In the footsteps of Carnegie

Our Ambassadors to the Peace Building Conversations

Our Ambassadors and the Project Direcor outside the Peace Pqalace

Ambassadors’ peace mission

TWO Dunfermline students have pledged to promote to today’s youth the peace-building mission of the city’s greatest benefactor, Andrew Carnegie.

Their inspiration was not just the prominent profile of their peers in the Armistice centenary commemorations but their engagement in the Carnegie Peace-Building Conversations in The Hague, where Carnegie’s Peace Palace endowment stands as an iconic monument to the pursuit of world peace by the Dunfermline-born steel king and philanthropist

Jenna Yeates, and Lewis Steer, both former pupils of Dunfermline High School, represented Carnegie’s birthplace and added to Scotland’s youth voice in the first edition of an international convention, held in the Peace Palace ”to generate fresh perspectives on peace-building and conflict resolution”.

Jenna has just completed her third year at Aberdeen University, where she is pursuing an MA degree in educational studies, while ex-head boy Lewis is a third-year student at the Royal School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh.

In retailing their experiences in a presentation to their sponsors, the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust and the Rotary Club of Dunfermline, Lewis emphasised "the importance of current youth involvement in peace processes" and Jenna spoke of "children being the future for peace".

The two delegates, in conjunction with trustees and Rotarians, are now planning to take their messages into local schools…to engage with pupils, parents and staff in an attempt to include "Peace" in the curriculum.

They have also volunteered to assist with other related developments nationally.

Recalling "Carnegie's virtual obsession with peace” and “his continuing influence in modern-day peace-building", they pointed out that the Peace Palace's promotion of peace was now directly linked to the current 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – a fact which was, in itself, a “remarkable legacy”. 

The financial cost of violence around the world was now estimated at over $14.7 trillion per annum and this was now leading to substantial work on "Making Peace Profitable" and developing "Pathways to Peace". Improving health and well-being was also regarded as a "Foundation for Peace", as were several related topics, including gender equality, education, health promotion, entrepreneurship, rehabilitation, reintegration and philanthropy. The practical role of charities, aid and social enterprise was also highlighted.

Rotary club secretary, Ralph McCran, congratulated Lewis and Jenna on being “absolutely outstanding ambassadors for the community”.

Jenna and Lewis are pictured with project director Angus Hogg (back right), an honorary member of Dunfermline Rotary Club and a Paul Harris Fellow, and Ian Wilson, chairman of the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust.

 So you think you know about Carnegie? lewis and Jenna have set you this quiz (Answes below) 

1. Approximately how many libraries between the years 1883-1929 did Andrew Carnegie help fund? 500    1000    1500     2000    2500 

2. How many brothers and sisters did he have and can you name them? 

3. Andrew Carnegie donated 1.5 m to build the Peace Palace at The Hague. Who was the original architect of the Peace Palace?

4.  How long did it take to build?  

5. What did Tsar Nicholas 11 donate to the Peace Palace? 

6. How much did it weigh? 1 ton  2 tonnes  3 tonnes    

7. What is situated at 881 7th Avenue New York?

8. Where is Andrew Carnegie buried?   

9. What did Andrew Carnegie buy in 1898 for £85,000?  

10. When was New Carnegie House Built in Dunfermline? 

11. Who opened it?  

12. Where was Andrew Carnegie father born?    

13. What was his occupation?  

14. What does this quote relate to? 

“The great event in my life of its kind has happened.” 

15. Who did Andrew Carnegie sell his steel business to?

16. When did Dunfermline Carnegie Library open? 

17. Who laid the first foundation stone?

18. What was the occupation of Andrew Carnegie’s maternal grandfather? 

19. What name was Andrew know as when he was growing up?

20. What does CYPI stand for?

21. Where is Vartan’s Way in Dunfermline?

22. When was Andrew Carnegie born? 

23. What motto did he adopt instead of a “Coat of Arms”? 

24. Where is this motto found in Dunfermline?

25. What was the name of Andrew Carnegie’s steelworks in Pennsylvania?


1. Approximately how many libraries between 1883-1929 did Andrew Carnegie help fund. 500    1000    1500     2000    2500  (2500)

2. How many brothers and sisters did he have and can you name them? (Tom &Ann)

3. Andrew Carnegie donated 1.5 m to build the Peace Palace at The Hague. Who was the original architect of the Peace Palace?Louis Cordonnier

4. How long did it take to build? (10 years - 1903-1913) 

5. What did Tsar Nicholas 11 donate to the Peace Palace? (A vase)

6. How much did it weigh? 1 ton  2 tonnes  3 tonnes    3 tonnes

7. What is situated at 881 7th Avenue New York ?(Carnegie Hall)

8. Where is Andrew Carnegie buried?   (Sleepy Hollow N Y )

9. What did Andrew Carnegie buy in 1898 for £85,000?  (Skibo Castle)

10. When was New Carnegie House Built in Dunfermline?  (2008)

11. Who opened it?  (Princess Royal)

12. Where was Andrew Carnegie father born?    (Pattiesmuir)

13. What was his occupation?  (weaver)

14. What does this quote relate to?

“The great event in my life of its kind has happened.” The purchase of Pittencrief Park

15. Who did Andrew Carnegie sell his steel business to?  (JP Morgan)

16. When did Dunfermline Carnegie Library open? (1883)

17. Who laid the first foundation stone (His mother Margaret)

18. What was the occupation of Andrew Carnegies maternal grandfather (cobbler)?

19. What name was Andrew know as when he was growing up? (Andra)

20.  What does CYPI stand for?(Carnegie Young People Initiative)

21.  Where is Vartan’s Way in Dunfermline Between Louise Carnegie gates & Andrew Carnegie statue in Pittencrieff Park 

22. When was Andrew Carnegie born? (25/11/1835)

23. What motto did he adopt instead of a “Coat of Arms”? Let there be light.

24.  Where is this motto found in Dunfermline – Above the front door of the original Dunfermline Library

25. What was the name of Andrew Carnegie’s steelwork in Pennsylvania  Homestead

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