About us

Mary McKinlay  -  President 2024/25

We are involved in a variety of things within our community, with the aim of creating a better standard of living for all.  We raise funds through activities such as our Annual Golf Day, a yearly Duck Race and others.

As well as helping our local community, we also recognise Children of Courage annually, support the building of skills through Trade Aid and are currently looking at Water Bore Holes in Kenya.

Further articles about the work of our club can be found on other pages, please investigate

My chosen charity for the year is the Grantham Hospice


Every year we provide parcels for children and adults in deprived and needy areas of the world. The boxes are the size of shoe boxes, hence the name, and they are filled with a variety of things, for babies and older children.  These boxes can be obtained through the Rotary Club or the Grantham Journal offices.  

The only cost is £3 per box that helps with the cost of shipping. Last year we sent over 1100 boxes, hopefully we can do better that that this year. 

Please contact Claire Storer for any further information claire_storer@hotmail.com



The Charity Golf Day is an Annual event at which funds are raised to support the President’s chosen charity and other good causes in the Grantham area. 

The next Charity Golf Day is Thursday 25th July 2025 Details will be on the Flyer. To enter please see the Invitation Letter and the Entry Form.


Trade Aid provides Boxes of new tools and equipment that enable tradesmen to resume their trade after a disaster or youngsters to learn and start a business in areas where vocational training is not available. 

In its 10 year existence, over £500,000 has now been raised and over 1,000 boxes have been distributed to 35 countries, equipping over 28 training stations. To learn more please visit our Website and Facebook.





The Children of Courage Awards Lunch is an annual event at which awards are presented to Children who have faced life experiences of adversity and hardship with extraordinary courage, tenacity, and fortitude. 

We are pleased to honour these young people whose courage and achievements would otherwise go unrecognised by the wider community. See the latest, 2020, Children of Courage Awards on YouTube.  In 2024 our event will be held at Walton High School on the 6th March, starting at 5.15pm







The Club is currently meeting at 7.00pm on Wednesdays. 

Some meetings are on Zoom and some are at the Grantham Conservative Club, 50 Castlegate, Grantham

 Please contact our Secretary on secretary@granthamkestevenrotary.org if you would like to join us.  



Visitors are welcome and should contact Mary McKinlay on 01400 281671




Our Social Media

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Wednesdays at 1900 for 1930

(Grantham Kesteven now meet physically every other week with the alternate on Zoom No meetings after a bank holiday) 50 Castlegate
NG31 6SN  01476 564899

Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values