Welcome to our website. Scroll down to find out about our activities (in addition to the pages linked in the menu above left.)

Featured pages

Santa Sleigh

Santa Sleigh

The Santa Sleigh brings delight to children of ALL ages and raises money for over 50 local charitable organisations!



Raising funds for local and international projects.

Youth Projects

Youth Projects

Youth Service recognises the importance of empowering youth and young professionals through development of leadership, teamwork and interpersonal skills.

Community Projects

Community Projects

Every Rotary Club and every Rotarian assumes a responsibility to find ways to improve the quality of life for those in their communities.

Social and Speakers

Social and Speakers

We have a number of social events each year and some fabulous guest speakers at our meetings. We also have fellowship meetings where we find out more about each other.

End Polio Now and International Projects

End Polio Now and International Projects

A well as End Polio Now we have a number of initiatives abroad to help those in need and effected by disasters.


About us

beverley presidentWelcome from Club President Martin Hann

We care about Communities

The reason we say this is because we often get asked "What does Rotary do?" We are a diverse group of people, from all walks of life, who action local, national and international projects. The Rotary movement is big, with 34,282 clubs and over 1.2 million members worldwide. As you can imagine there are a lot of different projects going on.

Our Hemel Hempstead Club is involved in activities which concentrate largely on our local communities.  These include young people, the elderly, and those who are disadvantaged.  We raise funds in a variety of ways.  We also help  International communities when disaster strikes or where we think we can improve living conditions.

Do you want to know more about what we do? Do come along. Find out about membership and our Friends for Rotary scheme. There are many ways in our club you can get involved for your community.


Happening soon...

Hemel Rotary Quiz Night 2025

Sat, Mar 1st 2025 7:00 pm

Hemel Rotary Quiz Night 2025

Hemel Rotary will be holding a Quiz Night on Saturday 1st March in aid of DENS and Rotary elected Charities - tickets available now. Click "Details" for copy of flyer.


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Tuesdays at 18:45 for 19:15 until 21:30

(but some meetings on Zoom & no meeting following a Bank Holiday. Check with Secretary (07785258870) before unannounced visit. ) Holiday Inn
Breakspear Way
Hemel Hempstead
HP2 4UA  0871 942 9041
W3W:  ///boring.pays.movies

Web site about the locality

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values