International & Foundation

International Projects together with supporting our own charity Rotary Foundation


Aim & Objectives

The Aim of the International & Rotary Foundation Committee is to lead on the Club’s international and Foundational activities,  building on experience gained in previous years, working collaboratively within the Rotary family and beyond to initiate and complete service projects and to fulfil the Club’s international responsibilities, whether at home or worldwide.

Specific Objectives are as follows:

  • Identify, develop and deliver international projects or local projects with international outcomes; target minimum 2 p/a international projects and/or projects with international outcomes.
  • In developing projects consider opportunities to utilize District and/or Global Grants.
  • Identify opportunities to contribute to disaster relief or to the relief of refugees living locally.
  • Support inbound Global Grant Scholarship students (currently Kaitlin Johnson and Wilson Karogo (Kenya).
  • Organise the Club’s contribution to the Rotary Christmas Shoebox appeal.
  • Engage with international students at local universities, inviting their attendance at Club events, and/or organizing events, liaising as appropriate with other local Rotary clubs.
  • Work with the Youth Committee to explore the potential of international students becoming involved with Rotaract. 
  • Lead the Club’s involvement in international fellowship activities, including with the Rotary Clubs of Alexandria, Orleans and Wurzburg, coordinating with the Administration, Fellowship & PI Committee.
  • Working with the Admin, Fellowship & PI Committee, identify and exploit potential PI opportunities of the Committee’s international and foundation activities, demonstrating and emphasizing the Club’s vibrancy, visibility and volunteering credentials.


Alan Calder-McNicollContact Alan Calder-McNicoll about this page:

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International & Foundation sub-pages:


more Most aid to disasters arrives in a box...

Polio Plus

more Rotary Foundation along with The Bill Gates Foundation have led to the near eradication of Polio in the World

Rotary Foundation

more to be covered later (1 page below this)

Global Grant Scholars Kaitlin and Wilson

Global Grant Scholarships

more We are delighted to be hosting Kaitlin Johnson from Minnesota, USA, and Wilson Karogo from Nairobi, Kenya under Rotary Foundation’s Global Grant Scholarship scheme.

Guests at celebratory dinner

Visit to Orléans

more Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Orléans

International and Foundation Chair, Andy Argo, President Wendy Maltman and Mission International Director Hugh Henderson

ICT devices for Africa

more The education of pupils and students in Africa will be boosted thanks to members of Dundee Rotary Club.

Zooming from Zimbabwe

more Tendai Madanzi from the Rotary Club of Gweru gives an update on the market garden project our club is supporting