Give Or Take Boxes

Mon, Nov 13th 2023 at 9:27 pm- Sun, Dec 31st 2023 - 11:27 pm

Community Giving in Perth

This GOT Box scheme all started in 2020 during the devastating effects of COVID as a multi agency/partner way of providing free food to those most in need in their own community.   Whilst the pandemic has passed its peak and agencies are once again supporting food poverty in their own way The Rotary Club of Perth has decided to continue to support the four GOT boxes in North Muirton.  Perth Rotary believes that this scheme addresses a form of food poverty which is not covered by the good work of the Perth Food bank.  The food is free to be taken with no questions asked, no forms to be filled and in complete anonymity.   A group of Perth Rotarians have a rota through which they fill the boxes with 7 or 8 tins or packets of food twice a week.

This has proved to be a very worthwhile project allowing Rotary to provide much needed help to a local community at a time when many are finding life extremely difficult.

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