Click here for a Google Map to show where we are and how to find us.
Click on RUN 2024 for a report on the 2024 race, which was again a big success. A 19th run will take place over the same scenic 14k route on moorland tracks and paths near Castle Bolton in Wensleydale by kind permission of Lord Bolton. The Start/Finish will again be in the same field, close to Bolton Castle car park. .Traffic free and well marshalled. Start 11.OOam.
Organised by the Rotary Club of Wensleydale for Rotary Charities, under UK Athletics Rules.
Entry fee £13.50.
Prizes to all category winners and places. Sponsored by The Walking Shop, Leyburn;
Click here for On Line Entries This is now live.
Extensive prize list provided by sponsors for;-
Men 1st and Women1st;
Mens & Womens 3rd:
Cash prizes for Male Veterans lst/2nd 40+, lst/2nd 50+, lst/2nd 60+, 1st/2nd 70+; Lady Veterans lst/2nd 40+, lst/2nd 50+, lst/2nd 60+,1st/2nd 70+. NB- This year there will be THREE Team Shields; Ladies team of 4; Mens team of 4 ; Mixed team of 2 men and 1 lady.
We prefer entries to be received as per closing date, 26th July, though entries will be accepted on the day, in which case, please bring a completed entry form and the correct cash or cheque.
Limit of 300 entries.
Please send entry with cheque (made payable to The Rotary Club of Wensleydale) if entry by mail. Acknowledgement will be by email unless you send a small stamped addressed envelope to; Mr B Whitfield, Hillside House, Patrick Brompton, Bedale, DL8 1JN.
Cost £13.50 each entry
Full name AGE (on race day)
Category ( Tick as appropriate)
Male V40+ V50+ V60+ V70+
Female V40+ V50+ V60+ V70+
Home address Postcode Phone No
email address
I understand that this race is held in accordance with both the Rules & Safety Requirements of the FRA. I confirm that I am aware of the organisers information & requirements in connection with this race. I accept the hazards involved in fell running & acknowledge that l am entering & running in this race at my own risk. Other than the organisers liability for causing death or personal injury by negligence, I confirm that I understand that the organiser accepts no liability to me for any loss or damage of any nature to myself or property arising out of my participation in this race
Signed Date
Sponsored by The Walking Shop, Leyburn;
A separate entry form can be downloaded by clicking on Entry_Form_2025.pdf Please ensure your email address is clearly legible to ensure you receive confirmation.
more We had a beautiful, warm and sunny day, with only light winds, perfect for watchers and checkpoint staff, but maybe a bit hot for some of the runners! (7 pages below this)
more Over 200 Runners enjoyed this year's Run despite a blustery wind (4 pages below this)
more After early rain, conditions were ideal for the 174 runners who took part. (1 page below this)
more This year's Run was organised differently to make it as safe as possible while Covid-19 infections were still high.
more This year's Herriot Run was again very successful despite heavy rain the previous day and a poor forecast, which put off 48 entrants but 264 runners took part in relatively dry conditions.
more 236 runners braved atrocious weather, with heavy rain and wind, to run this year's race
more There was a record entry of 400 for this year's James Herriot Country Trail Run, with 351 actualling running on the day.
more There was a record turnout for this year's James Herriot Country Trail Run with 320 entered and 265 actually running.
more Runners from all over the country took part in this year's James Herriot Country Trail Run near Bolton Castle, organised by the Rotary Club of Wensleydale.
more This second group of photos was taken by Cilla Alcock at gate 14 on the run into the finish
more Michael Rheinberg who was marshalling at gate 12 took a number of photos of runners approaching the final part of the run. This is a slideshow of them.
more The weather was again kind to us with the temperature several degrees lower than the heat of previous days, and with a gentle breeze.
more There was an excellent turnout for this year's James Herriot Country Trail Run with 286 entered and 244 actually running.
more Rotarians were up early to erect the registration tent etc
more There was an excellent turnout for this year's James Herriot Country Trail Run with 296 entered and 257 actually running.
more Extras photos taken from Gate 8 by Howard Binks
more Photos taken at Gate 8. Apologies for the disappointing quality.
more Photos taken as runners reached the top of Black Hill
more Photos taken by various Rotarians preparing for the event
more Photos taken between Gates 12 and 13 nearing Finish
more Entries are now closed and we are full so there will be NO ENTRIES ON THE DAY. Sorry for any disappointment but as we are limited by parking please don’t arrive on chance. Many thanks for your superb support
more Despite the poor weather forecast and the rain that did arrive, 258 runners registered, 70 of them on the day! In the end, 238 actually ran the race, and all finished. The grass sections were softer than in previous years, but none were too wet.
more 204 runners took part in this years race. Conditions were good apart from a strong head wind on the top section. Click on the photos below to enlarge them.
more A sequence of photos taken at the top of the first hill of the Run
more Runners came from all corners of England on Sunday, July 31, to take part in The James Herriot Country Trial Run at Castle Bolton, organised by the Rotary Club of Wensleydale.