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SPEAKER ON 23rd January was Richard kennell ceo of SOFEA (south Oxfordshire Food and Education Alliance) he spoke of the changes that reflect emerging priorities in food production and supply. Also the work with young people to help them gain skills and confidence. The club has been a longtime supporter.

Welcome to new member inducted

 https://www.bing.com/search?q=didcot+rotary+club&qs=UT&pq=didcot+rotary+&sc=9-14&cvid=5012DCA432C7435A9CC68420A1FB2E3A&FORM=QBRE&sp=1&ghc=1&lq=0 on 9th January, Alan GREEN. 

A Very Happy New Year 2025 to all from Didcot Rotary Club

38 club embers and friends attended the Christmas Lunchon 19thDecember

speaker at club meeting, PDG Stan Eldon on his life of international running and charity runs covering 65 years. Photo is of him beating Olympic marathon  champion Alain Mimoun.

On Thursday 14th November the club entertained the "Students of the Term"

They received their awards from club president AlanDawe.

The winning students were Lucas(StBirinus", olie(Walligford School), Agelia(Aurius)andLil(DidcotGirsSchool)) .

They spoke about their school activities, charity fundraising, helping other school members and technology.



    Club members and friends enjoyed a charity BBQ at a members home on 16th August.



  Souvenir of 50 year celebration click  below...


The club celebrated 50 Years of Rotary on 29th June.
The change of President from Jane Milne to Alan Dawe  

There was a very good presentation of the club history by PP and founder member Gordon Walker OBE, PHF.

sixty five people attended including past members travelling from Devon and Scotland.

Several members were awarded Paul Harris Fellowships in including  Platinum award to secretary Liz Tappin who was associated withe club over the 50 years 


Four students from the four schools taking part in our special 'Students of the Term' special lunch.They all spoke about their activities including fundraising for good causes.

in the photo -

Philip(St.Birinus), Jesica (Didcot Girls) President Jane Milne, Kidest (Aurius) and Oliver (Wallingford School)

Latest club member to speak to the club was Colin Timmins who spoke about how he becomes a Rotarian and his career as a surveyor building. Any of the roads in the South.

The latest speaker was Rotarian GregWilkinson who updated the club on "Shelter Box


Another home speaker on 25th April, John Stone, IPP, who spoke on "food",as he was a lifetime chef.

Club member David West MBE spoke at the club today about his time as a guide at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. Hebgavevgreat details of the Kings and other royals buried there and at the Royal Cemetary.
Club speaker on 28th Marchwas Emma Teesdale on "Reducing the Risk of Domestic Violence "


Happy birthday to Rotary, 119 years old today 23rd February, formed in Chicago in 1905. : 


On 14th March we had our students of the Term at lunch where they were presented with their awards by club President Jane Milne.
Amelia (Aurius School), Hannah ,(Didcot Girls School), Joshua (St Birinus), and Will (Wallingford School)


On 22nd February we had a very good speaker. Steve James on "The Corner Men", a project for men at the South Moreton boxing club. 


 The speaker at club meeting on 8th February was Wendy Walker on Victim Support where she worked in the Thames Valley to help the victims of all crimes. *.                              ****************

** Youth speaks competition , winning teams -intermediate winners from Aureus school.Jason, Megan and Lacey.senior winners from Didcot Girls school -Coco, Aleena and Orla with club president Jane Milne. **

************** Didcot Rotary and Wallingford and District Rotary Clubs held a joint Youth Speaks competition at Didcot Girls School on Thursday 1st December. Topics were very interesting and thoroughly researched. All students performed to a very high standard.Four schools took part in either the intermediate or senior levels.Winners Didcot Girls School won the Intermediate and the winner in the senior was Didcot 6th Form.

 President Handover Jane Milne (Vice). Flowers to club secretary Liz On Saturday 25th June the club held Presidents Night and Handover meeting from Richard Smith to John Stone. The club has welcomed five new members Alan and Pat Dawe from Henley Bridge, Geoff Fewings, Colin Gibbens and Paul Dexter from Wantage RC ******************

Happening soon...

Thu, Feb 13th 2025 12:45 pm

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No Meeting

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We meet on Thursdays at 12.45

((5th contact sec)) Milton Hill

OX13 6AB  01235 831223

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values