Rotary Dunstable visiting Rotary Menen

A visit to the Menen Gate

Members of Rotary Dunstable recently visited Ypres to lay a wreath at the Menen Gate to remember those who did not return from Flanders Fields from the 1914-18 war.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our ever popular tour of Dunstable and the villages, sees thousands of children in the lead up to Christmas. Last year we covered 60 miles of streets in the lead up to Christmas!


President Alan selects The Rotary Foundation as his Charity of the year.

President Roger with PE, Graham, and PN David prepare to lay a commemorative wreath at the Menen Gate, Ypres, Belgium.

Rotary is a stable worldwide platform, on which strong bonds and fellowship is developed.


Fun is a key part of Rotary membership. We put a lot of energy and enthusiasm into the social side of the Club.
