Social & Fun

Our social activities are fun! And we raise money for good causes.

Our twice a year Charity Pub Quiz is on again for October 3rd 2024

Our twice a year Charity Pub Quiz is on again for Thursday, October 3rd, 2024. 

It's a great night for all participants, competing against other pubs and clubs in the area while raising money for charities and having fun!

Who will win the coveted "Quizmaster Cup"? 
Kindly sponsored by Wellington Wise, estate agents

Our previous winners, The Manor & Black Rock Grill - Alconbury supporting  C.A.T.S (Childrens’ Acute Transport Services).  Lakeside Lodge Golf & Country Club came second - See Sub Pages for further details on other winners.

Entry is just £4 per person with no limit to team size.

First prize is £300 to the Charity of the Winners choice PLUS a case of wine for the team!

Further prizes for the Charities of the top 10 teams ranging from £200 - £50

Please Contact Sandra King if you, your Pub or Club are interested in partcipating.

Sandra KingContact Sandra King about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

Social & Fun sub-pages:

The Winners - The Axe & Compass Quiz Team

Charity Pub Quiz Results, March 2024

more Over 700 people took part in the Charity Pub Quiz sponsored by Peter Lane Estate Agents

The Manor & Black Rock Grill - Quiz Master Cup Winners

Charity Pub Quiz Results, September 2023

more Around 600 people took part in the Charity Pub Quiz, sponsored by Wellington Wise Estate Agents

The judging - intense and very serious!

Potato Judgement Day! - August 2023

more The Club held a competition to see who could grow the heaviest crop of potatoes!

Picture Trails

Our Picture Trails encourage everyone to have fun while they take part in gentle activity.

more Spot fun picture clues and answer easy questions as you walk around our 6 village trails