Member Activities

sports, social, fun.

President's Putter

Fellowship is an important part of being a Rotarian.  Our regular meetings are supplemented with social and sporting events for the enjoyment of meeting like-minded, local individuals.

You can see the photos of some of these events in the sub-pages on the right.

On a regular basis Perth Rotarians have the opportunity to meet their fellow Rotarians:

·        Every Thursday lunchtime (1pm to 2pm) for lunch at McDiarmid Park.  At these meetings we usually have a speaker.

·        The last Tuesday in every month for breakfast (7.30am) at the Premier Inn, Perth

Guests are welcome to join our meetings, but if you can, please let us know in advance by emailing

Member Activities sub-pages:

Winter Golf

Winter Golf

more Members Play for the Fellowship Quaich

The group sets out

History Tour of Perth

more A walking tour of Perth

Winners of Pool Competition

Pool and Curry Night

more Rotarians enjoy a fun evening of Pool and a Curry

Gavel Challenge Nov 2023

Gavel Challenge

more A fun competition between Rotary Clubs

The tour badge


more Rotary Curling (1 page below this)

The winner of the final race

Race Night for Canadian Curlers Tour

more A fun night raising some money for the incoming Canadian Curlers Tour

The winner

Bowling Rotary Club of Perth versus Perth Kinnoull

more The inter club bowling match

Trophy presentation

3- Rotary Club Challenge : The President’s Putter

more The annual golf challenge for the presidents putter

On the ice

Annual Rotary Charity Bonspiel

more Annual Rotary curing bonspiel

The cirling team

Icur Rotary World Curling Championships

more Rotary Curling

'Golf' at the Gavel Challenge

Gavel Challenge

more The inter club challenge competition

Pool and Curry Night

more Pool competition and curry night (1 page below this)

Tight Lines - Letham Quaich 2018

more Congratulations Steve

Christmas Golf

Christmas Golf

more Fun in the Frost!

Centenary Golf

Centenary Golf Day

more Fun for members and local Rotarians on the North Inch

International Curling Fellowship of Rotarians Friendship Winners 2018


more Winners of the 2018 International Curling Fellowship of Rotarians Friendship Event


more Fishing at the Rotary Club of Perth


(members only log in for more information)