Rotary Club of Newbury Photo Galleries

Desks For School Children Project
Foundation for Farmers Services (FFS) is a member based, Non-Government and non-profit Organization located at Ukerewe District in Mwanza region. The organization is working in partnership with Vi Agroforestry Tanzania and Rotary International Club.
South Wales Male Choir 2020
Another fantastic evening provided by the South Wales Male Choir, Helen Page and Rhodri Prys Jones.
Fifth Monday - Kurien Philip
By Motor Bike from Newbury to New Delhi. 30th March, 7 for 7:30pm at the Donnington Valley Hotel.
Mencap Christmas Party 2019
Loads of fun had by all at this annual event. Click on the "Details" button for more pictures.
Interact presents cheque to the Fair Close Centre
Lottie Bullard, Interact President and Vice President Seedorf Attah from Park House School present their £600 cheque to the Fair Close Centre. Accompanied by guests and the headmaster Derek Peoples.
Purple 4 Polio Evening
Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland's Purple4Polio campaign is providing communities with ideas and opportunities to get involved in ridding the world of polio.
An evening at the Newbury Bowls Club
Fun time had by all as we learnt how this game is not as easy as it looks.
Boules in the Square - 2018
Newbury Annual "Boules in the Square". 2018 Tournament - Sunday 10th June. Another great and successful event with fun had by all.
President's Dinner with Paul Mayhew-Archer
Raising money for Parkinson's Disease Charities in Newbury and Oxford. Contact Eddie Webb on 07876 743033 or email
Community Annual Sponsored Walk
Raise funds for your own charity on Sunday 13th May 2018. Start time between 11 am and 12 pm.
Magic Evening
Great evening had by all. Plenty of magic tricks performed by some talented magicians. And of course the star of the evening Lance Corporal Richard Jones.
Remembrance Sunday
Newbury rotarians and Interact taking part in the Remembrance Sunday Parade
West Woodhay Garden Show 2017
The final result in money terms was that the bids summed to £6,912.50 of which £2,895 came from Rotary Supplied Lots, £2,237 from Harry Henderson and the rest from the villages.
President's Handover.
Mencap Garden Party 2016
President of the Newbury Rotary Club Graeme Leech, the mayor or Newbury Julian Swift-Hook, the West Berkshire Mencap CEO Leila Ferguson and West Berkshire Council chairman Quentin Webb. Celebrating another year of the charity's excellent work.
Hog Roast
Fun time had by all at the hog roast which raised almost £1000 for West Berkshire Mencap.
Park House Interact - Purple Crocus
Planting crocuses (croci or even just crocus) for the End Polio campaign.
Mencap Christmas Party
Never in the field of human conflict has so much orange squash been drunk by so few.
Tri-Club Dinner
Newbury Rotary hosting a Tri-Club Dinner with the Rotary clubs of Hungerford and Thatcham.
Cheese and Wine Evening
An enjoyable meeting with some people from outside Rotary who wished to learn more about the organisation.
Rotary Christmas Dinner 2016
Fun time had by all, even those who had to sing for their supper.
Interact - Park House School
An assembly at Park House School introducing the students to Interact and presenting the Rotary Charter to their existing Interactors.
Young Carers Ten Pin Bowling
Members Moments
2016 Rotary Annual Charity Walk
A fully marshalled route for charities and community groups to raise funds for their own causes.
Quiz Night
Newbury Rotarian LEJOGing for Charities
Newbury Rotarian Kevin Mosley is cycling from Lands End to John O'Groats to raise funds for Alzeimers Society and Coram Thames Valley Life Education
Dinner - Business Meeting and Induction of Jacquy Massingberd-Mundy
Lunch with RIBI President Peter Davey
Lunch hosted by Thatcham Rotary Club for all Red Zone Clubs to meet with RIBI President Peter Davey
Newbury Weekly News Over 80's Parcel Distribution
The Newbury Weekly News Parcel Fund is another great success. Newbury Rotarians rattled tins outside Sainsbury's on November 29th to collect funds and helped to distribute the parcels on December 12th.
Newbury and Thatcham Rotary Clubs at the Berkshire Show
A great weekend at the Berkshire Show 2015
2015 Community Barge Trips
Each year Newbury Rotary charters the Rebecca Barge for 7 days from the Bruce Trust to host day trips for local community groups
2015 Charity Golf Tournament
A charity Golf event raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support and Parkinsons UK (Newbury)
President's Dinner
President Hemant's last supper. A black tie event. Hosted at Denison Barracks, Hermitage. Members, partners and friends were all welcome!
Charity Walk 2015
Over 60 walkers enjoyed a 5 or 7 mile walk around the beautiful "Middleton" countryside of Bucklebury raising over £2000 for their charities and community groups.
Great Bustard Watch
A group visit organised by Kath to observe the rare and protected Great Bustards on Salisbury Plain
Newbury Rotary Charity Golf Days 2013-14
Previous Newbury Rotary Charity Golf Tournaments @ Donnington Valley Golf Club
West Berkshire Mencap Gateway Club Christmas Party
Newbury Rotary supports the West Berkshire Mencap Gateway Club Christmas Party by providing the food, the raffle prizes and helpers for the event. In 2014 it was held at the Enbourne Centre on 17th December.
West Woodhay Silent Auction
This June Newbury Rotary held a Charity Silent Auction at the West Woodhay Festival of Gardening. We hit our target and raised over £7000 for local charities and community groups in 2013. Our heartfelt thanks to all who donated lots and to the bidders.
Cheque presented to NDCCT at Club President's Handover Dinner
Outgoing President Will hands over to Hemant Amin whose first task is to present £5000 to Newbury & District Cancer Care Trust
2 Saints Barge Trip 2014
2 Saints residents and staff enjoying a tranquil day out on the Kennet and Avon Canal
Kintbury Volunteer Group Barge Trip 2014
Kintbury Volunteer Group on a day out on the Kennet and Avon Canal with Newbury Rotary and West Berkshire Rotaract.
Webcas Drop-in Centre - 2014 Barge Trip
Webcas Drop-in Centre members and organisers enjoy a day on the Kennet and Avon from Woolhampton to Ufton
2013 Barge Trips for Local Community Groups
Newbury Rotary Club skippered and crewed The Rebecca Barge from The Bruce Trust for a week in September giving a variety of local charity support groups and their carers a lovely day out on the Kennet and Avon Canal.
6:15pm Dinner - St Patrick's Day Fun
An evening of poetry, limericks and Irish prose. And a load of laughs!
Community Service Projects
Newbury Rotary organised a "Kids Out" trip to Paultons Park for children from our local Castle School, and their teachers on June 11th 2014.
Purple Clothes Day WINCHCOMBE Primary School
Purple Clothes Day at Winchcombe Primary School, Newbury to promote awareness of the Rotary End Polio Now global campaign.
Falkland Primary School - Purple Clothes Day
On 28th March the pupils and staff of falkland Primary School turned purple for End Polio Now
Park House School Turns Purple
Purple Clothes Day event @ Park House School on March 28, 2014
Social Inkpen Walk
Social 5 mile walk of the Charity Walk route followed by Lunch at the Swan Pub.
Tour of Wadworth's Brewery, Devizes
A private tour of the brewery and its livery for Newbury Rotarians and their guests.
Club Christmas Dinner
Annual Club Christmas Dinner for Rotarians and their guests. Venue: Donnington Valley Hotel Entertainment was provided by our talented club members.
Visit to Culham 2 November 2013
Thanks Kath for organising this brilliant trip to Culham on 2 November 2013
Roy's End of Year Dinner
We celebrated Roy's End of Presidency in full regimental style in the Officer's Mess at Denison Barracks, Hermitage on the evening of 24th June 2013.
Boules in the Square: Photo Gallery
Boules in the Square Sunday June 23rd in the Market Place, Newbury A photo gallery captured on the day.