Charity Gala Variety Show - Fri 21st Feb at 19.00

spectacuar evening of music and dance featuring all local talent

Our Club meet most Thursdays at 1pm and we would be delighted to see you. Please Contact the Secretary if you would like to join us face to face meetings,

Featured pages

Charity Gala Variety Show

Charity Gala Variety Show

spectacuar evening of music and dance featuring all local talent


About us

  Forthcoming meetingsF

Our next meeting will be held 
on Thursday 7th February 2025 at the Laurel bank Hotel.

 arrival for 12.45pm for a 12.55pm prompt start downstairs.

Club Business followed by fellowship.


(for those having a meal at our weekly meetings- hotel supplies meal choice on the Saturday prior to the meeting for the Thursday )

If interested please contact us through our facebook page.


if you wish to join a ZOOM meeting please use the undernoted

Meeting ID: 764 035 6476

Passcode: 250150


Rotary Planter at RiversidePark, one of two the other at the Lidl roundabout. Part of the joint venture with Fife Council's Hanging basket watering programme.

Giant Irises beside Fettykill Fox Roundabout on main road between Leslie and Glenrothes Town Centre.


Happening soon...

Charity Gala Variety Show

Fri, Feb 21st 2025 7:00 pm

Charity Gala Variety Show

spectacuar evening of music and dance featuring all local talent

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 12.45 for 12.55

(1st Thur at Laurelbank Hotel for 1pm start 2nd Thur at LaurelbankHotel for 1pm start 3rd Thur at Laurelbank Hotel for 1pm start 4th or 5th Thur at Laurelbank Hotel 6.30pm for 6.45pm If 5 week month then 4th Thur at Laurelbank Hotel for 5.30pm) Balbirnie St,

Markinch, Glenrothes
KY7 6DB  01592 611205

Web site about the locality

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