Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)

Rees Parkhouse, our RYLA 2023 recipient

Youth Chairman Andy Hill with Rees Parkhouse

We were delighted to welcome back to our club meeting Rees Parkhouse, our 2023 RYLA recipient, in November to receive his certificate from Andrew Hill.

Some years ago Rees won our Young Musician Competition, progressing to the national final and from there, to Rotary Conference as a guest performer.    His talent on drums is truly jaw-dropping!

So, understandably, we were delighted when he accepted our invitation to participate in last year's RYLA course which is designed to help young people develop team skills and leadership.  

If you know of a young person who would benefit from professional leadership training... something which could help in their career path, or just to tackle life's many challenges, please get in touch.

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Youth Chairman Andy Hill with Rees Parkhouse

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