About us



Thank you for visiting our Club website - I trust you will find some interesting information about Hawick Rotary.

If you live locally and are interested in finding out more about Rotary, please get in touch with us, when you can hopefully be invited along to visit us at one of our Thursday evening meetings. Why not contact our Secretary Andy Tyler at athawrot@gmail.com

This year we will have teams responsible for International & Foundation projects, and for Vocational & Community business which tends to be more local to our area. Rotary International President Gordon McInally's chosen motto for 2023/24 is 'Create Hope in the World'. We want our Club to make a difference: in our community and across the world. We will also continue to support Rotary to achieve a world free of polio, and the end is in sight.

For this 2023/24 Rotary year, our meetings will be mainly weekly,and we look forward to enjoying the fellowship, fun and friendship which are important parts of Rotary. We normally have an interesting array of speakers, complemented by an enjoyable social programme. Each of the Borders Clubs has their annual President's Night, where we have an evening of fun and fellowship, with good food and entertainment. This year the Hawick night is on Friday 13th October, when I hope to welcome fellow Borders Club Presidents and their members - all are welcome.

Ron Smith - President 2023/24   



Photo above :  'The Horse': possibly the best known landmark in Hawick, and a symbol of the town's historic traditions. However, we're an active club, and, while aware of our successful history, we're trying always to look forward, keen to welcome new members who will bring freshness and new ideas.

We aim to bring Rotary to the attention of townsfolk and to this end have planted a crocus display on a grassy slope at Heronhill Bank on Weensland Road. The crocuses are an emblem of Rotary's project to End Polio Now and their planting in 2017 incorporated a donation by local Rotarians to this project. We also were successful in receiving a grant in Spring 2022 from the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fund which allowed us to plant, in association with Scottish Borders Council, a group of five trees in Slitrig Crescent, Hawick.











Photos by Derek Lunn and Jack Swanston


Happening soon...

Thu, Aug 1st 2024 5:30 pm

Annual Lawn Bowls tournament

Lawn Bowls tournament at Wilton Bowling Green with meal afterwards at La Locanda Romana

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 18.30 for 19.00

(Meetings are held weekly No meetings over the Christmas and New Year period.) Mansfield House Hotel
Weensland Road
TD9 8LB  01450 360400

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values