Choral Workshop

A one day Choral Workshop

Saturday, 22nd October saw nearly eighty singers from as far away as Loughborough and Daventry turn up at the Lutterworth High School for a “Come and Sing” Choral Workshop.  Organised by the Rotary Club of Lutterworth Wycliffe, the workshop was open to all those of any age and ability: the only criteria being a love of singing.

The music chosen for the day was the well-known and much loved Vivaldi’s Gloria, and the day was led by Conductor Robert Foreman, B Mus, FRCO, who is the Director of Music at Market Bosworth Parish Church and a specialist in choir training.  Starting at 11:30 am with a break for lunch at one o’clock, rehearsals continued until 4:00 pm when there was a further break for light refreshments of tea and cake (tea and coffee had been kindly donated by Morisons supermarket, and a selection of cakes donated by Valerie’s Cake Boutique of Lutterworth).  Family and friends of the singers were invited to join us for the refreshments before listening to what had been achieved during the day.  And what an achievement!  Three soloists, Abigail Riley, Courtney Lawrence and Anna Herbert, all pupils of Robert Forman joined the choir to sing the solo parts and together, succeeded in in creating a memorable performance.

This was the first time the Lutterworth Wycliffe Rotary Club had attempted an event such as this, and was organised with a certain amount of trepidation.  However, we can now confidently say that the event was a tremendous success, and through a small registration charge for the singers plus generous donations from the audience, raised nearly £800 for the Rainbows Children’s Hospice and the Lutterworth High School music department.

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