Welcome to the Rotary Club of Portishead. If you want to contact us, our email address is: portisheadrotary@aol.com

Featured pages

'Possett' Magazine July 2024

'Possett' Magazine July 2024

Find out ther latest news from Portishead Rotary Club

The 'New Team' 2024/25

The 'New Team' 2024/25

President Paul and Senior Vice President David - 2024/245

The Mollie Young Memorial Swimathon 2024

The Mollie Young Memorial Swimathon 2024

An amazing £14,383 raised for charity!

Supporting the Foodbank with Sainsburys

Supporting the Foodbank with Sainsburys

Sainsbury’s, Portishead continue to come up trumps in supporting our local community in partnership with Portishead Rotary Club

Crockerne School Golf Experience

Crockerne School Golf Experience

Some pupils from Crockerne C of E Primary School enjoying a golf lesson

Rotary Youth Competitions 2024

Rotary Youth Competitions 2024

Trinity School winners


About us

What is Rotary?

Rotary has 33,000 clubs in 200 countries representing a network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, and community leaders who come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities and around the world.

Our differing occupations, cultures, and countries give us a unique perspective. Our shared passion for service helps us accomplish the remarkable.


We work with youth to create our future leaders:

• by challenging our young to apply their skills. Through a number of national competitions we help them to achieve pride in their work.

We support those in our community:

• and look for projects which will make a difference to people’s lives.

We help local charities and causes raise funds for their projects:  

• we both organise fund-raising events and directly collect funds to help them carry out their work.

We aim to make a difference both here in Portishead and around the world.


Our impact starts with our members: people who work tirelessly within clubs like Portishead Rotary to solve some of our communities' toughest challenges. 

Our efforts are supplemented by Rotary International, our member association, and The Rotary Foundation, which in turn support our work around the world. 

Rotary is a “bottom-up”, member led, organisation where the focus is on making a difference locally at the same time as supporting projects across the world that make a difference to the communities they reach.

Our Club

The Rotary Club of Portishead meets every Tuesday evening at 'The Albion' for a meal and we normally have a speaker presenting a subject relevant to our work within the community

We also talk and plan what we can do for the local community as well as supporting projects located both in the UK and internationally.

Why not come to one of our meetings and find out what it is all about.

For more information, you can contact us via the "Join Rotary" link at the top right of this page. Alternatively you can  look at our noticeboard in Portishead Precinct

You can also contact us by email at : portisheadrotary@aol.com

Our Social Media


Happening soon...

Join our Club

Thu, Apr 4th 2024 4:00 pm - 4:00 pm Tue, Dec 31st 2024

Join our Club

Make a difference to the lives of others

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Tuesdays at 7:00pm

(No meetings on Tuesdays that follow a Monday Bank Holiday) The Albion
15 Bristol Road
BS20 6PZ  01275 817906
W3W:  //////twin.mountains.revisits

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values