Tony's 100 Bridge Challenge

Mon, May 31st 2021 at 10:30 am - 4:30 pm

A Charity Walk in aid of 'Bedford Daycare Hospice' and 'Schoolreaders' charities

Tony's 100 Bridge Challenge

  The last year has been probably the most difficult and challenging on record, with much physical and mental suffering across the world, and not least here in the UK. During these unprecednted times, I have had the honour of serving as President of my Rotary Club - Bedford Castle. One of our main aims is to offer help and support to the local Bedford community by raising funds for those less fortunate than ourselves. However, lockdown and the restrictions currently in place have significantly limited our ability to undertake 'normal' fundraising activities and events.
Therefore, I have decided to do something personally to try and raise some much needed funds for my two chosen charities, The Bedford Daycare Hospice and Schoolreaders, which have had very limited access to fundraising opportunities for some time.

  • The Bedford Daycare Hospice was established 25 years ago to provide a safe haven where individuals with a life limiting condition are cared for with dignity and empathy, much needed respite from their daily routine.
  • Twenty five percent of all children left primary school last year significantly disadvantaged as they were unable to read well. Schoolreaders provides a vital service giving free one-to-one reading sessions with primary school children to enable them to access their secondary education properly and improve their lifetime chances.

I plan to undertake a sponsored walk challenge to cross 100 bridges up and down the Bedford Embankment in a single day, requiring me to cover a distance greater than 12.5 miles ..... almost a half marathon!

My chosen day is the spring bank holiday Monday May 31st. I would be most greatful for your generous sponsorship. Please visit my Virgin Giving Money page to donate at:




'What We Do' Main Pages:

New Members and New Forms of Membership


An Annual Competition held in Bedford for Young and aspiring Musicians, sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Bedford


The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle has over many years sponsored many young people to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Courses


BookTastic, Bedford’s Children’s Book Festival, brings the UK’s leading writers and illustrators to Bedford, inspiring children and encouraging them to engage with books and reading in an exciting and accessible way.


The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle are working together with students and staff from Bedford Academy to raise funds for much needed equipment.


Members of the Rotary Club of Bedford Castle volunteers attend the Bedford Food Bank each week to assist in sorting the food donations ready for delivery


Every year the Rotary Club provides opportunities for adults and young people to build confidence and self-esteem by taking part in adventurous outdoor activities at the Calvert Trust's facility in the Lake District


Sailability Programme - Members preparing, launching and recovering boats


Club Members supporting The Kimbolton Fayre - Admissions and the sale of Raffle Tickets for the Grand Draw


Bedford Castle Rotary Club put a great deal of effort into raising money for good causes. Over the past few years we have made charitable donations to the following:-
