Are you looking to volunteer in this, your local community? Then please look no further! We focus on both Local Community support and International interests.

Featured pages

Warboys Impact Group

Warboys Impact Group

Rotary IMPACTing WARBOYS reflects our aim in coming together to benefit both the local Warboys Community and wider Rotary family.



Click 'Details' for further information about the work of our International Committee in both 2024-25 and ongoing.

Yard Sale

Yard Sale

In aid of Charities and Local Worthy Causes



Welcome to our local and wider Environment activities

Community Interest

Community Interest

Known within Rotary as Community & Vocational it really means all thing Community, whether locally or even Internationally. Rotary's heart is our Community, wherever that may mean for you.

Public Image

Public Image

We use this, our Website and also our Facebook page to promote what we do.
And we are proud to publish in a variety of publications including the Ramsey and Warboys Informer Newspaper; The Fen Magazine and The Hunts Post.


About us

Giving to Rotary, means Rotary gives back!

Rotary Club of Ramsey Trust Fund is a registered charity, number 1025083 

55 YEARS OF SERVICE 2024 / 2025

“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change

across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves” 

This identifies what makes Rotary different from other organisations. 

Rotary in Ramsey is open for membership to anyone who is interested in volunteering in the local community and we encourage membership from any gender. We are a friendly bunch and have 33 Members, including 12 Ladies, and three honorary Members. We range in age from 30-ish to 65+ and would love to welcome younger members to join us.

Rotary in Ramsey still enjoys the company of one our founder Members, Richard Hyde MBE who helped create the Club some 55 years ago and remains very active to this day.

We support many local and International causes. If you live, work or have any connection to Ramsey and the surrounding villages, please do come and experience first hand the benefits of joining Rotary - we want you to join us! #volunteer #volunteering

Our members make a difference at home and around the world.

We are a very social group and meet weekly, where our meeting programme will normally be as follows:

  • 1st Tuesday of the Month will be Committees
  • 2nd Tuesday of the Month we shall enjoy a guest Speaker
  • 3rd Tuesday of the Month our Council meet and we then hold our Business Meeting
  • 4th (and when there is a 5th) Tuesday of the Month we shall do something social, such as a visit somewhere or an event at Ramsey Golf Club.
  • 5th - Always check our Programme on this website for the latest information.

As a new member you are very welcome and you will:

  • make new friends
  • be part of the world-wide well-respected Rotary International organisation
  • take part in our many activities and projects
  • hear informative and interesting speakers

To learn more about us and what we do, I invite you to browse through our website. Feel free to contact us for more information. The links provide more detail on our members, past members, officials and history.

Rotary has seven areas of focus: -

  1. Promoting Peace
  2. Fighting Disease
  3. Providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene
  4. Saving mothers and children
  5. Supporting education
  6. Growing local economies
  7. Protecting the environment

If you wish to hear more about the us or wish to visit the us please e-mail me, charlotte Dodden at

or our Secretary, Mrs Sharon Trotter at

I look forward to meeting you.

Charlotte Dodden

Rotary in Ramsey

President 2024 - 2025

What is Rotary?

Our members are men and women of all ages who come from many walks of life (just like you!) whether business people, professional people or community leaders alike we have a common bond: we are keen to utilise our time, skills and resources to help others.

With 34,000 clubs in 200 countries and geographic regions worldwide, boasting 1.2 Million members, Rotary is far reaching. In Great Britain & Ireland alone, there are in excess of 51,000 Rotarians in 1,810 Clubs. Each member enjoys the opportunity to give something back to communities at home and abroad, learn new skills, expand their social network and have a huge amount of fun in the process.

Rotary runs countless humanitarian projects locally, nationally and internationally and also partners with many charities worldwide. Members initiate projects which address the needs of their local communities such as running food banks or fundraising for their local children's hospice.

Rotary Clubs are autonomous and determine service projects based on local needs. By combining their skills and resources, our members are able to make a real contribution to the lives of others.

What we do

Members volunteer their time to serve the local community, through activities such as supporting community events, running educational programmes, supporting local businesses or helping out at music festivals, fun runs and marathons.

They organise national competitions in music, cookery, photography, public speaking and citizenship to help young people improve their skills.

Because of Rotary's vast international geographic spread, we are in the unique position to be able to reach people in need all over the world, from running life changing projects in developing countries to making an immediate response to disaster hit regions.

Rotary has it's own charity, The Rotary Foundation, which funds the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty throughout the world.

In local communities

Rotary Clubs carry out a range of different activities and projects which aim to help improve the quality of life in their local communities

Projects include:

  • Kids Out day - an annual day out for disadvantaged children
  • Assisting at music festivals, concerts and fetes
  • Youth projects - encouraging young people's talents and opportunities
  • Supporting foodbanks
  • Sponsored bike rides and races
  • Christmas collections
  • Support for local residential homes - for the elderly or disabled
  • Support for schools - with mock interviews and business days
  • Volunteering alongside local charities
  • Support for hospices

Polio eradication

The crippling and sometimes fatal disease of polio is still a very harrowing reality for children in parts of Africa and Asia and threatens children everywhere.

Rotary has made polio eradication its top priority since 1985 and every pound Rotary raises becomes £3 with generous support by Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. To date around US$1 Billion has been raised.

Latest updated pages (click to view)

We are also proud to be affiliated to the Warboys Community Association 

Our Social Media

Happening soon...

Tue, Jul 30th 2024 7:30 pm

Council and Business Meeting to be held in the Scout Hut

Fish and Chips proposed at price to be confirmed. Results of the recent membership survey will be circulated and on the Agenda for discussion.

Tue, Aug 6th 2024 7:30 pm


Menu to be confirmed

Tue, Aug 13th 2024 7:30 pm

Speaker Night - AUSTRALIA - Rotarian John Charlton

Butter Chicken with yoghourt and spices with Coffee £16.00

Tue, Aug 20th 2024 7:30 pm

Council and Business Meetings

Slow Cooked Pork and Coffee. Cost £16.00.

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Tuesdays at 19:00 for 19:30

(PLEASE NOTE All mail to the Secretary NOT the golf club) 4 Abbey Terrace

PE26 1DD  01487 812600

Web site about the locality

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values