Perth Hyperbaric Services Ltd

The Rotary Club of Perth supports Perth Hyperbaric Services Ltd both by donating grants and by members volunteering to help run the service.

The Perth Oxygen Therapy Centre Perth based at Perth Airport is operated by Perth Hyperbaric Services Ltd, a not for profit company and registered charity. The centre brings to its members the opportunity to experience the benefits of breathing high dose oxygen in one of our Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers.

Perth Oxygen Centre is a friendly environment where users and volunteer operators support each other to provide the best service.

Latest Research
The latest research has found that the genes regulating inflammation are controlled by the level of oxygen reaching the tissues. Breathing oxygen in a pressure chamber can relieve lack of oxygen, reduce inflammation and improve healing. Over the last 30 years thousands of people throughout the UK and Ireland report that they have experienced the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT). The first MS Therapy Centre was built in Dundee almost 30 Years ago and grows from strength to strength.

Who might benefit ?
There are now 64 centres and over the years many people, suffering from a wide range of non-MS inflammatory conditions, have now experienced the benefits of breathing high dose oxygen in these chambers. These include, but are not limited to:- Multiple Sclerosis and other Neurological conditions, Diabetic foot and leg ulcers,, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sports injuries, fracture, ligament and tendon repairs

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