Join us for an evening of fun and pit your wits against the rest!
DetailsThank you for all the wonderful work that you do for your community!
DetailsThis was our chance to thank Past President Brian Lewis for 40 years of dedicated service to the local community.
DetailsWhat is Rotary?
Erith Rotary is one of 34,000 Clubs Worldwide, where members give their time to support their local community and International projects. Our Club has proudly served the people of Erith since it was founded in 1929. Over that time, membership has flourished as has the contribution that we have been able to make to projects both large and small.
What do we do?
Whether it be helping at a local fete or organising a grand event to support people less fortunate than ourselves, we like to get involved at all levels and what's more, have fun doing it!
Perhaps the one event that most people associate with us, is our Goodwill Week, when we join up with Father Christmas to tour the local streets spreading happiness along the way. So many people talk about how they remember seeing Father Christmas come around when they were young and now they get the chance to share it with their own grandchildren. The look on people's faces is thanks enough for anyone!
Another major event in recent years, has been the Erith Fun Day. On occasions like this, we turn our attention from 'fund to fun raising' as we join together with members of the local community to create a day that offers a whole range of activities for both young and old to enjoy. This is a day out where families really can come together and just have fun.
However, it would be wrong to suggest that this is all that we do. We also take every opportunity to enjoy each other's company, whether that be through our weekly meetings or the social side of our club! Friendship is a key element in our Club and we pride ourselves on our ability to make visitors and new members, most welcome. If this sounds like something that you would enjoy, why not come not along and check us out!
Where do we meet?
We meet every Wednesday lunchtime at The Europa Centre, Maiden Lane, Crayford 1 p.m. - 2.15 p.m. When that hasn't been possible, we have still kept in contact through the virtual world. Who says Rotary doesn't move with the times!
Our first meeting of the month though, is in on a Tuesday evening with a 7:30pm start. If this is more convenient for you and you would be interested in joining us, please do get in touch, we really would love to see you.
We meet on Wednesdays at 1300
(The first Tuesday of the month, is where we are joined by our evening members, with a 7:30pm start.) Vimy WayBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.
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