About us




 Rydym yn glwb gwasanaeth gyda thua 30 aelod sy'n gwirfoddoli ein hamser a'n hadnoddau.  Ein prif nod yw gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl, ac ar yr un pryd cymdeithasu a threfnu gweithgareddau difyr. Rydym yn codi arian at achosion lleol, yn trefnu digwyddiadau cymunedol, yn hyrwyddo cyflawniadau pobl ifanc ac yn ymateb i argyfyngau brys/a thrychinebau pan allwn. Fel rheol rydym ni'n cwrdd ddwiwaeth y mis ar gyfer cinio ac i drafod busnes y clwb neu i groesawu siaradwr gwadd.  
We are a service club of around 30 members who volunteer our time and resources.This Year our President is PHILIP EVANS. His contact details are mailphilipevans@gmail.com. Telephone 07495 395469 . Our primary aim is to make a difference to the lives of people, whilst at the same time socialising and organising entertaining activities. We raise funds for local causes, organise community events, promote the achievements of young people and respond to emergency/disaster crises when we can. We normally meet twice a month for lunch to discuss club business or to welcome a guest speaker. GET IN TOUCH WITH PRESIDENT PHILIP FOR A CHAT TO LEARN MORE 

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Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Tuesdays at 12:45

(We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month plus breakfast meetings on the 5th Tuesday. We do not meet on a Tuesday following a Bank Holiday.) Marine Hotel
Marine Terrace
SY23 2BX  01970 612444
W3W:  //////preheated.shunted.hardening

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values