2015 Charity Golf Tournament

Thu, May 14th 2015 at 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

A charity Golf event raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support and Parkinsons UK (Newbury)

  2015 Charity Golf Tournament : Thursday 14 May


Another brilliant Golf Tournament organised by Rtn Trevor Gibbons. 11 teams valiently battled the elements and collectively raised just under £1500 for Macmillan Cancer Support and Parkinson's UK (Newbury Branch).

This year's winners were Team Norfolk and Good (Peter Sidell, Peter Ramsey, Keith Angus and Robin Snell).

Tadley 3 Bristol 1 ( Rtn. Kevin Moseley, Mick davies, John Haberfield and Roy Ward) took second place on the podium.

Lorna Gibbons claimed both the Lady's Closest to the Pin and the Lady's Longest Drive Awards.

Tom Reseigh collected the Longest Drive Award while Tom Chester was Closest to the Pin.

Newbury Honda not only provided a team but also displayed two of their latest Honda cars and sponsored a special draw, a weekend trial of a Honda car.

Simon Tang Wealth Management sponsored a tee as well as entering a team.

We are endebted also to the generosity of all those individuals and companies as well as to the host club, Donnington Valley Golf Club for providing a vast array of attractive raffle prizes.

But above all else we thank all the players for their fortitude, good humour and generosity throughout the day.

Read the full Press Release




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Team Norfolk and Good - the 2015 Tournament Winners


back Newbury Rotary Club organises fun events to raise funds for local community and international charities and worthy causes. We have donated over £85,000 to charities since 2011.