Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle has over many years sponsored many young people to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Courses

The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle has over many years sponsored many people. to attend the residential course held at Grafham Water ,Cambridgeshire and involves both indoor & challenging outdoor exercises, Focus of RYLA is to provide foundational leadership skills for young people through an intensive training experience. (15 hours a day for 7 days).The Course involves personal and leadership development, team building, business scenario, problem solving, project development, time management and communication including art of public speaking. Those attending gain experience working in a team, leading, and supervising other and helps those taking part to realise leadership potential in themselves, build.confidence and a clearer understanding of their own potential. 

Rtn Paul Hoare with Reece Rennie at Grafham Water

Reece Rennie, the Rotary Club of Bedford Castle's candidate for RYLA 2023 attended the meeting on 3rd October and gave presentation to the Club Members on the 7-Day RYLA Course that he attended. Reece said that he had been prepared for some of the events like rock climbing and kyacking but other activities took him by surprise and definitely challenged well beyond his comfort zone. Reece went on to say he found the 5.6 km walk, map reading by night challenging, the very cold night under canvas, and getting up at and walking 2 km before breakfast very demanding. Reece said the event had certainly surpassed his expectations and having competed the course he was confident that the experienrce had improved his leadership skills and his awareness and understanding of how to help and motivate those around him.

President Leigh presenting Reece with his RYLA Certificate

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Kimbolton Country Fayre & Classic Car Show - Rotary Club of Bedford Castle will be supporting this event in 2024


New Members and New Forms of Membership


Bedford Castle Rotary Club put a great deal of effort into raising money for good causes. Over the past few years we have made charitable donations to the following:-


The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle are working together with students and staff from Bedford Academy to raise funds for much needed equipment.


Sailability programme


The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle has over many years sponsored many young people to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Courses


Members of the Rotary Club of Bedford Castle volunteers attend the Bedford Food Bank each week to assist in sorting the food donations ready for delivery


Every year the Rotary Club provides opportunities for adults and young people to build confidence and self-esteem by taking part in adventurous outdoor activities at the Calvert Trust's facility in the Lake District


The events and activities that Club Members are supporting leading up to Christmas 2023


BookTastic, Bedford’s Children’s Book Festival, brings the UK’s leading writers and illustrators to Bedford, inspiring children and encouraging them to engage with books and reading in an exciting and accessible way.


The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle providing support to a local Community Garden Project
