President Alan selects The Rotary Foundation as his Charity of the year.
DetailsFun is a key part of Rotary membership. We put a lot of energy and enthusiasm into the social side of the Club.
DetailsOur ever popular tour of Dunstable and the villages, sees thousands of children in the lead up to Christmas.
Last year we covered 60 miles of streets in the lead up to Christmas!
We are the largest volunteering organisation in the world.
With over 36,000 clubs, and 1.4 Million members.
There are unlimited opportunities to explore. Great things happen when you join Rotary. You are part of a huge family, and you will be welcome at any club anywhere in the world!
Many of our members have built long-term friendships through Rotary, all around the globe. See our separate article on our twinning arrangement with RC Menen, and Borgoine-Jouillet.
END POLIO NOW. We are on the verge of eradicating Polio. We started in 1985 inoculating children all over the world.
We meet on Tuesdays at 12.45
(Due to the relocation in January 2023, some weeks we will be meeting on Weds or Thursday. Please contact us for more info. ) Dunstable Downs Golf ClubBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.
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