held on the 21st January 2023 two Guildford Rotary members, one Guildford Chantries member and one Rotary Leatherhead member were awarded a District Service Award for outstanding service in promoting the Rotary Foundation in relation to their work on  the Charity ,Guildford Eye Project and in its working name Global Sight Solutions. They have also been involved in many other Rotary projects.

The Award was given to Andrew Jackson & Dr Sam Das of Guildford Wey Rotary Club, John Miles of Leatherhead Rotary Club and Fiona Miles of Guildford Chantries Rotary Club.


At a recent Rotary lunch the members of the new Rotary Club of Guildford Wey were pleased to award a Paul Harris Fellowship to the Lord Lieutenant of Surrey, Michael More Molyneux, in recognition of his support to Rotary in Guildford and its surrounding areas over many years.

Michael was an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Guildford for many years before its recent merger in November with the Rotary Club of Guildford District to form the new Guildford Wey Club. Michael has always been only too ready to offer his support to Rotary, as was his father who also had received a Paul Harris Fellowship many years ago.

Paul Harris was the original founder of the Rotary organisation over 110 years ago and the award is granted by members to people, to quote the citation ” in appreciation of tangible and significant  assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among people of the world”

The photo is of the President of the Rotary Club of Guildford Wey, Michael More Molyneux, and Rotarian Andrew Jackson




On the 1st November 2022 The Rotary Club of Guildford and the Rotary Club of Guildford District joined forces to form The Rotary Club of Guildford Wey which will operate as Rotary in Guildford.

Our Club No. is 224808




 On the 1st November at a ceremony in the Guildhall Guildford, the new Club President, Philip Rambech, was presented with its Charter by District Governer Roger Stent.


Our Social Media

Happening soon...

Mon, Jan 1st 2024 3:14 pm - 5:14 pm Wed, Jan 1st 2025


Rotary in Guildford Diaries


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Wednesdays at 18.30

(Meetings held Monthly. Venue and times can change so please check with our Secretary should you wish to join us) Grantley Arms
The Street

Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values